View Full Version : .45 ACP into .45 Colt die
jg rider
01-30-2018, 10:38 AM
Yesterday I was on a bullseye shooter's forum and some one asked the question of why his Lee factory crimp die was hanging up. This thread isn't about the pros and cons of the Lee factory crimp dies.
One of the members responding noted that the user was using a .45 Colt resizing die which was causing the hang ups because the resized .45 ACP case via .45 Colt was a few thou. bigger in diameter.
Reading further into the thread I gathered that using a .45 Colt resizing die was a common practice.
I don't have a .45 Colt die to experiment with, and I was wondering if any one here has heard of this practice.
01-30-2018, 10:46 AM
I never heard of it myself. I load 45 and 45 Colt but never considered using the 45 Colt die on the 45 ACP.
I like the Lee Factory crimp dies myself. Been awhile since I loaded 45 Colt, don't recall if I even use it on that round. Something to check when I get home.
jg rider
01-30-2018, 10:59 AM
Morning Boss,
I mentioned in the thread before this that I only neck size .38, .357, and .44 mag brass for my Marlin 1894s. I did notice IMHO better accuracy.
I was wondering how to neck size .45 acp brass for a tighter chamber fit.
On another note, I'm having problems with this forum's appearance.
First I was getting a bunch of gibberish at the top of the page when I first come onto Kahr Talk.
Then when I went to edit this thread I. The edit page is blank and it's supper-imposed over it's self.
jg rider
01-30-2018, 11:18 AM
Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in ..../includes/class_wysiwygparser.php on line 310
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And I can't edit
01-30-2018, 12:08 PM
Still doing that!
01-30-2018, 12:09 PM
The text is replaced but no editing of the old.
01-30-2018, 12:17 PM
Our much loved and frequently sought out leader JohnH is looking into the forum malady. I been getting it too.
jg rider
01-30-2018, 12:22 PM
That's what;s happening at times
I write and then post. When I go to edit I write in what the edit is and then click save. Al that's then there is the edit words.
At times I can't edit because the edit page lines are all super-imposed over each other
jg rider
01-30-2018, 12:27 PM
Also can't reply with quote or go advance. Get message that says message to short
jg rider
01-30-2018, 12:32 PM
Does our beloved leader live in an underground bunker like..............
jg rider
01-30-2018, 12:37 PM
No smileys either. Can this be an anti toy conspiracy ?
jg rider
01-30-2018, 12:39 PM
How about we get back on topic.
01-30-2018, 01:08 PM
How is it looking now? I am not seeing the errors on posts anymore myself.
jg rider
01-30-2018, 01:22 PM
How is it looking now? I am not seeing the errors on posts anymore myself.
Hi John
So far I can see the the reply to quote :amflag:
And the smileys
And preview post
And edit
Was there ever a question of why the post as edited ?
If so it's not there now
01-30-2018, 01:23 PM
Good deal. Odd error. I appreciate the assist testing it!
jg rider
01-30-2018, 01:37 PM
Last test, attachments
01-30-2018, 01:45 PM
Looks good. Dog checks out as well prepared for a cat or squirrel apocalypse. :D
01-31-2018, 09:45 AM
This is the .45 ACP.
01-31-2018, 09:49 AM
They are different cartridges with different dimensions. The drawings explain a lot.
jg rider
01-31-2018, 10:55 AM
Yesterday when I started this thread I hadn't had my first cup of coffee.
So I didn't read the bulls eye forum thread thoroughly
My son has a set of .45 colt dies so we may try this for a tighter case to chamber fit.
I wrote in an earlier thread that I fire form my .38 .357, and .44 mag cases for our 1894 Marlin lever guns. Then I resize only the case section that the bullet goes into. IMHO the tight chamber fit added to my accuracy
Here's what the the bulls eye o.p.wrote
Re: Lee Factory Crimp Die Sticking
Post by estuck on 12/30/2017, 11:29 pm
The Uniquetek is their billet toolhead that has two small sockethead screws to lock the toolhead in place. My press is the Dillon 550. The expander/sizing die is Dillon in .45 long colt. I'm wondering now if that is the problem. There is no doubt the sticking is with the crimping die, all other stations are smooth. May try the 45 acp sizing die to see if it makes a difference.
Here's one of the replys Re: Lee Factory Crimp Die Sticking ( by SmokinNJokin on 1/7/2018, 11:53 am
Jack H wrote:I tried the Lee FC die for a while. No more.
The crimp part inside shreds the case mouth. Poor machining IMO
And I see no need to resize the round.
(and I broke the carbide on one using it as a push through)
+1 my experience exactly with the LEE FCD. It re-sizes brass down to minimum spec. Much smaller than needed for a match .45, in the name of 'reliability' (this is a band-aid for using wildly varying brass in a bunch of different guns and making sure it will always chamber and go bang. Also geared toward bulge-busting for unsupported chambers like glock and others). There is just no need for it in a 1911 bullseye gun.
Keep sizing with the .45 colt die though. If sized brass fits in the chamber of your pistol with no resistance, it is not a problem. The lee FCD is the problem, it is re-sizing your brass down to minimum spec, much smaller than needed. Go back to your dillon crimp die, that will solve the problem guranteed.
Using a .45 colt sizing die, .45 colt expander, .45 acp seating die, and .45 acp crimp die, my press runs smooth as butter and I haven't seen a SINGLE lead or brass shaving in a long, long time.
01-31-2018, 12:28 PM
Also can't reply with quote or go advance. Get message that says message to short
When it says message too short, it means you started writing above the last sentence of the last post. Go back and page the last message up and make sure it is above where you are starting your reply.
02-01-2018, 08:34 AM
$25 is a smart investment to consider.
jg rider
02-01-2018, 11:44 AM
I stopped using the Lee Factory Crimp Die for 9mm and .45 acp a long time back. I cast my own bullets for both out of a mix of wheel weights and linotype. And then I lube size them to my slugged out barrel diameters. The 9mms are sized to .356" and the the .45s are sized to .452"
My cases are all mixed manufacturers, so there is a difference in wall thickness. Heck some of my .45 brass are old military, dating back to the 70s
So much for the tech stuff
I found when using the Lee die without setting the crimp and then I pulling the bullets, the bullets were swagged down about .001" or so. This was because of the difference in the wall thickness of the brass.
This deviation really doesn't mean much to us except the principal of it. We're not precision shooters. If we can hit 8" plates out to 25yds. that's good enough. But IMHO it's a waste of money
YMMV, John
02-01-2018, 11:52 AM
The purpose of the Lee factory crimp die is to make any reload work in any gun.
If your shooting your reloads in the same gun or especially if just one particular gun just neck sizing or sizing just enough to feed and chamber efficiently is all a person needs.
I have a TC Contender in 30-30. Don't shoot it much lately but I only neck size that and mark the boxes specially for the Contender so they don't get used in my Winchesters or Marlins. They work, I just don't want to get them mixed up.
jg rider
02-01-2018, 12:40 PM
The purpose of the Lee factory crimp die is to make any reload work in any gun.
If your shooting your reloads in the same gun or especially if just one particular gun just neck sizing or sizing just enough to feed and chamber efficiently is all a person needs.
I have a TC Contender in 30-30. Don't shoot it much lately but I only neck size that and mark the boxes specially for the Contender so they don't get used in my Winchesters or Marlins. They work, I just don't want to get them mixed up.
Hi bawanna,
Can we we agree to disagree?
I understand the theory of the Lee die, also there is something about taking out bulges. What bulges ? The only bulges I know of is if crimping to much. Then I can possibly see rerunning the round up a Lee die.
As far as the die making reloads work in any gun I don't know of anyone experiencing the problem.
I have 8 9mms and 10 .45 acp, autos all taper crimped. And revolvers, plus my fire formed, then neck sized .38, .357, .44 mag for my Marlins are all roll crimped. They will all chamber in other guns.
Except for my fire formed .44 mag. Those rounds are a tight fit into a revolver chamber.
jg rider
02-01-2018, 12:46 PM
I double posted, sorry
02-01-2018, 01:05 PM
Nothing to disagree about. Your correct in your descriptions and your needs.
I'm correct in that the Factory die puts the case back the way it was born all the way to the rim. Do we need to do that, most of the time no.
Is it a waste of time and money, most of the time yes but still not a bad option if wanting to start fresh or dealing with guns with tight chambers.
I wouldn't see a need for it shooting lead.
I generally don't use it so I'm not an advocate for them or anything, so far I've never received a commission check from Lee although I'm not giving up hope ya know.
02-02-2018, 08:18 AM
I'll always full size resize mine.
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