View Full Version : Struggling with accuracy with CM9

01-08-2018, 05:01 AM
Hello everyone. This is probably my 5th trip to the range with my CM9. Really loving it, especially the reliability. But I am struggling with accuracy. Shooting at 8 inch targets from 21 feet, 60% of my shots are within 3 inches of center, but the others are sometimes WAY off, like at the bottom of the target or even off the target onto the cardboard.
Now I have only been shooting handguns for a year, but I just think I should be doing better. Especially when I read about others accuracy claims made on this forum, and watching Hickok45 bang the gong at 80 yards!!

It seems that trigger control is very important, and I feel like when I slowly squeeze the trigger I am more accurate, but I don't know. I am hoping others with more experience will offer some guidance here.

My other gun is a full size CZ and I am much more accurate with it. Thanks for any and all help/advice.

Ed M
01-08-2018, 07:27 AM
Sounds like you're anticipating recoil.

This video may help.....


01-08-2018, 08:38 AM
Hello everyone. This is probably my 5th trip to the range with my CM9. Really loving it, especially the reliability. But I am struggling with accuracy. Shooting at 8 inch targets from 21 feet, 60% of my shots are within 3 inches of center, but the others are sometimes WAY off, like at the bottom of the target or even off the target onto the cardboard.
Now I have only been shooting handguns for a year, but I just think I should be doing better. Especially when I read about others accuracy claims made on this forum, and watching Hickok45 bang the gong at 80 yards!!

It seems that trigger control is very important, and I feel like when I slowly squeeze the trigger I am more accurate, but I don't know. I am hoping others with more experience will offer some guidance here.

My other gun is a full size CZ and I am much more accurate with it. Thanks for any and all help/advice.

I think Ed M nailed it.
Don't feel too bad. I'm the same way many times and I really have to focus with my CM9. I can shoot it well but it takes real focus and also really moving my trigger finger independability of the rest of my hand. The short sight radius is part of it too.

As for your other gun you have a good one. I got on the CZ band wagon little over a year ago and have aquired 6 of them now. We'll always shoot those much better I think. I recently bought a SP-01 and I have never shot any other pistol as well.

Stick with it and you'll get it down.

01-08-2018, 08:41 AM
Practice and even more practice.

01-08-2018, 08:59 AM
I think Ed M nailed it.
Don't feel too bad. I'm the same way many times and I really have to focus with my CM9. I can shoot it well but it takes real focus and also really moving my trigger finger independability of the rest of my hand. The short sight radius is part of it too.

As for your other gun you have a good one. I got on the CZ band wagon little over a year ago and have aquired 6 of them now. We'll always shoot those much better I think. I recently bought a SP-01 and I have never shot any other pistol as well.

Stick with it and you'll get it down.
https://s9.postimg.org/5y58w63pr/bow_down_before_you-960.gif (https://postimages.org/)

01-08-2018, 10:14 AM
You really hit the nail on the head in regards to trigger control. Its the long trigger pull that most people aren't expecting, but no reason anyone cant be just as capable with it than another. I think I read somewhere on here the NYPD stopped issuing one of the steel framed Kahrs to their officers as the trigger was "too light". Google it for the article if you are interested.

01-08-2018, 12:54 PM
front sight, press, front sight, press, repeat as many times as possible! then dry fire at home, focus on FRONT SIGHT while learning to "stage" the trigger ( the point just before the trigger breaks) front sight should NOT DIP when trigger breaks. the smaller the gun the more work required for skills. believe me when I say these skills will come if you do it; if I can do it at 71 yrs. anyone can. part of my live practice is 18 rnds., 9 controled pairs (not double taps) fired freestyle, on a IDPA target @75ft ; thru practice, I consistantly hold the -1, sometimes -0 on the target. but you gotta practice. the CM9 will out shoot the average schmos like me every time. P.S. don't give up on the CM9!



01-08-2018, 01:39 PM
Find what works and stick with it. For me I've found that I do better with a smooth pull through rather than trying to stage the trigger.

Surprisingly enough I go from 1911 to PM45 back and forth during practice and do just fine with both even though the triggers are on opposite ends of the spectrum.

01-08-2018, 01:47 PM
Thanks to all of you all for the information. I will keep working at it. As I said, I am very new to handguns. Learning more each day.

"Bugs" - will dry firing the gun destroy the trigger?? Should I purchase a snap cap first?
"yqtszhj" - I have a CZ SP-01 Tactical in 9mm. It was my very first handgun purchase and boy is it wonderful. It's heavy. It's easy to control. It has very little recoil. It is extremely reliable and accurate, too.

01-08-2018, 02:30 PM
Dry firing will not harm the Kahr. Purchasing some snap caps and having someone else load your magazines is good practice to determine if you flinch.

Watching Ed's video a person could also have someone else chamber a round. Either for real or just not quite. Same effect. You don't know if it will go bang or not.

01-08-2018, 02:52 PM
"yqtszhj" - I have a CZ SP-01 Tactical in 9mm. It was my very first handgun purchase and boy is it wonderful. It's heavy. It's easy to control. It has very little recoil. It is extremely reliable and accurate, too.

Thats tactical is the last cz I picked up (I think). You messed up (in a good way) and started with one of the best in my opinion. I tell you, you going to be hard pressed to find one that shoots better, but like you said it's probably one of the heaviest too. But I think most all pistols are fun. You got yourself an addictive hobby now, or at least thats how it worked out for me. I shot a WHOLE LOT of 9mm last year.

01-08-2018, 02:54 PM
https://s9.postimg.org/5y58w63pr/bow_down_before_you-960.gif (https://postimages.org/)

Well I'm working toward my aspirations of being like Greg when I grow up. ;)

01-08-2018, 05:50 PM
Everybody has nailed the trigger pull part. I'll add that your FINGER placement on the trigger makes a fairly large difference especially a long double action pull like the Kahr. I practice a smooth pull letting the break surprise me(but that's what works for me.).

I saw a good picture the other day somewhere and found it on the web that'll explain what I'm talking about.


01-09-2018, 01:45 PM
IMHO dry firing will not damage the trigger or striker of a center fire pistol (not sure about a firing PIN though) ; a lot of people use snap caps, I do not, and haven't had any problems over the years. I'm too anal that I don't want anything that remotely looks like a round, no matter what color it is, around when I'm dry firing, but that's just me. also I do not drop the slide on a empty chamber, drawing the slide back just far enough to reset the trigger. as a bonus drill to further enhance your skills, as you're progressing with your freestyle dry fire, try some reps strong hand only then switch to some reps weak hand only; don't forget to try some while releasing trigger to reset point. sadistic SOB ain't I. ;)



01-11-2018, 09:09 AM
This laser cartridge (https://www.amazon.com/G-Sight-Luger-Training-Laser-Cartridge/dp/B07115ZZBM/ref=sr_1_2?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1515683415&sr=1-2&keywords=9mm+laser+trainer) + your CM9 + CNN on the TV can make for some very interesting practice shooting. This target (https://www.amazon.com/CheapShot-Tactical-Training-Target/dp/B00OMCTX96/ref=sr_1_3?s=sports-and-fitness&ie=UTF8&qid=1515683475&sr=1-3&keywords=laser+target) is lots of fun too.

01-11-2018, 03:40 PM
Grip the fool out of that little bugger. Try to strangle it with both hands. Thats what works for me.

01-15-2018, 05:50 PM
I had my first shooting lesson today and throughout the day the importance of trigger control was brought up, stressed and worked on multiple times. In fact many of the things mentioned in this thread were brought up. I was shooting his guns, so all the triggers were fantastic! And exactly the same! So easy and no extraneous creep or excess movement. Much different than my guns. Although he recommended I get some work done on my CZ trigger, he said to leave the Kahr trigger alone. He commented on how smooth it was.

01-19-2018, 09:27 PM
It's amazingly coincidental that the OP posted this as I have a very similar problem. I have recently been able to shoot my CM9 again (long story) and I have found my accuracy to stink. I have been dry-firing consistently for over a year so when I went to the range I could not figure out what I was doing wrong. I may have to record my shooting to watch how I am gripping the gun, pulling the trigger and if I have a flinch. Whatever the case may be it was a disappointing range session. Still better than any day at work, though :biggrin1:

03-06-2018, 10:23 AM
I'm also struggling with my CM9's accuracy. I am an experienced handgunner and have no trouble squeezing the potential accuracy out of my other handguns. What is a reasonable expectation of accuracy from a CM9 shot from a sandbag rest at distances like 7 or 15 yards? Do these pistols tend to be ammo sensitive? I have noticed my CM9 prefers Federal American Eagle to Remington when it comes to inexpensive 115gr. FMJ loads. I have not yet tried any 124gr. loads.

Tight groups,

03-06-2018, 11:38 AM
124 gr. loads may help, but......................I see that once again, it hasn't been mentioned that this is not a target pistol. This is a save your behind pistol. So much emphasis on bulls eyes, that your missing the big picture. I think you're dreaming if you expect to shoot a small firearm as good as a larger, heavier, longer firearm. I guarantee you that everyone would love to shoot like hickcock45, but unfortunately, most of us don't get our ammo for free, and most of us don't shoot a thousand rounds a day. Someone here said it best. " Aim for the waist and the gun will rise up." Forget about 3" groups with a small firearm. Realistically, from 10' yes, from 10 yds. and beyond, forget it unless you shoot thousands of rounds. Finger placement IS very important with these smaller firearms. Stacking isn't impossible, but with the trigger design, difficult at best.

03-06-2018, 11:57 AM
124 gr. loads may help, but......................I see that once again, it hasn't been mentioned that this is not a target pistol. This is a save your behind pistol. So much emphasis on bulls eyes, that your missing the big picture. I think you're dreaming if you expect to shoot a small firearm as good as a larger, heavier, longer firearm. I guarantee you that everyone would love to shoot like hickcock45, but unfortunately, most of us don't get our ammo for free, and most of us don't shoot a thousand rounds a day. Someone here said it best. " Aim for the waist and the gun will rise up." Forget about 3" groups with a small firearm. Realistically, from 10' yes, from 10 yds. and beyond, forget it unless you shoot thousands of rounds. Finger placement IS very important with these smaller firearms. Stacking isn't impossible, but with the trigger design, difficult at best.

A good point, and well taken. I don't expect the groups I get with my larger pistols. I just feel that when I'm doing everything right, some shots aren't going where I think they should. The only other sub-compact pistol I own is a tiny little Beretta 950 Jetfire and I can do much better with it. But, to your point, that is a single-action trigger.

I still like and enjoy my CM9, but after seeing groups others shoot with other pistols in its class, I have to wonder if my pistol has an issue. I can certainly live with it, but I just wish it did better.

Tight groups,

03-06-2018, 12:13 PM
Some shoot incredibly well with these little guns too. I just think minute of pie plate myself.
Keep at it and I think it will improve.

Personally I've found that I do better if I don't try to stage the trigger, just a smooth pull all the way through. Seems I fall to pieces when I try to stage it.

Course that's most likely just me.

03-06-2018, 01:07 PM
desmobob,I don't ever shot from sandbags; part of my practice routine is controlled pairs @75ft. freestyle grip, on the IDPA target, because sometimes in a match we will encounter a skill stage at those ranges and more;again it is a skill test stage not a S.D. stage. at 75ft. w/practice, you can hold the zero, -1, zones with your CM9.

my CM9 likes 115gr. federal aluminum case; as it's my EDC also, it gets C.D. 115s.



03-06-2018, 03:08 PM
Not mentioned above... You might consider strengthening your shooting hand (squeeze a rubber ball, etc). I had to switch from the PM9 because my grip would allow it to spin as if gripping a pvc pipe. My hands were just not strong enough. May not be your issue but though I'd offer it up.

03-06-2018, 04:40 PM
That is something else to consider. You have to death grip these firearms so they run properly. Do you have to squeeze any other's as tightly???????????????????

03-07-2018, 01:08 PM
I try to squeeze them all tighter with my support hand, more so then with my strong hand. (I also squeeze the ball,both hands.)