View Full Version : Should I shoot it?

12-11-2017, 11:24 AM
My brother in law, Mr. Teacup Limpwrister, has purchased a couple firearms that I agree are pretty collectible. And with every one he asks me the same question: "Do you think I should shoot it?" He's thinking about collector value I am sure. And maybe a little bit about safety.

I'll admit that, on one hand, I'm a little jealous. They are really nice. But, on the other hand, I enjoy shooting as much as owning firearms. I've always been drawn to guns that are either fun to shoot or serve a certain SD or sporting purpose. It never occurred to me not to shoot them. So I guess I am an accumulator vs. a collector.

I'm curious. How many of you have "collectible" firearms you will never shoot? What is it/are they? Or are you an accumulator like me?

12-11-2017, 11:53 AM
I have my Granny's little .410 Belgian shotgun she shot clays with in the early 20th century ( Family Legend has it.) Near as the local shotgun nut smith and I can figure it was made in the late 19th century by “Anciens Etablissements Pieper." When you pull back on the trigger guard the gun breaks for loading the single barrel. It's really small...maybe 3lbs. Sometimes known as a "Bicycle gun" for some reason - maybe because it's so compact folded it can easily be carried on a bicycle...who knows? I'm afraid to shoot it because I don't think it's been shot in 100 years. The barrel is immaculate.

12-11-2017, 12:23 PM
I don't have anything I'd "never" shoot. But I did recently realize the difference between an accumulator and a collector. An accumulation of firearms goes down in value. A collection increases. :D

12-11-2017, 12:27 PM
I have my Granny's little .410 Belgian shotgun she shot clays with in the early 20th century ( Family Legend has it.) Near as the local shotgun nut smith and I can figure it was made in the late 19th century by “Anciens Etablissements Pieper." When you pull back on the trigger guard the gun breaks for loading the single barrel. It's really small...maybe 3lbs. Sometimes known as a "Bicycle gun" for some reason - maybe because it's so compact folded it can easily be carried on a bicycle...who knows? I'm afraid to shoot it because I don't think it's been shot in 100 years. The barrel is immaculate.

Yikes! She musta been a veritable Annie Oakley! :D

12-11-2017, 12:30 PM
Pic won't post right side up.

12-11-2017, 12:41 PM
I have several guns that I haven't shot, some I can't find ammo for, others for sentimental reasons or I have something similar to shoot.
Frankly I'm one of those guys that just doesn't seem to have the time or the place to shoot everything I'd like to shoot.

I have some that I had to shoot, so I did and haven't shot them much, like my 42 Colt 1911. It shoots perfect but I have other 1911's so it don't get out much.

To me a collector is a person who specializes. Maybe Winchester lever guns or period military arms or something focused.

Being an accumulator I love everything that goes bang and I want them all. So I guess I'm a scattergun collector, perhaps another word for accumulator.

I don't totally agree that accumulations go down in value, some do of course, others don't and I'll be the first to admit I've not made much of anything when I parted with guns. Usually I take a little bit of a beating especially on trades but I wouldn't have it any other way.

12-11-2017, 12:48 PM
Well, I better not shoot that Colt in my upside down pictures - no telling where the boolets might wind up..... or down.

12-11-2017, 01:21 PM
That upside down Colt is one I'd have a tough time shooting. I'd want to very badly but I don't think I could get myself to do it.

The word collector reminded me of a fella (customer) at the gun shop I did a little on the job training at when I first became a derelict.

He collected Winchester rifles. We had specific instructions that the box was to be opened very carefully to verify the serial number but then shut. Gun wasn't to be handled in any way prior to customer picking it up.

He had many, possibly hundreds. That virtually never left the box. Hang tags not removed, bolt never inserted into the rifle.

Now that boys and girls is a hard core collector and just maybe a good 401K down the road.

I can't imagine not taking a gun out of the box and inserting the bolt though, that's insane.

Seems like now all the bolt rifles I see come with the bolt already in, but haven't taken one out of the box in years so maybe not.

12-11-2017, 01:48 PM
Just recently I actually started cocking that Colt in anticipation of shooting it on March 2nd, Texas Independence Day. Bought a box of .45 Colt (took out a new mortgage on the house), and am now lookin' for a poster/target of Santa Anna.

The 1985 manufactured gun had supposedly never been turned since leaving Hartford.

12-11-2017, 02:10 PM
Used to be an accumulator..................got rid of everything I don't shoot. Now, just have carry size firearms for self defense. Shoot them frequently.........................

12-11-2017, 02:15 PM
Used to be an accumulator..................got rid of everything I don't shoot. Now, just have carry size firearms for self defense. Shoot them frequently.........................

Yep I see that condition in my future. But not yet. Digging through the safe looking for what to take to the range is like having a birthday whenever you want. I might start thinning a little but I won't give up them birthdays yet.

12-11-2017, 03:14 PM
I do that thin the herd thing all the time. I take them out set them aside into go and keep piles. Then the go pile gets smaller and smaller and pretty soon they are all back in the box. Just can't do it, too painful.

12-11-2017, 04:04 PM

Even upside down that's a pretty revolver. I'd probably wear it out just cocking the hammer: C.O.L T. ...over and over again.

12-11-2017, 04:32 PM
Didn't vote either way 'cause I've long considered myself to be collector of firearms....but I've never bought one I would not shoot.

Cars, wimmen, guns, old tools, whatever....collect and admire, but also put/subject to proper use.

12-11-2017, 05:15 PM
I've shot everything I own.
Not that I've got anything Big Time collectable.
Have gotten some good deals on new guns I could have easily flipped for a profit.
But I don't do that.
I keep it and shoot it - LOL! :D

12-12-2017, 03:38 PM
I have only three I've never shot. Two side by side 12ga that were my grandpa's. I'd be afeared to shoot them. The other is a Mosin Nagant still in the box along with the bayonet, oil can and ammo pouches. So many people have bought them and have modified them. I figure in another 50 years or so there won't be any originals left and I might make a $5-10 profit on it! I do have some that don't get shot much and others that get shot quite often.

Errr, I mean I used to have them. Avalanche took 'em all a few years back.

12-12-2017, 04:58 PM
Damn Avalanche's will get you every time. Just got hit with another myself. Start over again.
Funny you mention Mosin Nagant, I was cleaning the dust off some rifles right before the avalanche and one was my Mosin, I have a rifle (might be a Cossack Rifle) and a carbine. Never shot either one but I might. The carbine is like new, probably never issued. The rifle is a tad rough and the bore is not great but it's getting better. I brush her out and soak it now and then and I think it was improving. Done the kroil and JB bore thing which helped but didn't cure it. Now under all that snow I'm sure it's a write off and probably broken. Got me to thinking so I found Enemy at the Gate on Netflix and was able to watch it for free. Great movie, seen it a few times, I'll watch it again.

12-12-2017, 05:07 PM
A recent event made me change my mind about not shooting collector pieces. I lost my father earlier this year. He had a rifle that was collectable. He was very sick and we knew he didn't have much time left. He wanted to shoot his rifle. when I mentioned the value and what it would do to it, he said, I'm dying. I want to shoot my rifle. We shot the rifle and had a good time of it.

After that I decided that any collectable guns I had would be sold if I was not going to shoot them. FWiW, the rifle was appraised and shooting it hurt the value very little if at all.

12-12-2017, 05:44 PM
I'm glad your dad got to shoot his rifle. That would only increase the value to me and would be all the more reason to keep it as a family keepsake.

When my dad was sick and time was short I frantically tried to return his 1917 Enfield back to it's original military configuration. He had sporterized the stock but left all the metal stock. Didn't straighten the floor plate or any of that usual stuff.
I got not great stock and hand guard but didn't arrive quite in time to get a picture of him holding it. It was close.

I'll still never sell it. His wife who I got along with quite well while he was alive turned into a gold digger so I'm glad I asked for the rifle before hand. Not any great value other than sentimental. I have my grandfathers 1917 also, only rifle I ever hunted with except a model 94 I used when I hunted with him.

Wow, suddenly occurred to me I've never hunted with a store bought production rifle. Well I guess the 94 was a production rifle so guess I did after all.

12-12-2017, 06:06 PM
A recent event made me change my mind about not shooting collector pieces. I lost my father earlier this year. He had a rifle that was collectable. He was very sick and we knew he didn't have much time left. He wanted to shoot his rifle. when I mentioned the value and what it would do to it, he said, I'm dying. I want to shoot my rifle. We shot the rifle and had a good time of it.

After that I decided that any collectable guns I had would be sold if I was not going to shoot them. FWiW, the rifle was appraised and shooting it hurt the value very little if at all.

And there ya go! Especially given this past year...I get it.

12-13-2017, 10:03 AM
Pic won't post right side up.
Works fine. I just turned my monitor upside down.

12-13-2017, 10:07 AM
Brilliant, why didn't I think of that. Yeah I know, lack of a full deck.

12-13-2017, 10:29 PM
I've got my fair share of firearms in the safe... not one is a safe queen, that's just not how I roll. The real beauty of any mechanical device, and a firearm qualifies as such, is in it's operation. Unless there is some sort of safety issue, shoot the darned things....

12-14-2017, 05:11 PM
I've got my fair share of firearms in the safe... not one is a safe queen, that's just not how I roll. The real beauty of any mechanical device, and a firearm qualifies as such, is in it's operation. Unless there is some sort of safety issue, shoot the darned things....

^^^ +1

12-17-2017, 01:04 PM
that pic looks just fine to me


12-22-2017, 10:01 AM
I’ve not bought an unfired collectable, so everything gets a turn at the range

12-23-2017, 06:46 PM
If I bought it I shoot it. I have no use for a tool I can't use. I practice for self defense and self improvement. Shooting is fun and shooting my friends guns broadens my horizons without costing me anything but the gas to get to the farm. I am anxious to open a box of .44 Mag I bought so I can shoot my buddy's Big Boy and another's Marlin 1894.

12-23-2017, 07:02 PM
If I bought it I shoot it. I have no use for a tool I can't use. I practice for self defense and self improvement. Shooting is fun and shooting my friends guns broadens my horizons without costing me anything but the gas to get to the farm. I am anxious to open a box of .44 Mag I bought so I can shoot my buddy's Big Boy and another's Marlin 1894.

I shot the Redhawk the other day. It’s a mitt full. I wouldn’t mind a try at either of them lever guns. Have fun.

12-24-2017, 05:49 PM
If a gun has "Collector's Edition" etched into it, it's not a collector's item except for folks that like "Collectable" written on their guns. Go ahead a shoot the heck out of it.

12-24-2017, 07:44 PM
I shot the Redhawk the other day. It’s a mitt full. I wouldn’t mind a try at either of them lever guns. Have fun.
My buddy with the 1894 also has a Redhawk. As soon as we get sunny weather in January we'll be setting up the targets at the farm. Lots of loud reports will be heard. Large holes will appear in paper. Fun will be had and lunch will follow at the Mexican restaurant.

01-05-2018, 07:15 PM
Official poll results: 15 accumulators and zero collectors. I guess the collectors aren’t ready to admit it. ;)

01-20-2018, 10:01 PM
Official poll results: 15 accumulators and zero collectors. I guess the collectors aren’t ready to admit it. ;)

I’m late to the party (as usual). I’m not a collector but I’ve only shot 1 magazine through my HK P7M8. I really wanted to shoot it, but as they are so rare here in Thailand I really just wanted to own one. I don’t consider it a collectible but rather it’s just something a little different from my other guns (all of which were unfortunately lost to the rising ocean and global warming damn it).
