View Full Version : CW 40 Slide Lock "Problem"

08-25-2010, 10:01 AM
I purchased a new CW 40 with the intention of it becoming my normal carry gun. The first time out, the slide locked after each shot.I returned to the dealer and they sent it in. Came back from Kahr with a repair sheet indicating that they disassembled, cleaned, lubed, and replace guide rod spring and it "shoots fine". No other explanation.
I took out and shot about 50 rounds (all I had time for) with no problems.
I ordered 2 new mags which arrived 2 days ago. Went back to shoot yesterday and it started doing same thing again...locks open after each shot. I tried all 3 mags with same result. I returned to dealer and they are going to send in again.
Has anyone else experienced this or have any ideas ?
Regardless of repair and "answer" from Kahr, I am not sure that I can 'trust' this as my daily carry. I have traditionally been a revolver guy. A little under 2 years ago I bought a FN-40 for my 'bedside blaster'. I LOVE it. Finally convinced myself it's time to switch from my wheel gun to a semi-auto for daily carry but the FN is too big for my liking to lug around all day. Decided on another 40 S&W to simplify ammo inventory. Did some checking and bought the Kahr. Thinking I made a mistake.

08-25-2010, 10:24 AM
A very common thing with the slide locking is inadvertantly touching the slide lock lever with your thumb. It happens alot and you don't even know it. I'm not sure why it would work fine after a trip to Kahr if that was the issue.
If your right handed many suggest trying it left handed or let someone else shoot it to eliminate the thumb theory. It really is easy to do and you really wont' even notice. I had it happen to me, but my son shooting with me, switching back and forth never had it happen to him. Just have to pay attention to my grip. I've since melted down my slide lock lever, rounded it all off and I haven't had any problems since.
Kahr would have looked at the take down lever spring and stuff when they had it so I'm thinking that is probably ok.

08-25-2010, 11:13 AM
That's my thoughts. IF and big IF it is not a wayward thumb (check it first) then I would see if the slide stop or the magazine followers might be a bit generous in their dimensions.

08-25-2010, 12:03 PM
Found same problem discussed in Kahr Tech forum. Postings there indicate probably a problem with the slide lock spring.

08-25-2010, 12:05 PM
I believe that's what we said... But make for sure that it is not OE (operator error) first.

08-25-2010, 04:27 PM
Check to make sure you didn't reassemble it, after cleaning, with the point of the slide lock lever than inserts into the slide on top of the spring rather than under it.

Here are a couple photos to help (note the area indicated by the red arrow in the close-up) ...



08-26-2010, 03:03 AM
Mudinyeri:"Check to make sure you didn't reassemble it, after cleaning, with the point of the slide lock lever than inserts into the slide on top of the spring rather than under it." This was a little confusing to me.:)

The free part of the spring goes on top of a little ledge on the gun-side of the slide lock lever. It presses down on the lever to keep the slide lock out of the way until the follower of an empty magazine pushes the lever up to lock the slide back.

When you're inserting the slide lock pin, hold it with the lever at about 4 o'clock and the pin tilted to the right so you can get the pin past the spring without pushing down on it and bending it. The left side of the spring goes into the groove when you insert the pin and holds it in place. With the slide lined up rotate the slide lock lever up and push the slide lock in... you might have to wiggle the pin a bit to get it in. Oh, make sure the pin goes through the hole in the barrel under-lug... or you might have a lot of trouble!

The next round in the magazine is usually advanced about 1/8" and this can hit the slide lock and lock the slide back. Sometimes it's necessary to remove a bit of the innermost tip of the actuator part of the slide lock to prevent this. There's a recent post on this with a diagram of the area concerned... should you think that necessary.

I can't say this enough... don't apply much force or torque to the torx screw, should you want to remove it or tighten it. It screws into plastic and if you strip the threads, you need a new frame.


08-26-2010, 05:19 AM
Yeah, it's hard to describe in words. That's why I included the pictures. Your added description and pictures should help too.

08-26-2010, 08:36 AM
That part of your quote was a clear as your 'handle" to me.:) :boink:

08-26-2010, 07:04 PM
That part of your quote was a clear as your 'handle" to me.:) :boink:

You've never had someone say, "Here's mud in yer eye" to you? :19:

08-27-2010, 01:58 PM
Also, check your ammo. If it only locks open with JHP ammo, the ammo my be brushing the slide lock lug up enough to catch the slide.