View Full Version : Question for CT45 and TP45 owners about the striker.

02-26-2018, 01:14 PM
Greetings fellow TP/CT 45 owners. I have a TP45 which I noticed the firing pin/striker tip just barely peeks out when I press the lug forward. You can barely see it when looking through the ejection port with the eye aligned with the breech face. It is such a tiny amount it could be perceived as a fleck of carbon.

I had Kahr look at it a while back and they said it was fine. Still by comparison to my other Kahrs (PM9, PM40) their pins look more recessed behind their breech faces.

I was wondering if you all see something similar or not. All of mine including TP45 work 100%, no function issues. Maybe I am being too detail oriented :)

02-26-2018, 05:56 PM
Of my five Kahrs, they all protrude the same except the p380 slightly less visually. Have you pulled the striker, flushed the channel and Q tipped it? Not sure if the strikers are interchangeable with your other pistol.

02-27-2018, 07:57 AM
Clean as a whistle. I've detail stripped all my poly Kahrs including TP45. I'm talking about the tip of the striker peeking out when the block is in a passive state - locked, keeping the striker from the primer. I think it may be that older Kahrs have more recessed pins in this state. The TP45 striker seems to be right at the breech face, and pressed by hand at the lug it peeks the tiniest amount. Might never notice it without looking for it specifically, at least in mine.

02-28-2018, 06:05 AM
My TP45 striker sits just a hair, maybe less, below the breach face. The tip is visible, much more than than my other Kahrs. Must be a standard feature without an up charge on the TP series.

02-28-2018, 10:00 AM
Thanks DJK11, I thought that might be the case.