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Big Cape
02-11-2018, 03:12 PM
I have a PM 45 I use for my EDC. Only 200 rounds through her. Today I field stripped it to knock out the dust and noticed a worn spot on the slide; the metal between the barrel and guide spring holes at the muzzel has worn out a notch. Either the guide spring or barrel did this. I'll call Kahr tomorrow. Not able to post pic.

Any insights will be appreciated.

02-11-2018, 03:59 PM
Sounds like you have an early one. There's supposed to be a little notch for clearance there and early ones didn't have it. So they wore their own notch.
Many here just cleaned up and created a presentable notch.

At least this is what your description sounds like. I'll seek out a thread that talks about that.

02-11-2018, 04:03 PM
The first post by Greg here shows what that notch should look like give or take.

There's some photo's someplace of slides that don't have the notch and show wear or a burr in that same spot. A chain saw file or careful application of a dremel can fix it right up.

If you do nothing it should eventually just make it's own notch. I never heard of it causing malfunctions but it's not nice cosmetically.

02-11-2018, 04:11 PM
^^^ that’s what I was thinking too Colonel. There’s some good before-and-after pics in that thread starting at post #11. Does that help BC?

02-11-2018, 04:12 PM
Bawanna, you beat me to it. My two PM45's, dlc is the early slide, satin is 2013 production. Both have the notch and the dlc has more than 10,000 down the pipe. That dlc finish is fantastic.

Big Cape
02-11-2018, 05:02 PM
Bawanna, you beat me to it. My two PM45's, dlc is the early slide, satin is 2013 production. Both have the notch and the dlc has more than 10,000 down the pipe. That dlc finish is fantastic.

Thanks folks, that's a big relief. I'll take the advice, clean it up and keep on trucking.