View Full Version : So, I Gots Me A S/A Revolver Question....

12-05-2017, 07:46 PM
Long time back, mebbe/perhaps/at least 15 years, I picked up a Ruger Vaquero as new unfired in .45 Colt/.45 ACP with intention to cut down barrel to 4" or less and tune and grip frame and etc customize into a for me field and winter carry sidearm. I had a good 'smith at the time, Milt Morrison, who damn good job specialized in this sort of thing. But I waited too long....Milt for personal reasons went away/disappeared.

And the project went undone.

I'm resurrecting it. A holy crap I'm still here present to myself for my 75th birthday this April coming up. What I need/am asking for is recommendation(s) for a really good, trusrtworthy single action Ruger revolver custom gunsmith to get this done.

12-05-2017, 09:40 PM
Long time back, mebbe/perhaps/at least 15 years, I picked up a Ruger Vaquero as new unfired in .45 Colt/.45 ACP with intention to cut down barrel to 4" or less and tune and grip frame and etc customize into a for me field and winter carry sidearm. I had a good 'smith at the time, Milt Morrison, who damn good job specialized in this sort of thing. But I waited too long....Milt for personal reasons went away/disappeared.

And the project went undone.

I'm resurrecting it. A holy crap I'm still here present to myself for my 75th birthday this April coming up. What I need/am asking for is recommendation(s) for a really good, trusrtworthy single action Ruger revolver custom gunsmith to get this done.
I would love to see this come to fruition :)

Though I've never had any work done by them, Bowen Classic Arms Corporation (http://www.bowenclassicarms.com/about.html) comes to mind as a possible recommendation. Based on the photos I've seen of their work, I would certainly like to have one of their custom pieces.
They even offer a "package" that includes cutting a Ruger down to 4" (NO. RS04 ‘LIGHT WEIGHT’ CONVERSION): http://www.bowenclassicarms.com/catalog/ruger_single_action_basic_packages.html


12-06-2017, 08:28 AM
I like Greg's' suggestion of Bowen.
Here is another option. http://www.reedercustomguns.com/

Overall take a hard look at costs. It may be more practical to find a Freedom Arms in the profile you desire. I have handled and shot these things and they are a exceptionally well made. Plus, it adds one to your collection.

12-06-2017, 10:30 AM
Milt Morrison: I don't know if this is active or even the same guy, but there is a contact page: http://www.qualitygunsmithing.com/home.html

12-06-2017, 10:36 AM
I'm with 340.

Maybe even look at these two current models with 3.75" barrels in the Ruger catalog:


($717 at Tombstone Tactical)



($641 at Tombstone)

(the birdshead is also offered in blue)


12-06-2017, 10:38 AM

Ruger already makes what you're looking for.

12-06-2017, 10:53 AM
ltxi - what is the barrel length of your .45 Colt Vaquero that you want to shorten?

12-06-2017, 11:18 AM
I thought they quit making the Birdshead but maybe they started up again. I got one of the last ones shipped to Washington long ago.
Somehow my son ended up with it, not sure what happened there.

12-06-2017, 04:32 PM
I gotta think a local smith could cut and crown the barrel and install a new sight. The rest you could do yourself? Fitting a BH frame should be a manageable challenge. And you could do the trigger work while you are in there. Something to be proud of once you are done. I got a set of BH grips I could remove and send to our local gripmaker as a pattern...

12-06-2017, 04:58 PM
Why don't you just sell that one and buy a new one just like you want? I think you would be money ahead.

12-06-2017, 05:38 PM
I like Greg's' suggestion of Bowen.
Here is another option. http://www.reedercustomguns.com/

Overall take a hard look at costs. It may be more practical to find a Freedom Arms in the profile you desire. I have handled and shot these things and they are a exceptionally well made. Plus, it adds one to your collection.

Thanks for the Gary Reeder recommendation. He was in the back of my mind.

And appreciate the alt suggestion, but I have no interest. Rugers, and older Colts, are my only care abouts. And cost is really not much of an issue in this case.

12-06-2017, 05:56 PM
It is the same guy, Greg. And thanks for the link. I strongly suspect it's inactive, but I filled out a contact request anyway.

12-06-2017, 06:00 PM
ltxi - what is the barrel length of your .45 Colt Vaquero that you want to shorten?

5.5 inches

12-06-2017, 06:12 PM
Thanks for all the replies, guys. And while I appreciate the alt/buy a new Ruger/etc suggestions, I have no interest. What I'm after is a higher end custom revolver...to go with my already existing .357 and .44 Mag custom Blackhawks... and I already have the base gun.

12-07-2017, 06:41 PM
It is the same guy, Greg. And thanks for the link. I strongly suspect it's inactive, but I filled out a contact request anyway.

Thanks again(!) for the link, Greg. Just got a reply. Milt appears to be alive and well and working out of Boise Gun shop in Idaho. Gonna give him a call soonest and see if we can work something up.

12-09-2017, 07:44 AM
Whenever y'all get the project going, please post pictures of the before & after Vaquero. You know some of us like that gun porn! :yo:

mr surveyor
12-09-2017, 05:39 PM
Whenever y'all get the project going, please post pictures of the before & after Vaquero. You know some of us like that gun porn! :yo:

ditto .... especially nicely crafted revolvers :)


12-14-2017, 06:26 PM
The Montado and the Birdshead came with the Bisley hammer... if you wanna see what one would look like on your project gun...

01-10-2018, 07:32 PM
Well...thanks all for the input(s) and I now be first to admit I was wrong head on ths one!

I originally bought my/this base gun back in April 2001 with the intent of turning it over to Milt for custom work. It was the last SA Ruger I'd purchased and, ignorant of model changes since then, I fixated on finally getting the project done. I did chase down Milt. He was willing to do it if I insisted but brought another voice to why?/look around at current offerings first.

So I did. If nothing else, Ruger's reversion to the XR3 frame for the Vaquero would have been a deal clincher. Add to that, the availability of 3.75 barrel, birds head grips, cresent head ejector rods, blued, etc variants......

For a bit over $600 from Buds I got, short of a trigger job, pretty much exactly what I was primarily after. .45 ACP/birdshead/blue/short barrel. Keeping original project gun for occasional .45 Colt use. Also thinkin' I'm about to purchase a Montado in 38/357 shortly. A bit expensive variant, but what the hell/why not.

01-10-2018, 08:11 PM
Well ltxi, there are certain rules to follow when posting about new gun purchases....... :confused:

01-11-2018, 07:20 AM
Well ltxi, there are certain rules to follow when posting about new gun purchases....... :confused:
I was about to say...

01-11-2018, 05:43 PM
I know, but I've never been good with this pic posting stuff. 'Specially since it's currently in stock trim as seen available on Ruger's site.

01-11-2018, 07:11 PM
The Montado and the Birdshead came with the Bisley hammer... if you wanna see what one would look like on your project gun...

And...I just now ordered me one of these. In .38/.357.

Point of order...not Bisley hammer. Birdshead gets the Blackhawk hammer. Montado gets similar but quite model unique.

01-11-2018, 07:42 PM
I looked all over for a stainless vaquero, couldn't find one. I'm inpatient, so I got myself a Blackhawk (2nd choice). Got lucky and ended up with one that can shoot loads up to 30,000 psi, not that I would want to shoot that powerful of a load out of a cowboy gun. My first single action, really wanting to get into the fast draw competitions using wax bullets. It is a convertible with the 45acp cylinder and the 45lc, will be fun when I take my Kahr out to the range.

01-11-2018, 07:48 PM
And...I just now ordered me one of these. In .38/.357.

Point of order...not Bisley hammer. Birdshead gets the Blackhawk hammer. Montado gets similar but quite model unique.
Birdshead .357? I didn’t think they made one. I wouldn’t mind having that.

01-11-2018, 09:14 PM
I know, but I've never been good with this pic posting stuff. 'Specially since it's currently in stock trim as seen available on Ruger's site.

I was very much afraid this would happen. I went and looked and sho nuff they are on the Ruger site, also available at Buds.

I think a stainless birdshead 45 ACP is in my future. Can't happen soon enough.

All your fault Itxi, now I just need to find some loot to make it happen.

01-12-2018, 06:03 PM
Birdshead .357? I didn’t think they made one. I wouldn’t mind having that.

The .357 I just ordered is the Montado. But, yes, .357 is available in Birdshead trim.

And, bowing to justified criticism, once I get all together I'll post pics of my Ruger S/A revolver assemblage....growing from four to seven in just the space of one "oh, what the hell" month.

01-12-2018, 06:15 PM
I was very much afraid this would happen. I went and looked and sho nuff they are on the Ruger site, also available at Buds.

I think a stainless birdshead 45 ACP is in my future. Can't happen soon enough.

All your fault Itxi, now I just need to find some loot to make it happen.

Anything I can fault do to ruin your day, Col....:)

Birdshead and the one I just ordered both come from Buds.

01-12-2018, 06:44 PM
Well at least I guess I'll get a first hand report. I've bought from Buds before, no worries there, just the gun but I have a lot of faith in Rugers being good when it comes to revolvers.

William Bannerman is gone but I think the quality is still there.

Still your fault, you have that to hold onto and be proud of. If we was neighbors I'd probably be just fine coming over and holding yours now and then but not that lucky.

01-12-2018, 06:45 PM
andy Horvath lagrange ohio 440 458 4369 or 458 8151 google his pics he is the best

01-14-2018, 06:50 PM
Best at what?

01-14-2018, 08:26 PM
single action rugers smith and Wesson conversions google his pics and the commentary on the smith and Wesson forum he is one of few real gun smiths out there

01-16-2018, 06:52 PM
I've had an itch for a S/A birdshead for some time.
Really need to stop reading these threads.
Really need to start getting ready for retirement.
I mean it this time...

01-16-2018, 07:38 PM
Well...what better way to get ready for retirement?

01-17-2018, 09:50 AM
I talked to a retirement planner dude awhile back. He laughed..................guess it won't happen for me.

01-20-2018, 07:56 PM
Took delivery of the .357 Ruger Vaquero Montado today. Very nice gun. Beyond the expected, it came with an excellent set of matched pattern gunfighter rosewood grips. Still requires some action work to clean up the usual trigger creep but irrespective to me well worth the cost premium.

And then, I accidentally bought a 1942/43 production excellent condition Inland mfg'd M1 Carbine they had on hand. An 85th birthday present for my BIL/cousin. Korean war vet who has really wanted one for years. And yes, it is vintage. Not, excellent as they are, Inland new production. Provenance verification being one of the benefits of in person buying from a trusted dealer.

Now...dealer guy also has just taken in a perfect condition Smith .22 Model 63. Found it browsing in his show case. Regretting for years my selling off my blued version and not so much caring for the current version/replacement, I'm seriously considering........

This crap has just gots to stop!

02-15-2018, 09:06 PM
So...I just from Bud's ordered me another! S/A Ruger. Blued Blackhawk convertible 4 5/8 in .45 Colt/.45 ACP. But at least this one's gonna have a trade off. I'm selling off my original what started all this insanity, 2001 purchased, unfired Old Model Vaquero...5.5" stainless .45 convertible...to offset this latest. I do still want a Ruger S/A capable of .45 Colt but with newest Vaqueros in hand I prefer to have it in a shorter barrel Blackhawk.

02-15-2018, 09:21 PM
Dang it Itxi...I just got the Blackhawk you just ordered. I wanted a stainless vaquero convertible but all were out of stock...we could of made a trade!!!!

02-16-2018, 06:47 PM
Dang it Itxi...I just got the Blackhawk you just ordered. I wanted a stainless vaquero convertible but all were out of stock...we could of made a trade!!!!

Well, hell yeah... and i woulda even throwed in an easy, get rid of the OEM creep, trigger job if wanted fer free.

02-17-2018, 05:53 AM
Well...what better way to get ready for retirement?

LOL, that's just not right...
Why do I keep coming here again?

02-17-2018, 06:23 PM
LOL, that's just not right...
Why do I keep coming here again?

'Cause you keep like a moth being drawn to the flame? Get the birdshead, get the birdshead, you know you want one, get the birdshead.......

03-06-2018, 07:21 PM
Went and did it again!

Just picked up from my LGS this afternoon. Ruger stainless 4 5/8 barreled Blackhawk convertible in 10mm/.40 S&W.

Why did I succumb to this latest bit of S/A acqusition insanity? 'Cause, at least at this point in time, this gun be a unicorn.

03-07-2018, 08:09 PM
Did you sell it already?

My computer can't see the pictures.

03-07-2018, 08:33 PM
Did you sell it already?

My computer can't see the pictures.

Yeah, I know. You guys keep buggin' me about pictures. Correctly so. Promise to soonest get my head out of the sand, figger out how, and get it done. For a tech savvy old guy, this is the one thing I'm spectacularly and embarrassingly bad at.