View Full Version : Locating an MK9 Elite

10-06-2017, 04:23 PM
I have been trying to locate an MK9 Elite with no luck. Everywhere I call I am told the same thing. We don't have it and none of our distributors have it either. I called Kahr and was told all they need to do is have their distributor put in an "E" order. I told that to a dealer that and said that was correct. When the same dealer said their distributor didn't have it, I asked can they place the "E" order. They called me back and said the distributor said they don't know where I heard that and they cannot get the handgun. I hope someone can help with some positive advice.

10-06-2017, 05:23 PM
Found some on gunbroker. None of the usual online sites seem to have any of the elite.

10-06-2017, 06:31 PM
Hinterland Outfitters

$775.25. $9.99 Flat Rate Shipping
https://www.hinterlandoutfitters.com/kahr-model-elite-pistol-m9098-actn-only-wrap-text-nylon-grips-polished-finish-p-21933.html (https://www.hinterlandoutfitters.com/kahr-model-elite-pistol-m9098-actn-only-wrap-text-nylon-grips-polished-finish-p-21933.html)

10-06-2017, 06:45 PM

Kahr Arms M9098N MK9 Elite Pistol 9mm 3in 7rd Stainless California