View Full Version : This may be my lucky day, lead on a P9...

08-25-2010, 08:32 AM
If good things come in threes, then I'm in clover.;)

I replied to an ad on the internet for a local "face to face" sale of a P9, which are legal here in Virginia. I spoke with the seller, who claims the gun is 5 or 6 years old but unfired, blackened slide, standard sights, with 13 mags total...

all for $475!!

Sounds too good to be true, but I'll know around 1:00. Wish me luck.

My other two "good things" occured on Sunday when I found a 9mm, Stainless Beretta 92fs Vertec with Crimson Trace grips for the very moderate price of $550. I've shot it and it is a great gun. Then on Monday I purchased a slightly used Beretta CX4 Storm, also 9mm, and uses the same mags as the 92fs, for the very reasonable price of only $450.:eek: I shot this yesterday and was very pleased... what a fun carbine! Came with a bag of loose ammo and a low grade red dot scope.

This may turn out to be "the Week of good Deals".

Here's the first two. I hope to post a pic of a nice P9 later today (I hope I haven't jinxed myself now).

08-25-2010, 09:04 AM
Nice work, let us know how the rest turns out.

08-25-2010, 10:41 AM
a guy online makes a nice barrel shroud for the cx-4

08-25-2010, 12:42 PM
where do you hear about these deals? i'm in mass and always lookin

08-25-2010, 02:29 PM
Here it is.

A little truth in advertising should have been called for in the ad, but overall the gun looked OK; certainly NOT NIB, but in good shape, three of the 13 mag are Kahr, the other 10 are aftermarket (promag I guess), but the gun did have Trijicon night sights. The bad news is that the gun is a 2001 model, so the night sights are as dim as you'd expect.

But still, for $475, I still am happy. This is exactly the gun I was going to look for at the next gun show I was planning on attending. Who knows.... maybe the funky mags will actually work...

Anyway here's a pic. Are the black mags Promag?


08-25-2010, 02:35 PM
Looks like the slide lock lever has been replaced. They are usually black but I consider that a good thing. Now you can melt and round and polish to your hearts content without refinish issues. And it's a nice contrast to. I love shiney stuff.
I'm thinking your correct on the ProMag but can't say for positive sure. They look like many of the others. Not too many aftermarket Kahr mags out yet anyhow.
Still a good deal IMHO! Looks good.

08-25-2010, 02:58 PM
Looks like the slide lock lever has been replaced. They are usually black but I consider that a good thing. Still a good deal IMHO! Looks good.

I wondered about that, but I wasn't sure. It looks newer than the rest of the gun.

08-25-2010, 03:30 PM
Good find. How's the feed ramp and slide ramp look? How does it hand cycle? I have about 400 rounds through my CW40 and I can now slowly lower the slide on a full mag and it will chamber a round.

08-25-2010, 03:45 PM
I wondered about that, but I wasn't sure. It looks newer than the rest of the gun.

It looks like the newer style slide lock lever also, where the lever pivots around even if the pin stays in place. My K40 has a solid pin where the lever part doesn't rotate without the pin.
Not necessarily a bad thing by any stretch and I certainly didn't intend any criticism of your new baby. I think its all a good thing myself.

08-25-2010, 03:48 PM
BTW... that gun has character. I love honest wear on a gun.

08-25-2010, 03:50 PM
Because the gun was advertised as NIB and obviously wasn't, I examined the primary wear areas closely. The ramp looks very smooth and polished. The outside of the chamber looks like it has normal wear for a gun shot a couple hundred rounds or so. The frame is in very good condition, no wear or nicks in the polymer at all.

The barrel cleaned up nicely, no evident wear anywhere, no burrs, no nicks.

The mags have been disassembled and cleaned and it looked like only one was used, but it was used alot.

I hand cycled snap caps through all three Kahr mags and two of the ???? mags. I loaded from slide open, and I manually cycled. No problems with any of the mags.

The only part that looked worn or scratched was the guide rod. It was bone dry and you could hear the spring screeching . Now after a good scrubbing, some Militec-1 love and a little daub of TW25b, and a drop of Zero-Friction, all we hear are snick, click and snap... the sounds you want to hear.

I can't shoot until tomorrow, but so far it looks like a nice deal. The gun is 9 years old, but in gun years that's just a "tween", except for the sights which are retired and sitting on the porch. This gun begs to be carried and I just might, if all goes well. My beloved Hk has some competition.

Two things I've noticed about this older polymer pistol as compared to a newer polymer pistol. The first is the change in a pinned right rear panel versus the torx screw fastened panel. The other difference is the bulge in the width of the frame midway on the dust cover... this older gun has no bulge.

The slide stop release looks the same as those on my other polymer guns, but different than the new K9. I suppose that is normal.

08-26-2010, 11:59 AM
where do you hear about these deals? i'm in mass and always lookin
These three purchases were arranged on a website devoted to local Virginia trade only. Private sales are legal here.

Range report on my trifecta find, 2001, Kahr P9

I loaded up a bunch of mags, some 7 round, some 8 round and two of the 7 round Promag magazines, with 100 rounds of cheap federal 115gr, a mag each of Win. Ranger T 124gr +P, Win. PDX1 Bonded +P, and Win. 147gr. HP, as well a one mag of the RWS 124gr.

There were no malfunctions. The Promag worked as well as the Kahr. A small sample, yes, but I am happy the 13 mags that came with the pistol all work. To me that does qualify this as a great deal.

The night sights are dim, but in a lit range or in daylight I still see them better than the Kahr dot-on-post. Again, I am happy and the addition of the night sights also contribute to my satisfaction of the purchase.

The high quality carry ammo was accurate. The +P and RWS, which is a bit hotter than my other practice ammo, all felt great. For such a lightweight gun, the mid sized Kahr absorbs and handles recoil as well as can possibly be expected.

The range ammo is less accurate, but still the gun was more than acceptably good. I put little 1/2" dots on the target and hit them at 4-5 yards. I'm happy with that or for that matter any fist sized grouping at 12 yards and in, and this gun will deliver that standard easily.

I do think I'll add a grip sleeve to the gun. I have them on several pistols and believe they are an asset.

A P9 with black slide, Trijicon sights and 13 mags for only $475... life is good!

08-26-2010, 12:14 PM
Nice find and nice report, ripley16. Glad to hear that everything seems to work (including the knock-off mags). Wish I would have come up with a find like this three months ago.

08-26-2010, 12:21 PM
Excellent report. Life is indeed very very good. 3 great deals in a very short period of time? I think you should be grounded. One week, no new guns for you Mr. Try to make it thru. I'm so happy for you.

08-26-2010, 12:53 PM
You da man, Rip! What great deals you find. Nice reports. :third: :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

The slide of my K9 of '97 vintage is at Trijicon getting re-lamped. When I find out what that costs and how they came out, I'll post a report.

08-26-2010, 01:14 PM
You da man, Rip! What great deals you find. Nice reports. :third: :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

The frame of my K9 of '97 vintage is at Trijicon getting re-lamped. When I find out what that costs and how they came out, I'll post a report.

Thanks, that would be good to know.

08-26-2010, 02:07 PM
I, of course, meant the slide.:rolleyes: CRS.

08-27-2010, 07:43 AM
I, of course, meant the slide

Went over my head anyway. :o

To continue my theme of "good things come in threes"... here it is, ready for wear, a P9 with a Pachmayr and Premier. This slide is one of the Old Style, with the wider dovetail cuts, so it looks like I'm limited to buying Mepro replacement sights for it. That's OK as I like the Mepro, but I wonder how long they'll be available.

I haven't been this excited about a gun in a while. I'll shoot and test it more before I carry it, but the more I fondle and handle it the more I realize this will most likely become my #1 CCW.
