View Full Version : P-45

09-03-2009, 02:08 PM
I've been carrying a P-45 for about two years now. It has about 2,000 rounds through it. It had some failure to fire issues, then some problems with the magazine falling out and the slide failing to lock after the last shot. Kahr service resolved the failure to fire problem. I am very embarrassed to say that I eventually learned the magazine was falling out because when I drew quickly from concealment and fired, my thumb covered the mag release button and pressure from my support hand had been pushing the release button! Reliability is good now, but sometimes the slide still fails to lock after the last round. This concerns me, as in a real gunfight, I may not do a tactical reload and may end up in a situation where I fire on an empty chamber. This has occurred sporadically on each of the three mags I use. Has anyone else experienced this and have you resolved it?

09-03-2009, 02:32 PM
I had similar problems with my PM40 slide not going all the way back into battery after firing and couldn't figure out what was wrong. The guys at the gun range said most likely it was because the gun was dirty even though I'd just cleaned it. They cleaned the gun extremely thoroughly and it performed without any problems after that. I would suggest just cleaning the hell out of it first.

09-03-2009, 03:48 PM
I have one of the early editions of the P45. The first time at the range, I had problems with the pistol going into battery, subsiquently the trigger would pull all the way through with no bang. Also, when the slide was locked open after the last shot, and I would slam a full mag home, the slide would automatically come forward and chamber a fresh round. I got the trigger assembly replaced and that fixed that problem. As far as the other, I have learned to deal with it and now find it an asset. Keep sending it back till they get it right

09-03-2009, 08:04 PM
I guess I've been lucky with both my first K9 in 1996 and now my early P45. Gave the K9 to my daughter (after 13 years and 5k+ rds we replaced the springs) and have been carrying the P45 for about 4 years now. Only issue has been the slide closing on a fresh mag as soon as the mag slams home. I have never had it chamber empty so I too have learned to enjoy the 1/2 sec advantage. Can't get Blackhawk to issue any of their excellent SERPA holsters for Kahrs, so I stick with the Mitch Rosen IWB and belt holsters for daily wear and Kramer neoprene pocket holsters and mag pouches. May try the tuckable type now as the dress code and work movements may require even more discretion. Anyone tried the Crossbreed offerings? Shoot straight.

09-05-2009, 10:55 PM
I took my P45 to a competition and I was real sorry.
The mags, I have 5, kept falling out.
I complained to Kahr about this about 6 months ago and they sent me a new mag release spring which I replaced. I don't think that's the problem.
Couple guys at the range worked with me to see if it was my grip but no. Even shooting one handed the mags fall out. Real crappy time that night and real sorry I brought my Kahr.
I have tried marking them to track which mags to see if I have a bad one but they all do that.

09-07-2009, 10:32 AM

I have the CB IWB Qwik Clip for my P45/PM 45 Very nice. I also had

Fist make me a OWB for the P45. Good luck

09-07-2009, 01:41 PM
I have 2 P45 and a PM45 and have fitted a Serpa for them all. 1911 Serpa that I heated the sight channel and then compressed only the sight channel and allowed to cool. Took two tries but an excellent fit and now all my carry guns have the same holster. That plus A grip make the best carry combo in 30 years of carrying.

09-11-2009, 03:33 PM
I've been carrying a P-45 for about two years now. It has about 2,000 rounds through it. It had some failure to fire issues, then some problems with the magazine falling out and the slide failing to lock after the last shot. Kahr service resolved the failure to fire problem. I am very embarrassed to say that I eventually learned the magazine was falling out because when I drew quickly from concealment and fired, my thumb covered the mag release button and pressure from my support hand had been pushing the release button! Reliability is good now, but sometimes the slide still fails to lock after the last round. This concerns me, as in a real gunfight, I may not do a tactical reload and may end up in a situation where I fire on an empty chamber. This has occurred sporadically on each of the three mags I use. Has anyone else experienced this and have you resolved it?

I don't have as many rounds through my P45, but with over 1000 rounds I have not had this type of issue. I have stove piped a time or two, but that was due to me allowing a limp wrist. Hope you figure it out!! :o

09-15-2009, 03:42 PM
I also thought my P45 was failing to hold the slide open after the last shot. This happened three or four times during the break in rounds. I was either holding the firearm with my thumb high and it was bumping the slide stop or low and bumping the magazine release during recoil. A strict thumbs forward grip seems to have corrected this problem. This and the few other glitches I experienced were cleared up by the second box of ammo. However, the round count for this pistol is only 400 at this time, it's pretty new. The concealability is excellent and getting use to the small frame is a trade off. I practice tap, rack, bang stoppage drills with all my pistols just in case.

10-08-2009, 08:14 AM
I took my P45 to a competition and I was real sorry.
The mags, I have 5, kept falling out.
I complained to Kahr about this about 6 months ago and they sent me a new mag release spring which I replaced. I don't think that's the problem.
Couple guys at the range worked with me to see if it was my grip but no. Even shooting one handed the mags fall out. Real crappy time that night and real sorry I brought my Kahr.
I have tried marking them to track which mags to see if I have a bad one but they all do that.

I purchased a P45 earlier this year and had the problem of the mags falling out right from the start. I have 3 mags and they all do it. I called Kahr and they sent me a new mag retainer (thumb release) which I installed, no good, same problem. After sending the weapon back to Kahr twice they replaced the retainer and spring again and after one trip to the range, it seems to be fixed. I put five mags of ammo through it and the problem did not reoccur. That's not a very extensive test but so far so good.