View Full Version : MR series bad news

01-30-2018, 02:32 PM
Just found out the MR series is discontinued. I've been looking for a week or so to purchase an mr9, out of stock everywhere. Got a hold of the factory and was told DISCONTINUED.

01-30-2018, 03:17 PM
MR??? You mean MK or am I missing something here?

01-30-2018, 05:14 PM
MR9 eagle and MR40 eagle. Joint effort between MR and Walter. MR upper on a walther built p99 lower. Fast action trigger in DA/SA modes, push button decoder on slide. Been watching and reading reviews for more than a week and CANNOT FIND A BAD REVIEW.

I want one, have my lgd looking.

01-30-2018, 05:49 PM
MR9 eagle and MR40 eagle. Joint effort between MR and Walter. MR upper on a walther built p99 lower. Fast action trigger in DA/SA modes, push button decoder on slide. Been watching and reading reviews for more than a week and CANNOT FIND A BAD REVIEW.

I want one, have my lgd looking.

Indeed. Every review I’ve seen is good. I guess they’re just not popular tho. There’s a lot of competition in that segment. Best of luck to you. You’ll find one.

01-31-2018, 06:38 AM
Well, I missed the last one at Hyatt for $380 but found a couple on gun broker$$$$ for around $500. My wallet must have speaking to me. For $500 I'm going to pass. It's an interesting trigger concept.

Longitude Zero
01-31-2018, 05:35 PM

02-10-2018, 03:20 PM
The need to have one is whithering.

02-23-2018, 06:50 AM
After purchasing two CZs in a week the desire for MR9 has subsided. It worked out for the better. That little voice from the wallet kept saying to wait. Hyatt guns had a couple for $380 but I missed out, thankfully. Purchased the CZs and then get a notification from Hyatt they received 22 MR9s and raised the price to $399. Still a good deal, couple hundred less than the equivalent P99.

Funny that on $$$Gun Broker$$$ used MR9s are going for $350-$400, new $500. Listen to your wallet.

02-23-2018, 07:56 AM

I had to look it up. I wasn't familiar with it.

04-15-2018, 07:16 AM
That is too bad as I think it's trigger mechanism is interesting. I was just getting some cash/refund so I had some funds for a new purchase and was looking at either a MR9 or Walther P99 AS.

11-21-2018, 05:16 PM
MR9 in my opinion is more accurate than the p99. trigger is AMAZING!! and they are going for about $350 while supplies last.. hurry while you can still get one nib!