08-23-2017, 08:02 PM
I took my new CW 380 to the range to put it through its paces (aka the 200 rd break in) I shot 100 rounds of Blazer, 50 rounds of speer 90 grain g.d. and 50 rounds of Hornady American gunner 90 grain xtp since both of the latter two would be my carry ammo.
I was able to load a round with using the typical "slingshot" method and didn't have to use the ridiculous slide lock bit, and I was also pleasantly supriced how easy the slide cycled and it wasn't as stiff as I expected, recoil was mild and I had two misfeeds in the first one hundred blazer rounds and none with my carry loads.
While its not 100%.... Im not going to move it ahead of my glock 30 or 19, I would say that I am satisfied with the little bugger since its only real jobs are to be small and be a gun I can have if I cant have one of my regular "real guns" I feel like it should do both of the two jobs fine
All in all not a bad gun especially for just over $200. The range had a Glock 42 for rent that I shot to compare the two.
If the glock 42 was the same price I would probably suggest taking a look at it over the cw 380 I don't think the size difference is enough to out weigh the more solid feel of the 42 and the glock is easier to shoot well, but im happy with my choice all the same.
I was able to load a round with using the typical "slingshot" method and didn't have to use the ridiculous slide lock bit, and I was also pleasantly supriced how easy the slide cycled and it wasn't as stiff as I expected, recoil was mild and I had two misfeeds in the first one hundred blazer rounds and none with my carry loads.
While its not 100%.... Im not going to move it ahead of my glock 30 or 19, I would say that I am satisfied with the little bugger since its only real jobs are to be small and be a gun I can have if I cant have one of my regular "real guns" I feel like it should do both of the two jobs fine
All in all not a bad gun especially for just over $200. The range had a Glock 42 for rent that I shot to compare the two.
If the glock 42 was the same price I would probably suggest taking a look at it over the cw 380 I don't think the size difference is enough to out weigh the more solid feel of the 42 and the glock is easier to shoot well, but im happy with my choice all the same.