View Full Version : LGS Prices are just plain wrong!!!!

08-10-2017, 10:36 AM
Why does a person not support their LGS? I live 6 miles from Wamart. Buy a lot of my ammo there., but try to give LGS as much business as possible to support them. Retired on disability I only have so much expendable money to play with. Yesterday just went to my LGS about 2 miles away looking for a box of good SD ammo for the CW380. Their prices have skyrocketed. Box of 25 Horaday CRITICAL DEFENSE for $28.99. Then I found they had .....Federal Range/Target/Practice ammo, 50 rds.... at the ridiculous price of $22.95!!! Cheapest 380 AMMO WAS Estate FOR $17.99 A BOX. A Kahr CW380 ....same gun I just bought online for $209 ( I know all about LGS can not buy in quantity like Buds or Tombstone) .... LGS wants....... $379.!!! Small Hogue grip...more than double of anywhere one line at $14.99!! I understand profit vs overhead costs, but at some point LGS has to be realistic about their profit margins and think about their need for continued support of the local gun owners.

08-10-2017, 11:29 AM
This is an ongoing issue with many people. I think we would all love to support our local GS, but the prices are usually substantially higher than online purchases. Sometimes, if you are a loyal customer, you can get price breaks, or deals on gun smithing, or accessories, but for the most part, the internet is where the savings are. Fortunately for firearm stores is the fact that some people just don't like doing gun business on the interweb. It's the only thing besides smithing that is keeping GS alive in the gun business. I had someone tell me that they don't like doing business on the web, because they don't want the gov't to know who they are, or what they are buying, so there is still basic firearm ignorance out there. Got a social security number???????:p I have three GS within 3 mi. of my home. I don't patronize any of them, because of their prices. As an example, when they are asking $550 for an M&P .40 compact, you have no choice but to look elsewhere. Plus the fact that it seems that many GS owners have bad attitudes and are really upset how the internet has screwed up there bottom line. Their attitudes carry over to their service, and the way they treat their customers. It's all really too bad, but it's the way it is.

08-10-2017, 01:35 PM
I like to give the LGSs a chance to meet online prices, sometimes they will and sometimes they won't. For accessories, I like to see things in person and look at the package, so if a local store has it I'm more likely to buy it there than wait a couple days for mail order. For most stuff I shop at Academy Sports. Good ammo prices and selection.

A couple of our LGSs have holsters locally made that you can't buy anywhere else, so that's doubly nice. Support the local store, and support local craftsmen.

08-10-2017, 02:37 PM
I like to give the LGSs a chance to meet online prices, sometimes they will and sometimes they won't. For accessories, I like to see things in person and look at the package, so if a local store has it I'm more likely to buy it there than wait a couple days for mail order. For most stuff I shop at Academy Sports. Good ammo prices and selection.

A couple of our LGSs have holsters locally made that you can't buy anywhere else, so that's doubly nice. Support the local store, and support local craftsmen.

You are lucky there in Jacksonville. When I get over to Jax I enjoy looking in the LGS there....much better stocked and yes, many will match or at least come close to the online price. Here in Gatorville we do not have an Academy or Cabela's .....Dicks and Bass Pro are the only choice....neither compare to your choices. Panther Concealment is very popular here, although their holsters never appealed to me I have friends and family that will own nothing else. Pawn shops here are much more expensive and less willing to haggle over prices than in your area too.

08-10-2017, 03:24 PM
It must be different around the country, because up here, firearm prices are usually firm, and they won't even try to match a price. The prices are along the lines of a Gander or Cabela's.

08-10-2017, 03:44 PM
If you get up to Orange Park, check out On Target Sports and GT Distributors. Both run by great folks who treat people right.

I have some Panthers, but I found one by another local guy who's company is called Survivor Creek Tactical, and I like his holsters better than Panthers.

mr surveyor
08-10-2017, 08:10 PM
I just spent $65 to buy a 250 count box of Nosler (that's about 26¢ ea.), 158 gr JHP bullets from my local ffl/lgs friend. I'm a lot more partial to cast bullets in my .357 mags and .38 spl's, but I do try occasionally to "support" the local guy. That box of Noslers will last me 4-5 years at the rate I load and shoot jacketed bullets, but it's another way I can help, is a small way, to keep my buddy in business. I would like to believe he'll still be around when chinamart is gone. Unfortunately, he's 4-5 years older than me ... and I don't expect to be around a whole lot longer.


08-11-2017, 01:09 PM
A few years ago my wife wanted a new gun, something common. We went to the biggest store on a Saturday, and there was a 45 minute wait to talk to the Stoopnagle behind the counter. And they didn't have the gun anyway.

So we went to the biggest chain gun store in the region. They didn't have the gun, but the Bozo said it was on order... And we could get put on a waiting list... And we'd have to pay up front... And he couldn't say when the gun would be in. It was right after that, that I discovered there are FFL holders working out of their homes, who will get anything you want. Since then, every gun I've bought has been through a small potatoes dealer.

Despite having a well equipped machine shop in my garage, when I wanted dovetails cut in the slide of one of my project guns, I was a coward and gave my gun to a local shop owner who calls himself a gunsmith. The machine work came back looking like something I'd be ashamed of. The cutters would have cost me almost want he charged for the job, but the finished work would have looked good, and I'd now have the tooling to do it again.

I don't begrudge store owners making a profit, but if they're going to bend me over the counter, there had better be something good in it for me.

08-11-2017, 03:50 PM
Exactly, if they charge more, customers ought to get more. A VIP room would be a good start.;)

08-11-2017, 04:51 PM
Well the same goes for the big box stores also........ NO RIP Gander MT!!! When they opened in Ocala, Fl I thought..."ok they are new, their prices will come down as soon as they hear the dissatisfied customers.. WRONG!!!! They had no excuse for their over the top ridiculous prices. Dicks Sporting Goods...I can live with them to a point. As I stated prior I wish we had an Academy here in Gainesville.

08-11-2017, 06:59 PM
I want to buy local.
But it's my dime.
Seems like I can always find lower prices on the net.
No tax and often free shipping seals the deal...

08-12-2017, 08:57 AM
We are pretty lucky here in NE OH. There are plenty of local, sole proprietor gun stores in the area and they work hard to be competitive. And they are a GREAT source for used firearms. There's little need to go to any big box stores or even from the interweb. Your market may vary.

We just lost one though recently. RIP Tom.

08-12-2017, 09:52 AM
We are pretty lucky here in NE OH. There are plenty of local, sole proprietor gun stores in the area and they work hard to be competitive. And they are a GREAT source for used firearms. There's little need to go to any big box stores or even from the interweb. Your market may vary.

We just lost one though recently. RIP Tom.

I am originally from western Pennsylvania. Pa, Ohio and West Virginia are great for having very good LGS. My first semi automatic firearm (had revolvers prior) purchase was a Hi Point CF-380. I bought it...think in 2003. It has several thousand...SEVERAL..rds of ammo thru it and still if 100% reliable.
I have gotten away from used firearms.....especially here in Fl. Seems there are more and more first time gun owners that want to mod their new guns into an unusable condition, do not know how to properly care for the firearm or just plain abuse it, then unload their problems to a LGS or pawn shop. Beside that they want new prices for used guns!