View Full Version : cw380 pos

03-05-2018, 06:25 PM
a friend bought a new cw380 I understand the break in period but how do you break in something that cant chamber a round its a cw gold the spray paint job might be the problem I think he should have bought a glock 42 and forgot about the gold sissy gun

Ed M
03-05-2018, 07:53 PM
What brand of ammo?

Kahr recommends domestic made ammo.

There's fixes for this problem on this forum. Basically extractor tension that is the problem.

He can either attempt the fixes himself, or send it back to Kahr. Took me all of 15-20 minutes to do them myself.

This thread should help...


03-06-2018, 12:13 AM
I think he should have bought a glock 42 and forgot about the gold sissy gun

Just because you're buddies with a sissy, it doesn't make you a bad person. We're VERY open minded at KahrTalk.

03-06-2018, 03:26 AM
Punctuation is your friend.

03-06-2018, 06:04 AM
Hopefully this doesn't go against rules...tell your buddy that I'll give him $150 for the gold sissy Kahr. I will then send him a video of it running flawless on its 1st range visit. Or he could just get better friends, they can be found on this forum.

I can provide the info for my LGS FFL...if needed. I'm right next door.

03-06-2018, 06:11 AM
Punctuation is most assuredly your friend


03-06-2018, 07:30 AM
Mine was similar but I sanded down the extractor and it's working much better now.

03-06-2018, 08:05 AM
a friend bought a new cw380 I understand the break in period but how do you break in something that cant chamber a round its a cw gold the spray paint job might be the problem I think he should have bought a glock 42 and forgot about the gold sissy gun

I have a standing offer to take any POS Kahr firearm off the dissatisfied owners hand for the over inflated price of $50...I will even pay the FFL charge. Just trying to help out :angel:

03-06-2018, 05:51 PM
why should you pay over 300.00 for a gun that wont work ruger lcp Taurus tcp glock 42 no issues

03-06-2018, 09:03 PM
why should you pay over 300.00 for a gun that wont work ruger lcp Taurus tcp glock 42 no issues

My previous offer stands. Oh, and, by all means...present the statistical evidence to support your "no issues" claim.

03-07-2018, 11:41 AM
why should you pay over 300.00 for a gun that wont work ruger lcp Taurus tcp glock 42 no issues Every firearm that you mention has had and continues to have issues. I wouldn't own any of them. As long as you don't own one of those sissy firearms, you shouldn't have any issues. If your friend wants to own a sissy gun, that's his business. I'm sure he'll work it out one way or another. Please don't pretend to think that the cw380 is the only firearm to have issues.

03-07-2018, 06:46 PM
didnt mean to piss off all the fan boys I was just quoting tommy lee jones in us marshalls I happen to like kahrs my self. my friend not so much, my pm 40 runs flawless just as my glock 42s and tcp and the lcp few thousand rounds and no hick ups what can I say

03-08-2018, 07:46 PM
Do you typically swat a hornet nest with a racquet, then tell them you were just kidding?

03-08-2018, 07:55 PM
If the op really examined this forum, I think he would find that the group on this one, is probably the least "fanboyish" of any other forum period. We like all sorts of firearms, we own all sorts of firearms, and we can talk about them without braking any sort of forum rule. Carry on................................................ .....

03-14-2018, 05:08 PM
If "your buddy" paid over $300 for a CW380, he/she got ripped off!! Just sayin. Also, I'd gladly offer $150 to take it off his/her hands.