View Full Version : new pm models compared to old models

02-13-2018, 12:49 PM
how do you tell the difference are the slides beveled on the new ones looked at a used pm 9 today and it had the straight front not beveled looked on the kahr web sight and some of the pics shoed both profiles im sort of confused

02-13-2018, 01:17 PM
The straight front (blount nose) with no bevel pm9 is the older one. They are really good ones the theory says.

Has also been referred to around here as the pm9j (for jocko who doesn't visit the forum as much lately) as he has an older one too.

02-13-2018, 01:31 PM
Yup, many prefer the blunt nose version. The beveled model is just a tad longer, or at least the recoil spring is longer.
Pretty much the same in all other respects. I suspect the beveled version might be slightly better for reholstering but only marginally at best.

Ed M
02-13-2018, 01:57 PM
My PM9 was produced in early 2008, and I bought it new in the Fall of that year.

Got a good deal on it, as Kahr wasn't very well known back then. I liked the smooth trigger, and the small size.

It's never malfunctioned once, and works as good today as it did back then. I struggled with field stripping it, and putting it back together at first, which left a few marks on the frame from the slide stop, but other than that, it still looks new inside.

Springs are the same as the new ones, except for the recoil assembly. There's 3 types of RSA's for the PM9s. Type 1 (like mine) has a 13 coil outer spring and a 3/8" rear flange. Type 2 which also has a 13 coil outer spring, but has a 1/2" rear flange. And the Type 3 (current one) which has a 15 coil outer spring and a 1/2" rear flange.

Cool thing about the Type 1 and 2 series of recoil springs is that you can buy just the springs as a set (inner & outer) direct from Wolff Gunsprings without having to buy the rest of the RSA. They cost under $9 per set.

I replaced just the outer spring at 2500 rounds, but I replaced the entire RSA at 5000 rounds. I kept the original RSA (with a new outer spring) as a spare.

Are the older PM9s better than the new ones? Doubtful, but I bought a CM9 to become my EDC and give the PM9 a break, so to speak. It's been every bit as reliable as my PM9, and shoots just as well.

With how the PM9 is holding up after almost 6000 rounds through it, it'll probably outlive me. I like it so much that I bought a matching P380 as it's little brother.


02-13-2018, 05:42 PM
thanks for the info the shop wants 399.00 looks in new condition