View Full Version : YouTube favorites

11-28-2017, 10:48 AM
For the past couple of weeks I've been stuck in front of the tv watching tooooo many YouTube gun videos. Who would have thought YouTube opened the closet door for all these gun experts. I stopped watching Kahr videos some time back because almost all posters know very little about Kahrs.

Anyway, I watch the informative videos not the "let's blow this stuff up". With that said Hickok45, Iraqvetteran8888 and recently Paul Herrell are on my watch list. For self defense I like active self protection. ASP shows videos of self defense shootings from around the world.

What's your favorite?

11-28-2017, 11:25 AM
I like Hickok45

11-28-2017, 12:26 PM
Didn't know you could watch YouTube on a TV? I don't get out much.

I like Hickok45 too, I think everybody does. My kind of guy, not that I'm really into guys or anything like that ya understand.

11-28-2017, 12:45 PM
Favorite is Hickock45.
Lately also enjoy watching Sootch. Seems to like most everything he reviews so not completely objective but production is high quality, you can really see details and he gives you a lot of info. In his defense the stuff he reviews is usually high end (and expensive) so you'd expect a review to be positive.

11-28-2017, 01:05 PM
Bawanna, smart tv or internet enabled tv. Better than a smart phone.

11-28-2017, 02:08 PM
I've just recently been told by my kids that they think I might be ready for a smart phone, now you tell me I gotta get a Smart TV. Whoa is me.....ain't never heard of a Smart TV. I got one of them big satellite things on the roof, pretty high tech for a displaced Missouri dirt farmer but beats the heck out of an antenna. Tinfoil and holding hands for better reception.

11-28-2017, 02:30 PM
Hickock45 is great, but I recently discovered Paul Harrell. Paul packs a lot of info and credibility into his tests and is entertaining enough to keep my attention.

11-28-2017, 04:38 PM
Hickok45 is real good. There is a channel "the humble marksman" that has some good CZ videos. If you can get past nutnfancy's pompous personality he actually does good test on lots of different firearms with multiple shooters in his videos.

Nutn and hickok were who convinced me to get my Tavor and nutnfancy's M&P 10 rifle video convinced me to get that one. I don't regret either purchase and I got them on sale too.

Lots of good gun videos out there.

11-28-2017, 04:46 PM
Scootch is a SC native, co-worker met him a local trauma first aid course. I like his reviews, he had a negligent discharge, and fessed up on line.
Paul Harrow, is not the greatest personality, but I like the way he does things.
Everyone Loves Hickok 45.

11-28-2017, 05:21 PM
I've just recently been told by my kids that they think I might be ready for a smart phone, now you tell me I gotta get a Smart TV. Whoa is me.....ain't never heard of a Smart TV. I got one of them big satellite things on the roof, pretty high tech for a displaced Missouri dirt farmer but beats the heck out of an antenna. Tinfoil and holding hands for better reception. The worst part is when those lighting storms come in.................

11-28-2017, 05:33 PM
OH yeah, lightning storms suck really bad.

Tearing out my kitchen Sunday I electrocuted myself. It was like old time with the antenna. I turned off the switch but as I was moving the wires I apparently hit the switch with my elbow and el zappo. I hate electricity.

During remodels I'd have sparky shut the whole place down. Drove me batty when I'd ask if something was hot and they'd lick their fingers and touch the wires, get zapped and say yeah that ones hot.

Like they enjoyed it or something.

12-01-2017, 09:30 PM
Hickock is paid by Buds gunshop as their infomercial youtube channel - info is out there - I asked him about being paid by Buds gun shop in the full 30 as a paid endorser - they banned my first account there. ....

8888 has a contract that he charges $4000 per review on his channel - if the gun fails and you want a positive review it is another $2000 - if you want him to wear branded merchandise it will cost you $750 per video - this contract is available for download on his work website

Sootch is a paid endorser also

Yankee Marshall - while he rubs people raw - I think he is forthright with his videos

Military Arms Channel - Tim appears to be a stand up guy - owns a gun shop Copper Customs

Mr Guns and Gear - Mike is a good guy - works in publishing and has a side gun sale business

Warrior Poet - John Lovell - U.S. Army Ranger - Christian minister - good honest from the heart reviews.

The gun collective - was good until they pandered themselves with a foolish "20 industry person round table' after the bum stock fiasco - now there more entertainment then gun review.

Talon Sei - like Sooch but not paid.

CapitanBerz - like Sooch but not paid.

Kotaboy32 -

Kristen Joy Weiss - trick shooting and real easy on the eyes.

Here is an honorable mention, AK Operators union - Rob Ski was a Polish special forces SPETZ troop while they were WARSA pact - then when Poland took over their own control, he moved to America became an American citizen, joined the U.S. Army and became a 101st Airborne paratrooper and now owns a small working farm in VA.

If you like AK's he has some REAL GOOD inside info on how WARSA runs, fixes, adapts AK's - shows you how to fight with them, what to look for as far as wear items ... good stuff and real POSITIVE opinion about 2nd Amendment - for a persons perspective of NOT having those freedoms growing up.


12-01-2017, 09:40 PM
OH yeah, lightning storms suck really bad.

Tearing out my kitchen Sunday I electrocuted myself. It was like old time with the antenna. I turned off the switch but as I was moving the wires I apparently hit the switch with my elbow and el zappo. I hate electricity.

During remodels I'd have sparky shut the whole place down. Drove me batty when I'd ask if something was hot and they'd lick their fingers and touch the wires, get zapped and say yeah that ones hot.

Like they enjoyed it or something.

I've worked as an Electrical Engineer for about 30 years now, my one pet peeve that EVERYONE knows about me... an electrical line is not "DEAD" it is "DE-ENERGIZE"
People live ~ Electricity energizes - people DO NOT DIE when I am in charge of a machine, job site or retrofit.

Splitting hairs I know, but any voltage carrying line is Energized or de-energized not live or dead with me.

12-01-2017, 10:44 PM
I've worked as an Electrical Engineer for about 30 years now, my one pet peeve that EVERYONE knows about me... an electrical line is not "DEAD" it is "DE-ENERGIZE"
People live ~ Electricity energizes - people DO NOT DIE when I am in charge of a machine, job site or retrofit.

Splitting hairs I know, but any voltage carrying line is Energized or de-energized not live or dead with me.

My goodness you sound just like me only I work in telecommunications. I've been accused of being a jerk so many times but when I work a retrofit the network has no issue and the customer never knows. And anyone that wants to give an "opinion" on how it should be done but obviously doesn't understand what's really going on will likely get an ear full from me, regardless what their position is in the company. I've had to call my boss a few times and tell him if he gets a complaint about me this is why....

12-02-2017, 07:27 AM
Slugnutty, thanks for the info. I assumed most of those guys are compensated with more than free ammo. If your numbers are correct, their making a small fortune. Their businesses are probably non- profit 501-C3.

12-02-2017, 08:22 AM
I've just recently been told by my kids that they think I might be ready for a smart phone, now you tell me I gotta get a Smart TV. Whoa is me.....ain't never heard of a Smart TV. I got one of them big satellite things on the roof, pretty high tech for a displaced Missouri dirt farmer but beats the heck out of an antenna. Tinfoil and holding hands for better reception.

Hey, I didn't know you were a Missouri sodbuster. Learn something new every day.

Lots of farmer cousins in my extended family, and a number of direct ancestors tilled the rich dirt in NW Missourah, Iowa, & Indiana. My brother still owns the farm that has been in the family since the 1880s - it is located between Maryville & St. Joe. Maternal great grandpa farmed it, while paternal great grandpa was a blacksmith in Stanberry. Brother, who lives here in Texas, leases it out - so all he has to do is write checks for repairs & improvements and deduct the losses on his income tax.

12-02-2017, 08:48 AM
Hickock is paid by Buds gunshop as their infomercial youtube channel - info is out there - I asked him about being paid by Buds gun shop in the full 30 as a paid endorser - they banned my first account there. ....

Hickock is good and popular so he attracts sponsors. He doesn't review Bud's or Federal Ammo. They get favorable pub. He reviews guns.
Not sure whats supposed to be wrong about being paid. I'm paid for what I do, so are most people. If you can get paid for doing what you love to do, that's the dream.

12-02-2017, 09:52 AM
Hickock is good and popular so he attracts sponsors. He doesn't review Bud's or Federal Ammo. They get favorable pub. He reviews guns.
Not sure whats supposed to be wrong about being paid. I'm paid for what I do, so are most people. If you can get paid for doing what you love to do, that's the dream.

I was thinking hickok45 with 2,800,000 subscribers and millions of views per week, can you imagine the business it drives to buds and federal every week by just getting their name put in the ear of viewers? They'd probably pay whatever he wanted. Just look at the money spent on Nascar getting bannered cars driven in front of fans.

I quit ordering from buds because they were slow but I hope grabagun never sponsors him because it would make getting what I like more difficult.

12-02-2017, 09:54 AM
I've worked as an Electrical Engineer for about 30 years now, my one pet peeve that EVERYONE knows about me... an electrical line is not "DEAD" it is "DE-ENERGIZE"
People live ~ Electricity energizes - people DO NOT DIE when I am in charge of a machine, job site or retrofit.

Splitting hairs I know, but any voltage carrying line is Energized or de-energized not live or dead with me.

All I know is it hurts or it don't hurt. I got a low pain threshold when it comes to Energized stuff. I tell my officers I'd rather be shot that tazed.
Longs as it's a 9 or smaller, not like I have a death wish ya know?

12-02-2017, 09:57 AM
My goodness you sound just like me only I work in telecommunications. I've been accused of being a jerk so many times but when I work a retrofit the network has no issue and the customer never knows. And anyone that wants to give an "opinion" on how it should be done but obviously doesn't understand what's really going on will likely get an ear full from me, regardless what their position is in the company. I've had to call my boss a few times and tell him if he gets a complaint about me this is why....

Sounds like my wife in our kitchen remodel. Telling how it should be done when she has no clue how it should be done.
I did remodels and new construction for many years. My strategy was to allow for motel fees for homeowners to get them off site.
I hated woman following me around with a vacuum cleaner and questioning the placement of every nail and screw.
Look, we're gonna make a really big mess here, then we're gonna do some really nice work and then we will clean up after ourselves really good.
Gonna take awhile.........now go away.

12-02-2017, 11:31 AM
Hey, I didn't know you were a Missouri sodbuster. Learn something new every day.

Lots of farmer cousins in my extended family, and a number of direct ancestors tilled the rich dirt in NW Missourah, Iowa, & Indiana. My brother still owns the farm that has been in the family since the 1880s - it is located between Maryville & St. Joe. Maternal great grandpa farmed it, while paternal great grandpa was a blacksmith in Stanberry. Brother, who lives here in Texas, leases it out - so all he has to do is write checks for repairs & improvements and deduct the losses on his income tax.

My dad's family all grew up in the St Joe and Balko area. A couple of years ago I went there and did some research and found a newspaper from 1852 that talked about their wagon train coming there with 12 wagons from Indiana. Small world.

12-02-2017, 12:28 PM
I have a 10ga lever shotgun and a 32 Special lever gun that supposedly came across the country in a covered wagon by my ancestors. They were in a closet for I don't know how many years at my grandmothers house before she gave them to me.
Had paint spatter on them from painting where they apparently didn't care enough to cover them up.
I carefully removed most of that but left as intact as I could otherwise. Cherished possessions.

12-02-2017, 01:50 PM
Iowa farmer roots on both my parents sides. The great grandparents moved to Wisconsin and Minnesota long before I was born but we lived in Missouri for 3 years. I have good memories of it.

mr surveyor
12-02-2017, 02:29 PM
I have a 10ga lever shotgun and a 32 Special lever gun that supposedly came across the country in a covered wagon by my ancestors. They were in a closet for I don't know how many years at my grandmothers house before she gave them to me.
Had paint spatter on them from painting where they apparently didn't care enough to cover them up.
I carefully removed most of that but left as intact as I could otherwise. Cherished possessions.

clean em', and shoot em' ..... they deserve it!


12-02-2017, 05:05 PM
I've worked as an Electrical Engineer for about 30 years now, my one pet peeve that EVERYONE knows about me... an electrical line is not "DEAD" it is "DE-ENERGIZE"
People live ~ Electricity energizes - people DO NOT DIE when I am in charge of a machine, job site or retrofit.

Splitting hairs I know, but any voltage carrying line is Energized or de-energized not live or dead with me.

Got my EE degree in '72. Was a tech before that. My dad was an electrician by trade. I've done electrica lwork since pre teen. Screw this PC crap...I'm happy with "dead".

If you were gonna call out the Col on sumpthin' why did not do that on "electrocute"? Which he obviously didn't do.

12-02-2017, 06:14 PM
I didn't get electrocuted? I thought I did. Smarted real bad and made me say bad words. Shucks darn it I think it was.

12-02-2017, 07:05 PM
I didn't get electrocuted? I thought I did. Smarted real bad and made me say bad words. Shucks darn it I think it was.

You got shocked. Electrocuted = terminal aka you be dead.

12-02-2017, 08:07 PM
I once hit a “live” wire while sawzalling up some rotten floorboards. That was exciting. Kinda like a mini 4th of July. But with cursing.

Another time I got lazy installing a light fixture. I just turned the wall switch off instead of the breaker. The last step was screwing in the bulb which promptly lit. Wtf? Turns out the numnuts electrician wired the switch wrong and it was “energized” either way you flip the switch.

Be careful there Colonel.

12-02-2017, 09:02 PM
Had an idiot brother in law. He wired a switch with both whites on one screw and both blacks on the other. Screwed in the fuse and had light. Turned the switch on and the lights went out, turned the switch off and the lights stayed out. He blew all the fuses he had that way and then came to me. Took me a while to figure it out because I didn't think anyone was that dumb. I was wasting time figuring up wattage and amperage.

12-03-2017, 12:02 AM
I've sawzalled lots of wires in my day. Fireworks but no shock, must not have been touching anything hot.

What I hated most was when we had sparky's on site and I'd ask them if something was hot/energizer/electricutable and they'd wet their fingers and grab them, get zapped and say yup, that's hot......

It's like they enjoys it or something.

12-03-2017, 07:41 AM
As a teen, I once tinkered with the guts of my clock-radio (remember those?). My screwdriver touched something it shouldn’t have. Yeah, it was plugged in and running. There was a small flash, a “poof” sound, and a jolt to my fingers.
I’ve been zapped a couple other times, nothing more than a wierd buzz to my skin. So I can imagine if Sparky feels it often enough it’s no big deal.

12-03-2017, 09:05 AM
Back in the day, I had one of those huge metal framed big bakelite knobbed TV's. It wasn't working right, so I'm reaching into the back while trying to watch the front. Next thing I know, I'm up against the opposite wall of the living room, peeling myself off the wall and my arm feels like it's totally asleep. I didn't regain use of my arm for 2 days. Threw the tv out of my second story apt. and it laid on the front lawn for a week before I finally removed it. Can you say capacitor??????

12-03-2017, 10:17 AM
Aww, a TV story. Long long ago when I was like 6 or 7 we were at my uncles house, the whole family. My grandparents are there, and my 3 cousins and my 2 sisters. The house was laid out so we could run circles, through the living room, into a dining room, down a hall past the bedrooms and back into the living room and all us kids are chasing each other around the loop.
My uncle sitting in his recliner is cleaning his 22 auto pistol, dont recall the make, I was only 7, my dad is sitting in a chair and my grandpa. They are watching a western show on TV and on the loop I hear my Uncle say the next time the bad guy comes on he's gonna let him have it.

Well long story short, he had finished wiping the gun down and reloaded (not sure why he kept it loaded) he wisely took out the mag to take out the bad guy but forgot that chamber..........well he nailed old Black Bart proper. The world stopped, kids all stopped in our tracks just as we were entering the living room.

Now the good part. He hit the screen dead center, the picture kind of drained into the bullet hole like it was going down a drain. Then the screen went black. About 3 or 4 minutes later the picture came back out of the hole and returned to normal? They had to replace the glass of course but they watched that old TV for several years. I've seen old TV's out in the woods people shot and they look tough.

That was the end of my uncles semi auto ownership days. Fortunately he waited a few years to get out of guns all together and I got a couple of them. A Winchester Model 70 243 and a Model 88 308. Cheap too. After his passing my cousin remarked about remembering those guns and I told him I remembered too, would he like to see them? He didn't know I bought them 20 years earlier. Ended up I sold both to him and his brother. Felt they were more entitled to them than I was.

Remember to check that chamber boys and girls.

12-03-2017, 11:15 AM
Ahh talk about getting zapped brings up memories of back in my auto tech days of CHARGING CONDENSERS by holding wire and putting metal end of wire into spark plug wire and starting engine. After doing this it would charge the condenser with about 30,000 volts. Next we would put it back in box and return to parts department and tell parts guy it was defective....of course parts guy would pull it out of box to inspect and get lit up when the metal can of condenser and end of wire were touched at same time! NO AMPS just volts with teeth. Would not cause damage just major jolt! Ahh the warm and fuzzy things guys would do for a laugh. :w00t:

12-03-2017, 04:04 PM
I've sawzalled lots of wires in my day. Fireworks but no shock, must not have been touching anything hot.

What I hated most was when we had sparky's on site and I'd ask them if something was hot/energizer/electricutable and they'd wet their fingers and grab them, get zapped and say yup, that's hot......

It's like they enjoys it or something.

Dude, that's the right way to do it, if you know how to do it right and all you need is a yes or no answer.

Had an electrician in once. He needed to tap a switch box for a 120V AC power source. Asked him if he was a real electrician or did he want me to turn off the breaker? Perfectly understood the question. We got along great.

12-03-2017, 04:09 PM
Back in the day, I had one of those huge metal framed big bakelite knobbed TV's. It wasn't working right, so I'm reaching into the back while trying to watch the front. Next thing I know, I'm up against the opposite wall of the living room, peeling myself off the wall and my arm feels like it's totally asleep. I didn't regain use of my arm for 2 days. Threw the tv out of my second story apt. and it laid on the front lawn for a week before I finally removed it. Can you say capacitor??????

Yep...dem are to be bare hands avoided. Even gloved hands, actually.

12-03-2017, 04:12 PM
Aww, a TV story. Long long ago when I was like 6 or 7 we were at my uncles house, the whole family. My grandparents are there, and my 3 cousins and my 2 sisters. The house was laid out so we could run circles, through the living room, into a dining room, down a hall past the bedrooms and back into the living room and all us kids are chasing each other around the loop.
My uncle sitting in his recliner is cleaning his 22 auto pistol, dont recall the make, I was only 7, my dad is sitting in a chair and my grandpa. They are watching a western show on TV and on the loop I hear my Uncle say the next time the bad guy comes on he's gonna let him have it.

Well long story short, he had finished wiping the gun down and reloaded (not sure why he kept it loaded) he wisely took out the mag to take out the bad guy but forgot that chamber..........well he nailed old Black Bart proper. The world stopped, kids all stopped in our tracks just as we were entering the living room.

Now the good part. He hit the screen dead center, the picture kind of drained into the bullet hole like it was going down a drain. Then the screen went black. About 3 or 4 minutes later the picture came back out of the hole and returned to normal? They had to replace the glass of course but they watched that old TV for several years. I've seen old TV's out in the woods people shot and they look tough.

That was the end of my uncles semi auto ownership days. Fortunately he waited a few years to get out of guns all together and I got a couple of them. A Winchester Model 70 243 and a Model 88 308. Cheap too. After his passing my cousin remarked about remembering those guns and I told him I remembered too, would he like to see them? He didn't know I bought them 20 years earlier. Ended up I sold both to him and his brother. Felt they were more entitled to them than I was.

Remember to check that chamber boys and girls.


12-03-2017, 08:39 PM
My dad's family all grew up in the St Joe and Balko area. A couple of years ago I went there and did some research and found a newspaper from 1852 that talked about their wagon train coming there with 12 wagons from Indiana. Small world.

Ah, Bolckow - on the east side of the 102 River. Been through there many times. Our family farm is located about 3 miles southeast of Bolckow on Rural Route 120 (I think that's how they designate those little roads)- about a mile & a half west of the Platte River. Last time I visited there with my Dad was in 1984.

My Dad (born on a farm near Stanberry - east of Maryville) grew up in Graham, about 8 or 10 miles west of the Maryville highway. Turned off the highway at Pumpkin Center to take the road west to Graham. Grandpa owned a gas station in Pumpkin Center back in the 1930s for a while, but let it go as his Graham garage was plenty to handle. One of my great aunts lived in Barnard, and a great uncle farmed near there.

I used to spend the summers with my grandparents in Graham during the '40s & '50s.

Small world.

mr surveyor
12-03-2017, 08:54 PM
all this tv talk has made me tell one from about 1963 .... I think. We lived in the world of black and white (Dad didn't buy his first color tv til I was married and gone in 1973), and the old tube type tv was constantly in need of one or two tube changes..... so the back of the tv was about always off and leaned up against the wall. Anyhow, the night of "the" big prize fight between the up and comer Casius Clay and Joe Lewis (I think), Dad had us all ready having changed a couple of vacuum tubes, although there wasn't much he could do about the volume/tuner knob except give it a good bump when it decided to go on the fritz. We had the coolest, cast bronze, "horse clock" sitting on the top - you know, the one with the saddled horse statue standing on one side, and the six inch round clock on the other. I always did like that clock. I don't remember what round it was, but Casius was really turning the tide and the announcer was showing his excitement, when the tuner knob decided it was time to go on the fritz and fuss out the picture. Knowing there probably wasn't time to get outa the recliner, Dad two handed the pillow behind his head and carefully tossed it at the tv so as to give the tuner knob the little bump it needed to right the world. His aim wasn't exactly on that night .... slapped the horse clock off the top, it went over the back of the tv, then took out the back glass stem of the picture tube. The horse clock was gone, tv gone, and worst of all was Dad, big boxing fan, missed seeing the live broadcast of the fight of the century. I'll never forget his well controlled response .... after about 30 seconds of silence all he said was "Well, it' bed time". I'll guarantee, there was no argument from me.
