View Full Version : My grandson's 7th birday present

12-12-2017, 04:16 PM
I bought this a few years back shortly after my grandson was born for the Gun Library at Cabela's. Story has it a lady brought in quite a few .22 rifles that her husband had refinished/refurbished over the years. He had passed on and she had no use for them. Well over 50 rifles and all .22s. When I saw this one I knew I had to get it. Original Savage action with a new Stevens barrel and some of the prettiest wood furniture. That, and its the same Savage rifle that I learned to shoot with when I was about 7 years old. My brother has the one my brothers and I all learned on.

I've been waiting patiently for the right time to give him this rifle. I waited too long with my oldest grandson and I jumped the gun with my two granddaughters when I got them bb guns when they were 4 or 5ish. I had also told my daughter and son-in-law NOT to get him a .22 or bb gun as I had one in waiting. Amazingly they waited along with me over the years.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to be there when he opened it up. However, my wife took plenty of pictures and his dad took him shortly after opening it up to try it out. It looks to be a tad bit long for him but he'll grow into it in short order. The look on his face has made the wait very much worth while.

12-12-2017, 04:26 PM
That's an incredible little rifle and a great picture. That is some absolutely gorgeous wood on it for sure.

One happy kid and rightfully so. I love this sort of stuff.

Would love to see the other 50 he had done, obviously had great taste.

12-12-2017, 04:40 PM
By the time I was informed about them most were gone. I think only 7 or 8 were left. I wish I had been there when they came in so I could have put my name on probably most of them.

12-12-2017, 04:44 PM
Wow he is sure a happy camper in both pictures. GOOD JOB!

12-12-2017, 05:22 PM
Thanks for sharing. I'm smiling with all of you. Great job!

12-12-2017, 07:18 PM

12-14-2017, 08:13 PM
Ain't America great?

Heartwarming picture of a happy young man. He is going to treasure that beautiful gift from Grandpa as long as he lives.

Just bought my youngest grandson (age 7) a new Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas. Have a Winchester Model 67A single shot waiting for him when he's big enough to handle it properly.

12-14-2017, 08:31 PM
That is a gun that I would be proud to own and I am 80 years old. Nice wood, I hope he doesn't scratch it. I love the wood and that octagon barrel too.

12-14-2017, 08:53 PM
Back when I was a kid and about the same age as your grandson, WW2 was on and food was rationed, along with a lot of other stuff. My dad had a 22, Winchester model #74 automatic. It was nothing special but he used to hunt rabbits with it to feed us 5 kids and I went along on a lot of those hunts. It loads with a tube in the butt plate and a slot in the stock and holds about 15 shells. I thought that was a special gun. A few years back I ran across one a guy was selling. It had a refinished stock too. Well I bought that one out of sentimental reasons and it is down in my safe today. I love that one too. It brings back a lot of memories of my childhood.

12-15-2017, 01:36 PM
A fine looking young man..........................and a lucky one. Times he'll never forget.....

12-15-2017, 07:04 PM
Truth be told, he got his birthday present early. My wife went out for his sister's 10th birthday on Dec 2. He was born on Dec 25 and I wanted to see his face when he got that little .22 so he got to open it early before my wife came home. We'll be in south Texas over Christmas and thus the early birthday present.

I am still looking at all of the pics every day and my heart just bursts with pride and happiness!

12-15-2017, 07:59 PM
You certainly made his day and then some. GOOD JOB!
Here is my grand son this fall, he's 8.

12-15-2017, 08:25 PM
I'm with Ikeo and would be thrilled to own that rifle myself.

I also want that go kart jeepsters grandson is driving.

Reminds me of the time I was driving my kids go kart and foot went over the frame holding the throttle down full. That's when I found I could push my foot but could not pull. It was an interesting few minutes at a family gathering at my house ripping around while I tried to get my foot loose.