View Full Version : Dinner Disaster... Almost!

04-04-2018, 09:49 PM
This happened tonight... Wednesday 4 April.

Well, I was cooking dinner... I had the electric burner on high and put a couple of pats of Kerrybutter in the medium-sized frying pan. I put the seasoned tenderloin steaks in to sear before cooking them later on the sear grill outside after making the salad. I guess that I was distracted with the salad, a simple one... Romaine for Desiree and spinach for me with a whole medium-sized avocado in each and sliced red onion. Anyhow, next thing I know the "extra" Smoke/Fire Detector<old one on top of the fridge> is screaming... pretty loud, but wait, the SimpliSafe one is now going as well in the hall, as is the wired-in one close to that around the corner in the foyer... and the one on the second floor... and probably the independent one in the bedroom! What a cacophony! That's FIVE fire/smoke detectors going, but wait, there's the SimpliSafe Siren outside above the entrance... it's 110 decibels and going as well!.
The phone went off at some point, but it was hard to hear, and I didn't answer it in time. I'm thinking "Oh, sh!t, this is being reported".
I go to the keypad and key in the code and most noise stops. I had already pulled the battery out of the closest "extra" detector. I was trying to find a link for SimpliSafe on the computer when I hear the doorbell and I look up at the video surveillance monitor and see the big red firetruck at the end of our driveway.
I got to the door and there are three big firemen standing there. I explain what happened and we are all glad that there wasn't a real emergency. I apologized and thanked them profusely.
Desiree had retreated to the back porch for a smoke break and to escape the noise.
I checked our email...
Alarm alert: Smoke Detector Smoke/Fire Detector was triggered at <our house> on 4-4-18 at 7:27 pm.
Wow! What excitement! The meal turned out well and I tried a new 2015 Bordeaux that was excellent... $12 or $13 or so, before 20% off at Total Wine... had a coupon.
Anyhow, I love that Kerrybutter, but it really ADDS to the meal, especially if heated too much! https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/f1a/1.5/16/1f62e.png
On a positive note, I know a LOT more about the Simplisafe system now. I hope this is the last time I do a surprise test on the system... a surprise to us all... truly a FIVE-Alarm test... six with the external alarm! https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/faa/1.5/16/1f603.png


04-04-2018, 10:54 PM
dude, we must be related...you wording is how my family would talk to each other. Glad you are OK. Nice to know that the system we pay for does work and helps us realize what a tough job the people that provide us services work to do so.

04-04-2018, 11:09 PM
The first guy to read this over at GlockTalk complained about my grammar! What's for dinner tonight? :(

Yes, but it's really hard to think when 5-6 loud alarms are going! A neighbor across the street texted me and reported the siren, but I didn't get that until much later after dinner.

04-05-2018, 05:40 PM
A neighbor across the street texted me and reported the siren, but I didn't get that until much later after dinner.


04-05-2018, 06:59 PM
The first guy to read this over at GlockTalk complained about my grammar! What's for dinner tonight? :(

Yes, but it's really hard to think when 5-6 loud alarms are going! A neighbor across the street texted me and reported the siren, but I didn't get that until much later after dinner.

had something similar. Taking care of boss's house when I was much younger. Thought I knew how to disable his alarm. Turns out I didn't. Alarm screaming while I tried and tried to disarm. Finally gave up bc I knew the police would be responding any moment. Phone rang, it was the police. They asked me what was what and told me that I had an officer with a shotgun pointed at me. I was further instructed to go to the front door and open it for the officers while the siren is blaring. I was also instructed that if I did anything other than open the door, I was going to have a bad day. I gladly opened the front door. I looked back as I opened it and sure enough there was a LEO at the back window with his shottie pointed at me the whole time. LEO was able to reach the owner on vacation. How? I have no idea(before cel phones BTW). They had the alarm company turn off the alarm. All was good. Took a couple days for the ringing ears to subside from the alarm screaming.
IIRC LEO at house easily within 5 min. Good work

04-05-2018, 07:25 PM
Wife hasn't tried to set fire to the kitchen like this in almost a week now....:spider:

04-06-2018, 03:09 PM
Wow, knkali, I would rather have the firemen! They didn't even have their helmets and gear on... no smoke, I guess.

Next time, I'll try to remember to reduce the heat... AND turn the downdraft exhaust fan on... and the air cleaner in the TV/family room across the counter! :o