04-06-2018, 08:16 PM
The City of Deerfield, Illinois has voted on an assault weapons ban which passed Monday night "outlaws any weapon the village leaders deem 'assault weapons,' including AR-15s. But the ban also includes 'semi-automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns with certain features.' Those who do not comply with the ordinance — which is set to take effect on June 13 — will face up to $1,000 fines per day. "The new ordinance also provides for confiscation and destruction of such firearms and their original capacity magazines," he continued. "What is particularly outrageous about this new law is that it levies fines of up to $1,000 a day against anyone who refuses to turn in their gun and magazines or move them out of the village by the time the ordinance takes effect in June. This certainly puts the lie to claims by anti-gunners that ‘nobody is coming to take your guns.''
Now the Second Amendment Foundation has already filed suit against the City, declaring the new ordinance illegal, stating "The lawsuit challenges the village ban under a 2013 amended state statute that declared 'the regulation of the possession or ownership of assault weapons are exclusive powers and functions of this State. Any ordinance or regulation, or portion of that ordinance or regulation, that purports to regulate the possession or ownership of assault weapons in a manner that is inconsistent with this Act, shall be invalid…'"
The reason I am posting this is to try to gain more awareness to the Second Amendment Foundation and they are a non-profit foundation. Any contribution over $50 is tax deductible. They are fighting against gun control across the nation.
Current Litigation Index:
Case Name
(click for more info)
Pursley v. Lake (https://www.saf.org/saf-challenges-oklahoma-department-of-human-services-policy)
Challenging restrictions against foster and adoptive parents in Oklahoma
Culp v. Madigan (https://www.saf.org/?page_id=6856)
Challenging the state’s concealed carry statute that restricts otherwise qualified non-residents
Defense Distributed v. US Department of State (https://www.ca5.uscourts.gov/opinions/pub/15/15-50759-CV0.pdf)
3D printing (additive manufacturing) ban on 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, and 4th Amendment grounds
Draper v. Healey (https://www.saf.org/?page_id=6852)
Challenge to an arbitrary handgun ban in Massachusetts
Veasy v. Wilkins (https://www.saf.org/?page_id=6849)
Resident Alien in North Carolina
Radich v. Guerrero (https://www.saf.org/?page_id=6845)
Challenge to a ban on importation and sale of handguns and ammo
Mance v. Holder (https://www.saf.org/?page_id=6841)
Lawsuit in federal court challenging the current federal law prohibiting cross-state handgun purchases
Hamilton v. Pallozzi (https://www.saf.org/?page_id=6838)
Misdemeanor Prohibition
Tracy Rifle and Pistol v. Harris (https://www.saf.org/?page_id=6794)
Challenge to California’s ban on “handgun-related” speech
Wrenn v. DC (https://www.saf.org/?page_id=6798)
Seeking to overturn the city’s “good-reason” clause for CCW
Suarez v. Holder (https://www.saf.org/?page_id=6780)
Misdemeanor prohibition
Binderup v. Holder (https://www.saf.org/?page_id=6775)
Misdemeanor prohibition
Harper v. Alvarez (https://www.saf.org/2nd-amendment-legal-action/?page_id=2743)
Challenge to Illinois’ Application of Criminal Statutes Already Ruled Unconstitutional.
Silvester v. Harris (https://www.saf.org/2nd-amendment-legal-action/?page_id=2739)
SAF Sues California Attorney General Over Waiting Period Statute.
Ezell v. Chicago (https://www.saf.org/2nd-amendment-legal-action/?page_id=758)
Challenge to Chicago’s gun range prohibition based on 1st and 2nd Amendment
Caron et al v. Cuomo et al (https://www.saf.org/2nd-amendment-legal-action/?page_id=2544)
Challenge to New York ban on magazines with more than 7 cartridges.
Teixeira v. County of Alameda (https://www.saf.org/2nd-amendment-legal-action/?page_id=1470)
Challenge to Alameda County gun shop permit requirements.
Richards v. Prieto (https://www.saf.org/2nd-amendment-legal-action/?page_id=1452) (formerly Sykes v. McGinness)
SAF Challenges Arbitrary Denial of Right to Bear Arms in California
Pena v. Cid (https://www.saf.org/2nd-amendment-legal-action/?page_id=1450)
SAF Challenges California Handgun Ban Scheme
Now the Second Amendment Foundation has already filed suit against the City, declaring the new ordinance illegal, stating "The lawsuit challenges the village ban under a 2013 amended state statute that declared 'the regulation of the possession or ownership of assault weapons are exclusive powers and functions of this State. Any ordinance or regulation, or portion of that ordinance or regulation, that purports to regulate the possession or ownership of assault weapons in a manner that is inconsistent with this Act, shall be invalid…'"
The reason I am posting this is to try to gain more awareness to the Second Amendment Foundation and they are a non-profit foundation. Any contribution over $50 is tax deductible. They are fighting against gun control across the nation.
Current Litigation Index:
Case Name
(click for more info)
Pursley v. Lake (https://www.saf.org/saf-challenges-oklahoma-department-of-human-services-policy)
Challenging restrictions against foster and adoptive parents in Oklahoma
Culp v. Madigan (https://www.saf.org/?page_id=6856)
Challenging the state’s concealed carry statute that restricts otherwise qualified non-residents
Defense Distributed v. US Department of State (https://www.ca5.uscourts.gov/opinions/pub/15/15-50759-CV0.pdf)
3D printing (additive manufacturing) ban on 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, and 4th Amendment grounds
Draper v. Healey (https://www.saf.org/?page_id=6852)
Challenge to an arbitrary handgun ban in Massachusetts
Veasy v. Wilkins (https://www.saf.org/?page_id=6849)
Resident Alien in North Carolina
Radich v. Guerrero (https://www.saf.org/?page_id=6845)
Challenge to a ban on importation and sale of handguns and ammo
Mance v. Holder (https://www.saf.org/?page_id=6841)
Lawsuit in federal court challenging the current federal law prohibiting cross-state handgun purchases
Hamilton v. Pallozzi (https://www.saf.org/?page_id=6838)
Misdemeanor Prohibition
Tracy Rifle and Pistol v. Harris (https://www.saf.org/?page_id=6794)
Challenge to California’s ban on “handgun-related” speech
Wrenn v. DC (https://www.saf.org/?page_id=6798)
Seeking to overturn the city’s “good-reason” clause for CCW
Suarez v. Holder (https://www.saf.org/?page_id=6780)
Misdemeanor prohibition
Binderup v. Holder (https://www.saf.org/?page_id=6775)
Misdemeanor prohibition
Harper v. Alvarez (https://www.saf.org/2nd-amendment-legal-action/?page_id=2743)
Challenge to Illinois’ Application of Criminal Statutes Already Ruled Unconstitutional.
Silvester v. Harris (https://www.saf.org/2nd-amendment-legal-action/?page_id=2739)
SAF Sues California Attorney General Over Waiting Period Statute.
Ezell v. Chicago (https://www.saf.org/2nd-amendment-legal-action/?page_id=758)
Challenge to Chicago’s gun range prohibition based on 1st and 2nd Amendment
Caron et al v. Cuomo et al (https://www.saf.org/2nd-amendment-legal-action/?page_id=2544)
Challenge to New York ban on magazines with more than 7 cartridges.
Teixeira v. County of Alameda (https://www.saf.org/2nd-amendment-legal-action/?page_id=1470)
Challenge to Alameda County gun shop permit requirements.
Richards v. Prieto (https://www.saf.org/2nd-amendment-legal-action/?page_id=1452) (formerly Sykes v. McGinness)
SAF Challenges Arbitrary Denial of Right to Bear Arms in California
Pena v. Cid (https://www.saf.org/2nd-amendment-legal-action/?page_id=1450)
SAF Challenges California Handgun Ban Scheme