02-10-2018, 04:15 PM
Gave my 1911 a face lift, got a set of Herrett’s National grips for Bullseye style shooting. Man these grips few great, so decided to go to the range yesterday to give them a try BUT I did horrible but then again I haven’t shot since the beginning of November. So I’ve lost my edge on shooting, but back in September my wife was involved in a nasty car crash almost a head-on and to look at the car people are surprised she walked away so needless to say when she called me that day our lives took a turn. Thank God she wasn’t seriously hurt she did go into shock and spent the night in the Hospital nothing was broken but they wanted to make sure there was no internal bleeding. She did have a bruised sternum and black and blue on her whole body even the bottom of her feet was black and blue. Got to say she was a trooper got her a walker for the first day and after that she wanted to do it on her own. She went back to work after a month but still bruised up. Then came the car replacement and often when someone has a crash and walks away they want the same car that they feel saved their life. The problem here is her car was an 03 and they stopped that model in 07 and to find something that old in good shape would be hard. But after time I found a 05 with 50,000 on it that looked brand new and the bottom from what I could tell just had regular rust for that year. Then get it home put it in my shop and started to wire wheel the rust THEN holes started to appear!!!! it was to late now I had to fix it. Had to put some major components on the car and had to stop the rust. I was under that car for almost a month and a half. But when I was done the bottom looked like a new car underneath even the mechanic was impressed that did my inspection. Don’t want to do that again for sure, and now just trying to make ends meet. So may be I’ll be poking my head in here again, it’s sorta like Cheers everybody knows your name