View Full Version : Bruiser replaces Sparky

09-09-2017, 10:44 AM
Hello all, I'll start by saying I do not intend for this Thread to restart the Sparky discussion from 2 years ago. In the 2 years since Sparky's demise life has prevented me from replacing my PM 45. Finally the stars of the universe aligned and I had the funds to buy another PM45. As fate would have it Bruiser turned out to be a PM4543N (Night Sites) and thanks to the GREAT guys at a LGS in the Lafayette area the price was actually lower than what Sparky had cost me 7 years ago. I'm happy to say that Bruiser has been flawless right out of the box and just as accurate and pleasurable to shoot as Sparky was if not more so. I would like to again thank "wyntrout" for his assistance with photos in my past post and "b4uqzme" for the generous offer he made while trying to convince me to ship Sparky's remains to Kahr. In the last 2 years I have sat with a friend that has been reloading his ammo for over 30 years and learned the in and out loading my own ammo for all of my firearms except for shotguns and 22 cal. for obvious reasons. All of my defensive rounds are factory packed Hornady defensive products and Bruiser spits them out very accurately.I have been able to reproduce the velocities and performance of the factory rounds for my practice ammo and the world is good again. Hope life has treated all of you well and I'll be seeing y'all in the forums from time to time.


09-09-2017, 07:51 PM
I'm thinking on it and, nope, I've never named a single firearm in my life. Nor have I ever named a car.

Now, some folks have named one of my firearms Tommy, but I let it slide as it is a Thompson. Fun little thing it is, too!

09-10-2017, 01:10 PM
Hello all, I'll start by saying I do not intend for this Thread to restart the Sparky discussion from 2 years ago. In the 2 years since Sparky's demise life has prevented me from replacing my PM 45. Finally the stars of the universe aligned and I had the funds to buy another PM45. As fate would have it Bruiser turned out to be a PM4543N (Night Sites) and thanks to the GREAT guys at a LGS in the Lafayette area the price was actually lower than what Sparky had cost me 7 years ago. I'm happy to say that Bruiser has been flawless right out of the box and just as accurate and pleasurable to shoot as Sparky was if not more so. I would like to again thank "wyntrout" for his assistance with photos in my past post and "b4uqzme" for the generous offer he made while trying to convince me to ship Sparky's remains to Kahr. In the last 2 years I have sat with a friend that has been reloading his ammo for over 30 years and learned the in and out loading my own ammo for all of my firearms except for shotguns and 22 cal. for obvious reasons. All of my defensive rounds are factory packed Hornady defensive products and Bruiser spits them out very accurately.I have been able to reproduce the velocities and performance of the factory rounds for my practice ammo and the world is good again. Hope life has treated all of you well and I'll be seeing y'all in the forums from time to time.

Charlie congrats on the new PM45! :)

I'm thinking on it and, nope, I've never named a single firearm in my life. Nor have I ever named a car.

Now, some folks have named one of my firearms Tommy, but I let it slide as it is a Thompson. Fun little thing it is, too!
I'm not inclined to name tools or cars, but I have no issue with folks that do. In fact, I think it adds a little "color".

Now, while I'm not inclined to it, I do have some things that have acquired a name of their own.
There's "Blue Thang", a pistol that acquired the name here.
There's the "Big Friggin' Hammer" out in the garage (There's also a very large screwdriver with a similar name out there).

Hypothetically, if I had two white Grand Cherokees of the same year, I'd probably call one of them No. 2.....maybe even Old No.2 ;)
As is, the two white 94 jeeps I have are called Grand Cherokee and Cherokee, but, I'll admit, I do occasionally call it La Grand Cherookee
Darn, may be I am so inclined.:eek:

Greg :D

09-10-2017, 01:19 PM
Most of the names I have for stuff aren't printable in a family oriented forum.

I too have a Big Friggin Hammer, I call it BFH for short. Also have a BFW, Big Friggin Wrench.

Used to have property with a pond, imagine there's 15 or 20 hammers at the bottom of that pond. Get irritated and give the BFH swimming lessons.

09-10-2017, 02:04 PM
Most of the names I have for stuff aren't printable in a family oriented forum.

I too have a Big Friggin Hammer, I call it BFH for short. Also have a BFW, Big Friggin Wrench.

Used to have property with a pond, imagine there's 15 or 20 hammers at the bottom of that pond. Get irritated and give the BFH swimming lessons.
LOL, that reminds me of a young Lieutenant I knew back in the day. He had told me at a boss's night that he had a bit of a temper, so I wasn't all that surprised when we dropped him off at his house later that night and I noticed, mounted over his work bench like a trophy, there was a caulking gun that had been beaten flat with a BFH.....no explanation was necessary


09-10-2017, 04:23 PM
Most of my fire arms are referred to by their caliber, brand name, or type of weapon. It's not a sexual thing, but Sparky (the first PM45) was flawless and just so accurate and fit my hand so well I just couldn't help but give it a name. Bruiser(the second PM45) so far has been identical to Sparky in every way so naturally he just had to be named. Back when I was an auto tech my BFH was a 10lb maul. Very seldom used for anything other than beating the crap out of an anvil to relieve stress. Also kept shop managers from wanting to come around and PMO further.

09-10-2017, 08:13 PM
My BFH is named "Bertha".