View Full Version : CT380 barrel and slide etc on a CW380?

03-17-2018, 04:53 PM
I'm torn between the CT and CW380 for deep/pocket concealment for work - when I'm not allowed to carry. I'd really like to have the CT380, but the grip length does nothing to solve my issue with the grip length that it is. The P9 Covert comes to mind here. Will the CT slide/barrel, or even just the barrel, and any other parts necessary (recoil spring?) swap onto a CW380 frame?

03-18-2018, 01:31 PM
You can cut the CT380 grip frame down to CW380 length, then get a CW380 magazine for deep concealment. Keep the CT380 7 rounder as a carry spare.

Somebody here did that with their CW9.

Old No7
03-18-2018, 06:17 PM
You can cut the CT380 grip frame down to CW380 length, then get a CW380 magazine for deep concealment. Keep the CT380 7 rounder as a carry spare.

Somebody here did that with their CW9.
I had a P9 Covert which I really liked better than the stock P9 or the shorted PM9, the only reason I sold it was to fund a K9 that I'd always wanted.

I think a CT380 "Covert" would be neat!

I've thought about it too, but my l'il CW380 works fine and it would cost me too much to do it -- but if I was starting from scratch and found a CT at the right price, then I'd likely do it...............

Old No7

03-18-2018, 06:44 PM
I recall seeing the CT380 selling new at $210 - $220 late last year at several online sites.

03-20-2018, 05:33 PM
I also bought a CT380 with a Tungsten finish on line for $230 dollars. It was a hard cookie to break in but after 150 rounds it's been running like a charm. I prefer my P380 for pocket carry.

03-23-2018, 01:36 AM
I'm torn between the CT and CW380 for deep/pocket concealment for work - when I'm not allowed to carry. I'd really like to have the CT380, but the grip length does nothing to solve my issue with the grip length that it is. The P9 Covert comes to mind here. Will the CT slide/barrel, or even just the barrel, and any other parts necessary (recoil spring?) swap onto a CW380 frame?

Deep Concealment? Buy the CW380, then go to Pocketholsters.com. Seriously. The holster works really well. Then, carry a second 7-round mag.

You wont be able to carry the CT380 in a (most) back pocket(s). The Pocketholsters holster allows for a quicker draw than an IWB holster (again, seriously. Really fast.), just make sure your pants/jeans have a pocket that works. My wife is now used to me checking pants and jeans for "holsterness" once she determines they look good. As a matter of fact, the last time I tried on jeans with her, she asked me to check to see if the pockets were "holster-worthy", FIRST! (She loves me...)
"Classic" Wranglers? Too small to draw from quickly, and sit/drive on comfortably. Retro Wranglers? Great. Most pants, jeans, slacks, etc.? Dress slacks? Can't see it. Wonderful. Looks like a wallet to anyone.

The CT? It "holds" and shoots great (if it would return to battery on every shot) (still breaking my ceracoted Tungsten in after 150 rounds. It's gonna take a lot of racking, and at least 150 more rounds. Kahr 380s are tight. The cerakote adds just enough to make them crazy tight. But, the thing is gonna be great, once it breaks in.) Carrying, though? IWB, or front pocket (ick... See below.), or purse-carry (awesome). Back Pocket? Only in cargo pants, unless you have big back pockets. I don't do "front" pocket carry. Takes 4 times as long to draw from front pockets, compared to a pocketholster in a back pocket.


Edit: I don't carry a purse. Just figured I would clear that one up... A Murse? Well, we need to talk "definitions". I have an "iPad case" with a shoulder strap (messenger bag), but it has never held a firearm (not that there's anything wrong with that... [Seinfeld reference]).

2nd Edit: I realized that I went off on a tangent in my reply, which could have resulted in me highjacking this thread. I removed the tangent, and will re-post in its own thread.