View Full Version : Those Who’ve Switched from Pocket Carry to IWB (or vice versa)
02-25-2018, 05:20 PM
I have a CW380 that I’m in the process of breaking-in. I bought this gun with the intention of pocket carrying (with an Alabama Holster front pocket holster).
I have a PM9 ordered, with the intention of either pocket carrying if clothing allows (also Alabama Holster) or IWB (CrossBreed).
I’ve done a ton of reading and see advantages/disadvantages of both styles of carry. In the end, I know my decision will come down to personal preference, comfort, style of dress, ability to quickly access, etc. Further, I understand that different destinations/activities/environments might make one carry style more advantageous than the other (i.e., I might pocket carry one day, then IWB the next).
However, I’d appreciate the insight of Kahr PM9/CM9/P380/CW380 owners (or those who conceal-carry similar sized handguns) who’ve moved from pocket carry to IWB (or vice versa) - either permanently or just for particular situations - and what went into your decision process.
Much appreciated!
02-25-2018, 06:32 PM
I don't have any of the firearms that you own, but I do have an MK9. I can tell you a few things. To me, any other way of carry besides OWB is uncomfortable in some way. I have front pocket carried my MK for over 8 years. It's the only firearm I carry front pocket. This way requires that your drawers will stay up, so you can easily access your firearm. The only way I've found to do this was suspenders. If you do something long enough, you get used to it. For IWB, I have found a tuckable, small leather holster that is about as minimal as I can find for IWB. IWB is not easy for me. I owned a Crossbreed type holster. It was my first and only holster that was the most uncomfortable holster I have worn to this day. It was my one and only holster "mistake" that went in to a drawer. Way too much going on, way too much material. I front pocket carry under certain conditions, but if at all possible, I prefer to carry OWB with a sweatshirt or coat/jacket over the top. I feel that you need at least 3 ways to carry a firearm. It covers most situations. I understand that location does play a part.
02-25-2018, 07:23 PM
I used to be an OWB only guy. Nothing IWB worked for me. I tried many. I finally got a Garrett Silent Thunder and at first I thought another failure, just didn't work, tossed it in the drawer with the other failures. For whatever reason I got it out again and started to play around and found that with some minor adjustments and getting used to it, it works great for me. I now often times forget I'm even wearing it and this is with a steel framed 1911.
Sometimes it pays to play around and try different things, position, cant so on so forth. If I could lose 25 or 30 pounds or at least several inches around the waist it would be even better.
My well known favorite OWB is of course a Mernickle, the PS6. It rides very high and stays tucked into your side. The only plus gained by the IWB is a short shirt or jacket will not expose the business end as it's tucked down in your britches.
I've never carried in my pocket and never will. It's almost like an ankle rig, I wear one as a back up weapon or for accessing while sitting, I sit alot, its there, it's comforting and better than sitting at home in the sock drawer but it isn't quick and it's sort of like a banana in your pocket. True most folks don't look closely at that area, although I think most women still check me out pretty close but still I don't even consider it a viable carry option.
I don't have any of the firearms that you own, but I do have an MK9. I can tell you a few things. To me, any other way of carry besides OWB is uncomfortable in some way. I have front pocket carried my MK for over 8 years. It's the only firearm I carry front pocket. This way requires that your drawers will stay up, so you can easily access your firearm. The only way I've found to do this was suspenders. If you do something long enough, you get used to it. For IWB, I have found a tuckable, small leather holster that is about as minimal as I can find for IWB. IWB is not easy for me. I owned a Crossbreed type holster. It was my first and only holster that was the most uncomfortable holster I have worn to this day. It was my one and only holster "mistake" that went in to a drawer. Way too much going on, way too much material. I front pocket carry under certain conditions, but if at all possible, I prefer to carry OWB with a sweatshirt or coat/jacket over the top. I feel that you need at least 3 ways to carry a firearm. It covers most situations. I understand that location does play a part.
Agree with all of this except the suspenders part. Just can't bring myself to give in to this.
It's like the whole bifocal thing. Just stupid pride.
All my Kahrs get pocket carried most of the time. Except the CW45 - not a pocket gun.
A good belt makes all the difference.
white cloud
03-09-2018, 10:51 AM
I carry my CM9 frequently. Where I carry it depends on where I am, what clothing I have on and finally how hot it is.
I am pretty slender so appendix IWB works well for me. This allows reasonably quick access to the gun while sitting or standing. I don't like sweat covered guns so IWB doesn't work in the summer.
I have an Uncle George rear pocket holster. This works well with jeans but access is slow. I use this when other carry methods aren't viable. If it is warm outside, this method results in a sweat soaked gun and holster really quickly.
I have a number of front pocket holsters for the CM9. These are moisture proof so work real well when it is warm out. I pick my holster/pocket combinations so I can put my hand in my pocket and grip the gun without it being obvious that I have done so. I consider this to be a tremendous advantage. Pocket holsters make drawing while seated pretty slow for me. Except for this one problem, I would always pocket carry the CM9.
03-09-2018, 12:45 PM
Back pocket is the most comfortable place for me to carry, but it needs a holster that keeps the gun oriented properly for an easy draw, and a shirt tail or jacket to cover it.
03-09-2018, 01:43 PM
I can/do/have pocket carried my cm9 many times. I also have a nice kydex holster and AIWB carry it often.
My cw380 when carried is pocket carry all the time.
Ken L
03-09-2018, 08:39 PM
I started out with back pocket carry, a Taurus TCP in a wallet style holster. It's a fallback for me now, but the main issue I have with it is the draw stroke. Hard to get a good grip on the gun to draw it, so that's why it's relegated to situational use. I carry my CW40 IWB 98% of the time, and I've just become used to carrying IWB that the gun feels invisible to me. I've never tried front pocket carry and I likely won't because I have other stuff that I carry in both my front pockets.
03-09-2018, 08:45 PM
I have a CM9 that I pocket carry if I'm wearing jeans or other casual pants. It's a little too big for pocket carry in dress pants. Some of the places I work are gun unfriendly and I carry a bodyguard 380. I do carry the CM9 IWB with a drop holster that lets the gun ride low. If you have to tuck your shirt in and wear dress clothes, the 380 is the only thing I can carry that doesn't print.
03-09-2018, 10:47 PM
My CW380 and my CM9 carry perfectly in Kydex IWB holsters -- for me, they are much easier to draw from than a jeans pocket. The CW380 just disappears in an IWB holster and it is so light I forget that I have it on. The Badger and CYA holsters clamp tightly over a 1 3/4 inch belt and keep the grip angle just where I want it. In the summer, with cargo shorts, pocket carry works fine.
03-10-2018, 01:01 AM
During the summer, I prefer my PM9 carried in a shorts pocket with an AHolster. Love the design as it promotes a clean draw every time.
For IWB I like my Concealment Solutions Black Mamba CE worlds better than my Crossbreed (sold that one). From the cut of the leather to the clips to the superior kydex. Like how it covers more of the slide, love how it's welled slightly at the top to better receive while reholstering.
03-10-2018, 01:25 PM
Unless you practice often with your way of carry, and unless you wear the correct clothing, any kind of draw besides OWB is slower. Period. I can guarantee, that for as long as I have been pocket carrying, I can draw faster than carrying IWB. When you carry front pocket 80% of the time, it becomes like another limb. IWB carry always needs material moved out of the way. Coat, Shirt, etc. Pocket carry, straight up and out. I even walk with a hand in the pocket, and most people think you're playing with your keys, or change. For someone standing and using an ankle rig, they have to bend down, and then straighten back up. That's not a "viable" option to me. Too slow. This is what I use for IWB. Tuckable, so you can at least move material out of the way a bit quicker. What ever you have tucked, sweatshirt, t shirt etc., it comes out smoothly. The holster is also very minimal in size, and has different depths of cover. Works for me, mostly when forced to wear dress clothes especially. Just something to think about. Everybody has their thing. You'll find it................................................ ......
03-10-2018, 01:41 PM
I just discovered this morning that with a little tweaking my 1911 shoulder holster works with my PM45. I seldom use it since it mess's with my neck in short order. Must hit on a nerve or something. I'm trying it out today with the PM45, a little lighter and just one spare mag on the off side. Maybe the lighter weight will be more tolerable.
Should be good on the cooler days mowing the lawn, working in the garage etc. I normally just run the ankle holster since I generally just wear sweat pants nights and weekends. Always hated them when I was vertical but they are the ticket when your a full time sitter. Easier on and off and flexible.
I keep thinking I"m going back to proper britches and a belt full time but always revert back. When I need my knife etc most I don't have it since theres no belt.
If it was easy everyone would want to be a derelict.
03-10-2018, 04:35 PM
I do take it out of my pocket when riding in the car, I wouldn't have to though because of comfort. Keep it between the seat and the console. Works great. East access. When I mow the lawn, I just go to an OWB rig. It's definitely to someone's advantage to have some/get used to different ways of carry. If it were my druthers, I would just open carry without cover. Problem being, some LE and regular citizenry just can't get by the open carry is legal thing............................................. ....................................
02-19-2019, 07:29 PM
I pocket carried a highly modified Star Pony 380 for many years. It's a never perfect copy of the Sig P238, or vice versa actually, you've got thousands and thousands of practice "draws" reaching into your pants pocket. you'd be surprised, if you'll work at it, how fast it can be. You just can't wear crotch hugger pants, with nothing but watch pockets, that's all. Even sitting, you just lean to the left and straighten your leg. If you smell a rat, you have your hands in your pockets. Ditto if you're in a risky area. From that start, you can learn to react to the beep of the timer, draw and hit the chest (at "hand it over" range, in .60 second. .20 second of that is your reaction time. If you start FIRST, you have no reaction time, HE does. He's also got to recognize what you're doing, which takes at least another .20 second. If he's TOLD you to pull your hand out of your pocket, with your wallet, well, by the time he realizes what's in your hand, he should have a bullet up his nostril. You can also learn to side step as you do this, which makes him take at least yet another .20 second to move his gun/hand to your new location. From the retention position to an eye level, two handed point shot should take no more than another .15 second and that should let you reliably hit the chest at 10 ft.
A major advantage to the pocket rig is bad weather. A belt rig, you have to clear TWO covering garments, or else, when you go indoors and someone wants to take your coat, you have to act strangely and say you want to keep it. :-) with the pocket rig, you just palm the ensemble to the other pocket (before you leave or enter the building) A bit of velcro on the rig and inside of the coat pocket keeps it positioned as you want it. If have your hands outside of your pockets in cold weather, you'll have to wear gloves, which hurts your shooting (quite a bit) or you have to waste yet another 1/2 second getting rid of the glove. When driving, I just remove the pc from the pocket rig and stick it inside my waistband, under my shirt. If at a desk, it would be easy to put it into an attache case or locked drawer. Ditto if you're going to leave it in a bolted down vault in your car trunk. Nobody need see what you palmed as you opened the trunk lid. You can have a REAL gun in an IWB rig. Pocket guns belong in pocket holsters.
04-24-2019, 08:51 PM
I've found that front pocket carry for my PM9 works well with 5:11 Stryke pants; you could fit a full grown house cat through the openings in them!
I use a modified Alabama Holster with rubber cabinet liner added so the holster stays in the pocket when the gun comes out
04-30-2019, 05:57 PM
you could fit a full grown house cat through the openings in them!
BwaHaHaHa! I know what pants to get if I ever need to sneak a cat anywhere! Great description!!!!
04-30-2019, 06:20 PM
I don't understand the hoopla about Alabama pocket holsters. I have one for my Micro 9 and one for my LC9S - they print big time - it looks like you have a gun in your pocket! Am I doing something wrong? I didn't bother to order one for my PM9, I find the holsters that have a panel between the holster and the pocket work much better.
One of the things that make the C3 Tactical Solutions pocket holster better than an Alabama pocket holster is that you can order different length "hooks" on the C3.
This helps keep it from looking like a gun is in your pocket.
05-23-2019, 03:26 PM
I carried appendix position for many years antil a month ago when my appendix finally gave up the ghost. I had chronic appendicitis for at least a year so every time I carried Id have a major pain flare up due to the added pressure on that area so I started to carry my CM9 in my left pocket in a desantis pocket tuk holster. I always carried my spare mag(s) in my left pocket so mentally that pocket always had a firearm related purpose. I didnt carry on right side hip except when I had to for classes, my left shoulder has issues due to previous injuries so sometimes when drawing gun from right side OWB/IWB holster my left shoulder seizes up. I also have a very small frame so the size of gun had to be small to aid concealability which also made it even harder to reach and draw.
Ive been carrying in pocket regularily and my draw times are getting better. Overall Im more comfortable with pocket carry. Ive also had to find another way to carry a spare mag which is a must with my CM9. I moved my spare mag from left pocket to clipped to my right pocket using a Ripcord spare mag holder which is made in my home state of Indiana and is very similar to the neomag holder but less pricy.
Bottom line is training both mind and body to know the position of your firearm/gear is key and everybody learns different so research ways to train even if their unorthodox. Good luck in your quest.
05-26-2019, 10:44 PM
You can have a REAL gun in an IWB rig. Pocket guns belong in pocket holsters.
01-04-2022, 12:42 AM
I have a CW380 that I’m in the process of breaking-in. I bought this gun with the intention of pocket carrying (with an Alabama Holster front pocket holster).
I have a PM9 ordered, with the intention of either pocket carrying if clothing allows (also Alabama Holster) or IWB (CrossBreed).
I’ve done a ton of reading and see advantages/disadvantages of both styles of carry. In the end, I know my decision will come down to personal preference, comfort, style of dress, ability to quickly access, etc. Further, I understand that different destinations/activities/environments might make one carry style more advantageous than the other (i.e., I might pocket carry one day, then IWB the next).
However, I’d appreciate the insight of Kahr PM9/CM9/P380/CW380 owners (or those who conceal-carry similar sized handguns) who’ve moved from pocket carry to IWB (or vice versa) - either permanently or just for particular situations - and what went into your decision process.
Much appreciated!
I do lately I've been switching back and forth. It depends on what clothes I'm wearing. I prefer a one-handed draw you see. Pocket carry is great until you sit down....then it sucks. So if I'm going to be sitting, not going to pocket carry.
I actually have three holsters I use right now: pocket, strong side OWB, and shoulder holster. I don't always carry the same handgun though.
Now pocket carry CAN work for sitting.......if you carry your backup on your ankle. Then it works just fine! Just go for your backup.
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