02-06-2018, 04:18 AM
I wanted to voice my opinion about (purley my opinion) one of the greatest pistols of all time! Surprisingly it is the Kahr K 40. Seriously! Not since the days of John Moses Browning has there been a better example of a very versatile pistol. Stretching it a bit?? I dont think so dont let this little K40 fool you into thinking its just a dust magnet for your bedroom sock drawer! This thing is a real performer that I would take it into battle! I cant say that about every pistol Ive owned thats for sure. On the other hand it does have a few shortcomings of its own but nothing is perfect.
In my opinion this pistol could do everything, that many pistols that people think are the greatest thing since slice bread, fall a little short of. Granted I am a huge fan of the time tested and approved old Johnny boy designed 1911 .45 but let's be real with each other that sucker is a bit too heavy for most people's taste of everyday carry options. I love the Beretta M9 too but its also a bit heavy after while of carrying that thing around. They are all too heavy if people admit to it or not! Yes I said everyday carry because lets be honest with each other isnt that really what pistols are made for? Just hear me out on this dont snub me yet! Yes yes yes I know of the "other" uses of pistols but lets get to brass tacks here. Pistols are made for carrying around, for the most part, for one main purpose and thats a defensive purpose. But thats not the only thing the K40 excels at. I could go on till Im blue in the face on how much better this pistol is than that pistol your thinking of in your safe right now... I know Im not going to make a believer out of everyone. I would like to try and make this short and to the point. Here is a few things that make a pistol perfect. Gonna be difficult to squeeze all this in.
Size - Is it big enough to make it shootable but small enough you wouldnt always leave at home? (K40 is just right its kinda big but not too big and small enough to hide. In fact I think its pretty much the same weight as the smaller MK40)
Caliber - The biggest size caliber you can shoot well! Because we all know bigger is better so dont lie to yourself..lol (K40 is 40 S&W enough said)
Finish- Yes believe it or not pistol finish is very important. ( I think stainless is one of the best finishes but thats debatable)
Capacity- I love 5 shot snubbies but Ill admit they DONT HOLD ENOUGH AMMO so dont lie to yourself about that either. (K40 not bad for capacity for its size)
Reliability- Dont need to go into that.. Hint hint its a must!
Parts Availability - Often overlooked thing (Detonics 45 and HK P7 just off the top of my head) great pistols but good luck trying to find parts!
Accuracy- If you cant hit the target with the thing than its useless you might as well be throwing rocks. (K40 is very accurate for its size and length barrel and that polygonal barrel makes a difference believe it or not!)
Controls- Is the gun functional? Easy to use? (K40 slide release only! Thats really all you need it! Locks open and has a mag release so you can stick more ammo in the thing and keep rocking!)
Yeah yeah yeah I know! Trust me I know man! YOUR PREACHING TO THE CHOIR. Certain firearms have there certain purposes for police officers, military personnel, blah blah ect ect....but this is about me ME MEEEEE lol I choose the K40. It meets every single above stated points I made perfectly and then some. I cant think of all the reasons that make this pistol great because I have other things to do but I believe the K40 is an absolute jewel! I understand that its a bit heavy but its not too heavy where you cant carry it comfortably and the key here is comfort. If you like that locked and cocked 45 more power to you buddy! Not me though... Im good on that! Honestly I prefer double action pistols anway and yes the K40 has a long DA trigger pull buts its nice and smooth. Its perfect! Yes there is smaller guns that do quite well but I said large caliber and that can get difficult for gun manufactures to do right. Yes there is a million 380 autos out there that do well and an endless sea of 38 and 357 revolvers that are good. Heres the thing though people dont realize is when you get into a large caliber things can get difficult in the fine balance of the gun universe.. lol The 40 S&W is a large caliber and when you get to that caliber it makes it hard to make a gun comfortable to shoot. My CM40 kicks a lot harder than my K40.. Its just physics! Not saying the CM40 is bad in anyway at all. I love that gun and there is many many MANY other guns out there that are great. Im just trying to say that the K40 is a very good gun that is up there with the 92FS and Colt 1911. So if you havent got one yet buy one and if you have one already pull it out of the sock drawer and blow the dust off that thing cuz its a great pistol that needs some love! :Amflag2:
In my opinion this pistol could do everything, that many pistols that people think are the greatest thing since slice bread, fall a little short of. Granted I am a huge fan of the time tested and approved old Johnny boy designed 1911 .45 but let's be real with each other that sucker is a bit too heavy for most people's taste of everyday carry options. I love the Beretta M9 too but its also a bit heavy after while of carrying that thing around. They are all too heavy if people admit to it or not! Yes I said everyday carry because lets be honest with each other isnt that really what pistols are made for? Just hear me out on this dont snub me yet! Yes yes yes I know of the "other" uses of pistols but lets get to brass tacks here. Pistols are made for carrying around, for the most part, for one main purpose and thats a defensive purpose. But thats not the only thing the K40 excels at. I could go on till Im blue in the face on how much better this pistol is than that pistol your thinking of in your safe right now... I know Im not going to make a believer out of everyone. I would like to try and make this short and to the point. Here is a few things that make a pistol perfect. Gonna be difficult to squeeze all this in.
Size - Is it big enough to make it shootable but small enough you wouldnt always leave at home? (K40 is just right its kinda big but not too big and small enough to hide. In fact I think its pretty much the same weight as the smaller MK40)
Caliber - The biggest size caliber you can shoot well! Because we all know bigger is better so dont lie to yourself..lol (K40 is 40 S&W enough said)
Finish- Yes believe it or not pistol finish is very important. ( I think stainless is one of the best finishes but thats debatable)
Capacity- I love 5 shot snubbies but Ill admit they DONT HOLD ENOUGH AMMO so dont lie to yourself about that either. (K40 not bad for capacity for its size)
Reliability- Dont need to go into that.. Hint hint its a must!
Parts Availability - Often overlooked thing (Detonics 45 and HK P7 just off the top of my head) great pistols but good luck trying to find parts!
Accuracy- If you cant hit the target with the thing than its useless you might as well be throwing rocks. (K40 is very accurate for its size and length barrel and that polygonal barrel makes a difference believe it or not!)
Controls- Is the gun functional? Easy to use? (K40 slide release only! Thats really all you need it! Locks open and has a mag release so you can stick more ammo in the thing and keep rocking!)
Yeah yeah yeah I know! Trust me I know man! YOUR PREACHING TO THE CHOIR. Certain firearms have there certain purposes for police officers, military personnel, blah blah ect ect....but this is about me ME MEEEEE lol I choose the K40. It meets every single above stated points I made perfectly and then some. I cant think of all the reasons that make this pistol great because I have other things to do but I believe the K40 is an absolute jewel! I understand that its a bit heavy but its not too heavy where you cant carry it comfortably and the key here is comfort. If you like that locked and cocked 45 more power to you buddy! Not me though... Im good on that! Honestly I prefer double action pistols anway and yes the K40 has a long DA trigger pull buts its nice and smooth. Its perfect! Yes there is smaller guns that do quite well but I said large caliber and that can get difficult for gun manufactures to do right. Yes there is a million 380 autos out there that do well and an endless sea of 38 and 357 revolvers that are good. Heres the thing though people dont realize is when you get into a large caliber things can get difficult in the fine balance of the gun universe.. lol The 40 S&W is a large caliber and when you get to that caliber it makes it hard to make a gun comfortable to shoot. My CM40 kicks a lot harder than my K40.. Its just physics! Not saying the CM40 is bad in anyway at all. I love that gun and there is many many MANY other guns out there that are great. Im just trying to say that the K40 is a very good gun that is up there with the 92FS and Colt 1911. So if you havent got one yet buy one and if you have one already pull it out of the sock drawer and blow the dust off that thing cuz its a great pistol that needs some love! :Amflag2: