View Full Version : Amnesty Bill - Lou Dobbs

08-24-2010, 10:35 AM
Wonder if airing this piece is what led to his exit from CNN….


08-24-2010, 11:35 AM
This whole administration makes me want to....:puke:.

08-24-2010, 12:11 PM
Try deep breathing and hari krishna chants, ooohmm hari krishna, oohmm hari krishna. It doesn't work too good for me but maybe it'll work for you.
I need to steer clear of these political threads, I'll get banned for sure. Probably already should have been far as that goes.
I think the secret service has me on a watch list. Them fellas are pretty sharp, what a crappy job to have right now though. Gotta be tough. The temptations have to be monumental.

08-24-2010, 12:28 PM
You guys need a little Peptobismol. I just posted this in the wrong area but here's a link:



I posted this and then watched the CNN Lou Dobbs clip. WTF!! Can you believe this excrement!!??:31:

I would like to get a ship with a well-barnacled hull and keelhaul all of those bastards in congress... in the ocean, of course... salt water... sharks. :D

08-24-2010, 01:27 PM
Well you know the reason Presbo wants this to happen is so they can give millions of illegals everything they want and then some along with the right to vote in 2012...Makes me sick that the most important job to the administration is not whats good for the country and hard working American citizens but to get re-elected by buying votes and anything else they can ramrod through and get away with.....It's time to get a rope!!!...

08-24-2010, 02:33 PM
The ultimate goal is for EVERYONE to be like the ones on the dole now... 3-4 generations of living off the producers and adding nothing but more mouths. The idea is to pull everyone down to a basic level where everything is doled out by the all-powerful and "benevolent" government, run by the "elite" who will decide who's worth getting what. Of course, they and their buddies will get everything they want and sit in luxury while ruling over the rest of the little people.
That sure has worked well for all of the other Marxist/communist/socialist centrally planned governments live the old Soviet Union, China, Naz! Germany (National Socialists), North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela, to name a few. Chavez is working on Venzuela. And Obama and his cohorts are working on the USA.

08-24-2010, 02:52 PM
May be time for the 2nd Civil War or should I say the war of States Rights from Northern aggression....

08-24-2010, 03:00 PM
Can we call it eastern aggression. I'm pretty far north, about as far north as one can get short of Alaska but I want to be on your side.
We'll meet at the Potomac and open a can of whoop arse.

08-25-2010, 11:02 AM
Let me re-phrase that statement, How about a 2nd civil war to protect States Rights and against Federal Government aggression....That sound better?...By the way Bawann I picked up the jumbo size can of whoop ars at Costco last night so I got enough to share!!! So as spoken by that great American and former Senater, John Blutarsky (RIP)..."Over? did you say over?"....."Nothing is over until we decide it's over"......"Was it over when Germany bombed Pearl Harbor?"..."He!! no and it ain't over now so who's with me?"....."Lets Dooooooooo it"....:59:

08-25-2010, 11:07 AM
Just FYI, Japan bombed Pearl Harbor... I understand that may be a quote, but all the same...

08-25-2010, 11:20 AM
Hey Bluto said it in Animal House so it must be right and he did go on to be a US Senator so that makes him smart right?...:p

08-25-2010, 11:24 AM
Hey Bluto said it in Animal House so it must be right and he did go on to be a US Senator so that makes him smart right?...:p

I got me one of them jumbo cans too so we're good to go. If Bluto said it, it indeed must be true. How all them history books messed it up is beyond me. To Jlotts credit though, from all I hear about Pearl Harbor its like they won. Maybe we sold it to em?

08-25-2010, 12:11 PM
That was done to help bring a surrender. The mindset in Japan at the time was a bit different.