View Full Version : Any Body going to SHOT this year.

01-23-2018, 12:11 PM
I don't have any co workers going this year so an autographed poster of who ever the Kahr girl is this year isn't looking so good.

I got one from Mrs. Moon (a truly prized possession) and one from 2015 or 2016 of Adrianne.

Guess I don't have much wall space anyhow so maybe it's not the end of the world.

Sure like to get there one of these years and meet all the Kahr folks and a few others too.

01-23-2018, 12:13 PM
If you run out of wall space, put 'em on the ceiling. :cool:

01-23-2018, 01:26 PM
He says put em on the ceiling to a guy in a wheel chair. Good idea, I'll find a way.

Maybe a stick and my blow gun? I'll roll out of the way if they don't stick and I won't dip the tips of the darts in the septic tank for the poison effect.

If I score a poster I'll find a place to hang it on the ceiling or otherwise, count on that.

I think I'll spend the rest of the day inventing a ladder for derelicts. How tough can it be ya know?

01-23-2018, 01:58 PM
Well, if no one makes a handicapped accessible wheelchair friendly scaffold, you can always sue 'em.

01-23-2018, 02:09 PM
Even if they didn't try to grope me? Maybe I'll just pick one that's already going down, I mean they going down anyhow, I might as well get some too?

I'm thinking that might help me retire if I can pin a grope on somebody and get a big chunk of change.

Course I'd share with all my kahrtalk pals, goes without saying.

I should seek counseling, starting to think like a democrat.

Funny, never did care for ladders or scaffolding, wasn't much into heights I guess.

01-23-2018, 04:19 PM
Use an extension pole & let the poster dangle at a 90 degree angle.

Must us Texans be required to think of everything?


01-23-2018, 04:42 PM
Well if I get too many of them poles I might as well open a pole dancing class.

You know, as a public service type of thing.

01-23-2018, 05:20 PM
Well if I get too many of them poles I might as well open a pole dancing class.

You know, as a public service type of thing.

Mulling over the visual. I nots know whether to get excited or puke, or both.

01-23-2018, 05:46 PM
Well the instructor might not be appealing to thine eyes but I plan to pick up some really smoking hot students. I'll spare you any photo's if the boobs are too big.

01-23-2018, 07:13 PM
... if the boobs are too big.

By definition, firearm calibers and boobs can never be too big.

01-23-2018, 09:58 PM
I agree but Itxi is mighty particular about his boobs.

Ken L
01-23-2018, 10:12 PM
Bawanna, I'm in Vegas, but I fly out at 7am tomorrow. Came in Monday for a different trade show (World of Concrete) and didn't realize SHOT was the same time or I would have scheduled an extra day here. That's one show I have always wanted to go to, instead of these work related shows.

01-23-2018, 10:41 PM
Yes sir, I'm going at the end of the week.

01-23-2018, 11:01 PM
You best get going Al, didn't it start today and ends Thursday or Friday?

That's sad Ken that you couldn't stick around and go to SHOT. I'm told they don't let just anybody in but everybody that wants to go manages to get in.
I can get in working for a police department. Have to do some advance stuff to make it happen but no big deal. If you get another chance we'll figure out a way to get you in.

Maybe we can say we work for Alfonse and that would get us in. You could be production assistant and I could be his body guard or something, assistant custodian, I'll think of something.

01-24-2018, 07:12 AM
I think I found picture taken in Bawanna's shop....

01-24-2018, 09:44 AM
I didn't think that picture was made public. Nothing sacred these days.

01-24-2018, 09:46 AM
You best get going Al, didn't it start today and ends Thursday or Friday?

That's sad Ken that you couldn't stick around and go to SHOT. I'm told they don't let just anybody in but everybody that wants to go manages to get in.
I can get in working for a police department. Have to do some advance stuff to make it happen but no big deal. If you get another chance we'll figure out a way to get you in.

Maybe we can say we work for Alfonse and that would get us in. You could be production assistant and I could be his body guard or something, assistant custodian, I'll think of something.

The first couple of days are a complete zoo. It is claustrophobic. By the end of the week, I can actually get in to talk with folks and the experience is much improved over the first couple of days.

01-24-2018, 10:38 AM
Yeah I've seen pictures, it's like cattle being run through the chutes. I'd probably not do well in that environment.
Good plan. Nice to be able to get in and actually talk with those you want to visit.

I imagine it's terribly stressful for the poor folks behind the booths too. Dealing with every Tom, Dick and bawanna with silly questions.

If / When I make it, I'll go for the last day or two also. Good tactics.

01-24-2018, 04:55 PM
By definition, firearm calibers and boobs can never be too big.

You're new here, ain't ya?

01-24-2018, 05:03 PM
I agree but Itxi is mighty particular about his boobs.

I am. And with the cancer thing and all this past year they done gots disgustingly floppy. But now back to, outwardly apparent, good basic health I'm workin' on whipping them back into shape.

01-24-2018, 05:24 PM
Best thing for boobs is digging post holes. I put up fences for 10 years out of high school, I know.

01-24-2018, 06:47 PM
Best thing for boobs is digging post holes. I put up fences for 10 years out of high school, I know.

Can't do that kinda stuffs 'cause of my back. Even if I wanted to, Doc's and experience have made it clear if I tried I'd quickly end up in a wheel chair. No disrespect, but I kinda don't want that. Home gym upper body weight based workouts will fix the problem/get me there.

01-24-2018, 08:11 PM
I bought the nicest, most expensive post hole digger Lowe’s had, to do just a few holes, and that was hard work.

01-25-2018, 06:27 PM
I bought the nicest, most expensive post hole digger Lowe’s had, to do just a few holes, and that was hard work.

Should have got one of these instead :o

http://www.oldnorthcanine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/2012-07-21_0255.png (https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjOpMH9rvTYAhVE4mMKHbS6BH4QjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oldnorthcanine.com%2Fdigging% 2F&psig=AOvVaw1KhnzSq6nqmuj-AtXuVQ3L&ust=1517012636648096)

01-26-2018, 07:26 AM

01-27-2018, 07:29 PM
You've probably seen the "new" stuff Kahr had at SHOT. I'll tell you about the old stuff!

For the first time ever since I've been going, they had a T9 on display. That's the first time I've fondled one. They are a sweet gun! I may offer to buy Kahr another peg for holding guns for their booth though, since there wasn't an MK9 to be found! I guess they only have room for so many... LOL! One of their employees mentioned that it was the first time he had seen the T9 at SHOT too and I think he has been to more of their shows than I have.

I was there on Friday, and they still had good traffic at the booth. It was moved a little bit from where it had been the last couple of years, but not too far.

Their little .22 rifles and even their 9mm 1911s sure look nice. I realize 9mm and 1911 in the same sentence is blasphemy to Bawanna, but I still like them.

01-27-2018, 11:43 PM
Actually I've had a hankering of late for a 9mm 1911, how strange is that. While another here apparently didn't care for it I saw a 1911 with a pin up girl engraved in the slide and I thought it looked super nice. I want one of those too, I'd take one in 9 even.

I didn't agree too much also with the talk of evolution etc since the hand gun was pretty much perfected in 1905, officially in 1911. Since then it's pretty much the same song to a slightly different tune.

I looked for the 1911 on Kahrs site but it isn't showing up yet. So many guns, so little time..............................................