View Full Version : I did a forum search but cannot find any info on +P ammo

08-08-2017, 09:02 AM
I found a gift certificate in a kitchen drawer for 50 dollars from Santa Claus from Midway that hasn't been used yet. Figured might be a good time to experiment with factory ammo in my older (10 or so yrs old) PM 9. Most guns have the +p on the barrel somewhere if they can handle +P ammo. I don't see this anywhere.

Speer has one for short barrel pistols "Speer Gold Dot Short Barrel Ammunition 9mm Luger +P 124 Grain Jacketed Hollow Point (https://www.midwayusa.com/product/216634/speer-gold-dot-short-barrel-ammunition-9mm-luger-p-124-grain-jacketed-hollow-point-box-of-20)" but they are +P as are many of the currently available cartridges.

I don't want to beat up my gun needlessly but would love to chronograph these and see what they will do.

Anyone know about +P ammo?

08-08-2017, 09:11 AM
The +p ....yes or no battle is about as lively of a subject as "380...good enough for self defense?" to some people. Myself, and it is just MHO, I see no reason to shoot +p ammo in my firearms. Do I detest anyone that does...NO. I have shot some NATO rounds that was given to me in my CZ clone (TriStar C100) but the firearms are manufactured in a NATO plant in Turkey, and test fired with NATO ammo.

08-08-2017, 09:17 AM
Most Kahr's are not recommended for +P.

08-08-2017, 09:45 AM
Most Kahr's are not recommended for +P.

This is off the Kahr website...... Q. Which ammunition is recommended for use with Kahr firearms?

A. Kahr Arms does not endorse any particular brand of ammunition. However, not every brand of ammunition produces the same results. Please check the markings on the barrel hood of your firearm to determine the proper caliber. Kahr suggests a visit to a pistol range to test fire different brands of ammunition in the proper caliber. Kahr do not recommend steel case, reloads or un-jacketed ammunition. The Kahr pistol is rated to +P.

08-08-2017, 09:47 AM
Most Kahr's are not recommended for +P.

+P is ok, +P+ is a no go.

08-08-2017, 12:41 PM
What got my interest was the bit about being for short barrels, like my PM 9. This detail might just be a marketing gimmick. 99% of my shooting is with reloads and I can tell a difference in the flame out the barrel on some guns. Usually faster burning powders compensates somewhat for a shorter barrel.

09-16-2017, 01:31 PM
I've shot a couple boxes of +p through my CM9 with no noticeable problems. I don't normally carry +p but wanted to see what it was like in a small pistol. Bigger bang.

09-16-2017, 09:39 PM
With modern high tech ammo it seems that +P isn't as relevant as it used to be.
Lucky Gunner Labs has some comprehensive short barrel test results.
I've found I like heavy for caliber 147 gr standard pressure in all my 9mm guns.
Very soft shooting and groups better in my hands.
Usually run Federal HST 147 gr.
But I did pick up a couple boxes of these today at Cabela's
Federal HST Micro 150 gr 9mm :cool:
https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/b1c72b49-c9d6-4d7c-a3da-6db064e46666_1.06eb3e38aa278f4a17387a14e26a681c.jp eg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=FFFFFF

Ed M
09-17-2017, 08:02 AM
Barth - That 150 gr HST Micro ammo is pretty good stuff. It's really soft shooting, and functions great in all my 9mm carry guns.

Like you, my favorite 9mm carry ammo is the standard pressure 147gr HST. That ammo was tough to find about a year ago, and that's when I found the Micro HST at Walmart, of all places...


09-17-2017, 08:58 AM
I am having to retract my statement about not shooting +p in my pistols. Since I bought the CM9 I have used Aguila 117 gr...(which I thought was a strange gr weight) +p ammo. Seeing how Kahr pistols are rated for +p and it was on sale at Rural King, I bought some and found it to be very good ammo. Probably will not shoot much more +p after the couple of boxes I have are gone now that the CM9 is broken in. I use Hornady 115 gr Critical Defense for my SD ammo as it feeds well in the gun. I can not find any Hornady 135 gr, +p... Critical DUTY to try it and see how it does in the CM9. If I do and find it performs well I might carry it as my SD load instead.

09-17-2017, 10:39 AM
I also really like Critical Defense mark. I practice with 115 gr FMJ so I like that critical defense is 115 gr, no increase in recoil, no difference in point of impact. Also the benefit of the polymer inset to ensure reliable feeding. I'm not a Hornady salesman btw ;)

09-17-2017, 02:16 PM
Surprised Walmart has Federal HST 150 gr and 124 gr in stock today. Still no 147 gr! I asked the sporting goods mgr if they ever get Hornady critical defense in 9mm and she said no, just for 380....some times. Last time at the range I had a plastic ammo wallet with 5 of the Speer Gold Dot 124 gr JHP that was among other miscellaneous types of ammo and they fed in the CM9 without any problems.

09-17-2017, 03:40 PM
Ive pretty much exclusively bought my ammo from sportsman's guide for the past few years. They always have 9mm in stock for 10 bucks a box. About every other week they run free shipping with orders over 50 bucks so I buy it then.

I placed an order with freedom munitions last week and it still hasnt even shipped yet....going back to sportsmans guide for sure.

10-03-2017, 08:03 AM
3 and 1/2 weeks later and finally will be receiving my order from freedom munitions this week. If you are in a hurry for ammo, I would look elsewhere.

10-03-2017, 09:47 AM
115 grain fmj Federal American Eagle 1000 rounds, free ship: 15 cents a round shipped after rebate

Hmm, looks like they're sold out, but the rebate extends for a few more months, so perhaps they'll restock before it expires.

10-03-2017, 12:50 PM
I have bought a lot of ammo, from Freedom Munitions, they have free shipping if you buy enough, and it's always 2-3 week delivery.
Lately I have been buying from these folks: https://www.outdoorlimited.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=1e097704case
115grn for .17 per round.

Shipping is not free, but the more you buy the less per box. If I buy 10-12 boxes, it cost $14. If I buy a case (20 boxes) it is $16. They are one state over from me, and I usually get my order in 2 days.
