View Full Version : Happy Festivus

12-22-2017, 03:44 PM
For the rest of us!.....Got my aluminum pole all set up for Festivus tomorrow and this year I splurged and set up a color wheel and I it makes my pole soooooo shiny......For my feat of strength I think I'll go to bed early.....Seriously I wish everyone here a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and hope everyone enjoys the season and the time with your family.....

12-22-2017, 04:30 PM
What about the "airing of grievances"?
I was looking forward to that part.
Going to the other side of the State to visit my Mom and Brother for Festivus, I think I might pin her this year.

12-22-2017, 05:27 PM
Well, the wife has finished all the shopping, wrapping, & grocery runs. Now she is starting the preliminary cooking & baking, with the first item - pecan pralines. I got to pour this out of the pot while she spread it evenly. When cooled, she'll break it up to put in individual bags for the family members (except for the 3 vegans and the diabetic):
