View Full Version : My friends Bersa problem. Ideas?

11-21-2017, 04:20 PM
My friend has been trying to get his Bersa Thunder 380 Plus fixed for two years. 9 months of that has been in Ohio at the Bersa Gunsmith who couldn't get it to do this. My friend and I had no problem getting it to do this as we shot video. Any ideas why the official Bersa Gunsmith can't fix this? We're pretty sure it's not the mags because certainly the gunsmith would have tried other ones. Or maybe he didn't use these mags and that's why he couldn't get it to do it? Ideas? Thx.


11-21-2017, 05:09 PM
Strange that it's not doing it more consistently. It has to be the mag release not making positive enough contact with the mag.

I'd remove the grips, strip the magazine so you can see good and see if the ledge on the mag release is making good contact.

Since two mags are acting up, I assume there's something not right with the release itself.

Funny the gunsmith couldn't get it to do that and even if he couldn't he could check out the release or replace it just to be safe.

Ken L
11-21-2017, 06:01 PM
How long is the mag release? Can you guys feel it under your thumb as you're shooting?
Have you tried shooting it left handed to see if the problem persists? Maybe it just hits your thumb enough under recoil to release the mag. Just a wild thought I had, otherwise I've got nothing.

11-21-2017, 06:19 PM
You know watching the video again, you might be onto something. Both shooters have their thumb right over that mag release.
I would think it would be positive enough that the thumb wouldn't release it without some effort but maybe so.

I'd add playing with your grip to the scenario to see if that effects anything. It also might explain why it isn't consistent as your grip might change from shot to shot.

11-21-2017, 06:22 PM
I agree with the Chief.............................looks like the mag release isn't doing it's job. Weak or bad spring. Gunk in the mag release hole? Metal shavings? As far as Bersa, I think I smell something fishy.

11-21-2017, 06:27 PM
I'd agree but the last couple days I've been looking at Llama's. I checked I don't have a fever.

Friend of a friend brought in a little compact, thought it was a 9 but it was 9mm Kurz (380). Cute little bugger and felt awesome in hand, a little mini 1911.

Wish they has such a thing in a 9. Like to have one although I'd probably never carry the thing. Just cute.

11-21-2017, 08:03 PM
You know watching the video again, you might be onto something. Both shooters have their thumb right over that mag release.
I would think it would be positive enough that the thumb wouldn't release it without some effort but maybe so.

I'd add playing with your grip to the scenario to see if that effects anything. It also might explain why it isn't consistent as your grip might change from shot to shot.

The thing is neither of us are actually touching the mag release as we shoot. It's recessed toward the front of the grip almost to the trigger guard. You really have to push it when you want to release the mag. That's what is so frustrating. This gun has more frequent flier miles than I do. You'd think the smith would have replaced anything and everything near the mag release. My friend says it's been up there for 9 months out of the two years since he bought it. Thx for the comments so far.

11-22-2017, 04:10 AM
I'd agree but the last couple days I've been looking at Llama's. I checked I don't have a fever.

Friend of a friend brought in a little compact, thought it was a 9 but it was 9mm Kurz (380). Cute little bugger and felt awesome in hand, a little mini 1911.

Wish they has such a thing in a 9. Like to have one although I'd probably never carry the thing. Just cute.

I have been fighting the call of these: http://www.jgsales.com/star-bm,-9mm-luger,-compact-semi-auto-pistol,-blued,-vg,-used.-p-85501.html

11-22-2017, 07:06 AM

11-22-2017, 04:26 PM
Thanks John,
i think that forum and the answer might be the ticket.

11-22-2017, 07:16 PM
At 52 seconds your thumb comes off the magazine release under recoil -
In the 1 min 20 sec time on your second attempt to shoot single handed - watch ALL of your fingers as your trigger finger pulls the trigger, ALL of your other fingers clench the frame - your thumb is over the mag release while the rest of your fingers are tightening up. The mag drops again.

Can't comment on your friend with the black shirt.


@ 21 sec.
@ 43 sec.
@ 1 Min 14 sec.
@ 1 Min 35 sec.
@ 1 Min 48 sec.
@ 2 Min 42 sec.

Every single time someone on the provided video chambers a live round - a finger was on the trigger.

Good luck.

11-23-2017, 09:13 AM
I have a Bersa UC 45 Pro model, and that model is known to have problems with the mag catch breaking. The mag catch is a three-piece setup where one part of the tube is spring loaded into the other side. The tab that holds the mag can break, locking the mag in the gun intermittently. Like your example, the mag release can be very hard to press because the broken parts are interfering with each other, but sometimes, with enough manipulation the parts will align and the mag release will operate. The solution is the replacement of the 3piece mag catch assembly (which are often sold out). I have replaced mine twice in 8 years.

This is not exactly the same problem you are having, but I would take a good look at the mag catch. You have to press and turn the screw in the catch assembly 90 degrees to get it out (not easy!). Good Luck !!

11-24-2017, 12:14 PM
Thanks all. JohnR's link provided the solution. His link connected him to Wolfgang, an authorized repairman, who has corrected this problem before. It's sad that the Bersa office in NJ doesn't intercommmunicate with their gunsmiths. Had the Ohio guy known Wolfgang in Oregon the problem would have been eliminated years ago.

11-24-2017, 12:52 PM
We need closure here. What was the magic trick to cure it?

11-24-2017, 12:59 PM
At 52 seconds your thumb comes off the magazine release under recoil -
In the 1 min 20 sec time on your second attempt to shoot single handed - watch ALL of your fingers as your trigger finger pulls the trigger, ALL of your other fingers clench the frame - your thumb is over the mag release while the rest of your fingers are tightening up. The mag drops again.

Can't comment on your friend with the black shirt.


@ 21 sec.
@ 43 sec.
@ 1 Min 14 sec.
@ 1 Min 35 sec.
@ 1 Min 48 sec.
@ 2 Min 42 sec.

Every single time someone on the provided video chambers a live round - a finger was on the trigger.

Good luck.

slugnutty, I'm the black sleeved shooter. I'll show the gun owner your comments. He was certainly not exercising gun safety when racking the slide. Since I was the other shooter and I never pressed the mag release during shooting and it fell out, and Wolfgang in Oregon has seen and repaired the problem in the past, I'm pretty sure the owner, the first shooter, wasn't either. To eject the magazine on purpose a great deal of pressure has to be applied. When I'm shooting my finger is always off the trigger until I'm ready to shoot. When the mag dropped at 2:13 I take my finger off the trigger and raise the barrel indicating cease firing. The one time I had to re-rack, my finger was alongside the barrel (2:34).

Unrelatedly, he's in his mid 60s. He has a poor stance that causes him to pull his shots left. However, I'm not his shooting coach and I'm not sure he'd be receptive to my suggestions unless they are related to gun safety. I will show him his safety errors. We shot about 425 rounds of 9mm after the video recording using a Taurus PT-111 and a CZ P75 D Compact. I'm glad I have my PM45, which is the same size and way more accurate than the Taurus, although the CZ is nice and quite accurate, if a bit pricey. I don't plan on ever buying a 9mm cc but if I did I'd get a PM9.

Thanks for for your help.

11-24-2017, 01:10 PM
At this point the gun is in Ohio, along with a DVD of four raw video clips and a link to Wolfgang. NJ has also been notified.

On a side note, the Bersa Thunder almost became my first gun. The sales guy recommended it, it fit my hand, and I put it on layaway at Hyatt's here in Charlotte. I did further research, shot some 9 mm, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP. I went back, paid the restocking fee and carried out my Ruger P345, which I love. It's about the size of a G30 but is actually slightly smaller and lighter. It's a bit large for EDC so I bought the PM45. I like it very much.

11-24-2017, 02:28 PM
I got my Cbob from Hyatts years ago. My son in laws family is in the Charlotte area.
I bought it on line, never been east of the Mississippi myself.