View Full Version : Finally happened.

04-10-2018, 06:04 PM
Well, it finally happened. During a conversation between my wife and her sister, the subject of firearm carry came up. Her sister's husband and my wife both carry, and she told her sister that she doesn't just carry for human issues. While walking former and current dogs, my wife has been attacked, along with our dog, by out of control dogs. Our former lab had to get stitches in his neck due to a pit bull attack. We were attacked, along with our dog, in the neighborhood we live in now. We also have an issue with some people up nort, who like to let their pit bull's roam a bit. I've already expressed my feelings about that to those particular neighbors, and told them that if their dogs ever attack my wife, my dog, or myself, they will be picking them up out of the middle of the road with a bullet in their head. Well, sis is out walking in her neighborhood and is attacked out on the road, being bit in the arse and in the hand. Enough to draw blood. Now she is shaken, and has a bit of in trepidation about walking in that neighborhood again. She was screaming for the owner to get the dogs off of her. The neighbor called and the dogs hesitated, then moved in. I told her, if it would have been me or my wife, both dogs would be dead. I've heard the statement, " Oh my dogs wouldn't hurt anyone." Or, " They listen to me ". Bologna. We told her that she should take pictures of her injuries, go to a doctor and get documentation/treatment, and then sue the $#!T out of the owners. Otherwise, this may happen again. Small kids wouldn't have had a chance, and that's what her sister was most concerned about. I told her that it never stops until you hit them in the pocketbook. I've seen these situations too many times before. The dogs that attacked us on one of the occasions, the owners had been ticketed for loose dogs 110 times. Her sister called the sheriff, and I guess where they are, it's up to their discretion as to what kind of penalty is enforced. He said probably a roaming dogs ticket. I say not enough. When humans in the area are in danger of being attacked in their own neighborhood, it has to be a bit stronger message. In mine, or my wife's case, tickets and or quarantines wouldn't be necessary. They would just have to get rid of the carcasses. I am a dog owner, lover, and wouldn't hurt a dog for any reason..............except for this.

04-10-2018, 07:05 PM
We absolutely agree!!!!!!
I'm dog less for the first time since I was 15! However, when walking my dogs and/or by myself I carry pepper spray and a gun!!
Fortunately, all but one time my body language and pepper spray worked. The other two times I was rescued, once by a UPS truck, and the other time by a local
homeowner in a car, who was disgusted by the neighborhood dog that was loose most of the time.
I would have shot the dog if I had to, BUT if I can avoid "any" shooting I know I'll have fever legal issues!

04-10-2018, 07:15 PM
Agree 100%. I was bit when I was a kid and the city rule then was if a roaming dog bit someone twice, the owner either got rid of it or the city put it down. No exception.

04-10-2018, 08:40 PM
I've had a couple instances here on our land a month or so back with an aggressive dog and one non aggressive running together. First instance my dog took out the aggressor and then was attacked by the other. My dog turned on the second dog as the first one took off and as soon as the second one saw that it took off too. Second instance I was down near the garage when I heard barking. Looked up the drive and the was the dog with my dog halfway between us. As soon as the dog saw mine it took off. Guess it remembered the first time.

Called animal control and they said, yes, you can shoot an aggressive dog as long as it is on your land. I asked about when out walking my dog on a leash and they said yes to that or just me walking by myself. Gave them my address and haven't seen either dog since.

And, yes, I carry whenever I'm outside the house. We've got critters around here that can cause more damage than a couple of dogs though I've never heard of any bears causing trouble up here.

04-16-2018, 05:51 PM
I'm pretty disappointed. After the wifey talked to the sis, she hasn't done anything about the dog incident. I told the wife, she'll feel real bad when one of those dogs seriously does something to someone, and she had a chance to maybe keep it from happening again. What should I expect from a friggen Lib...........................................her husband isn't real happy either. The worst part is that the neighbor hasn't even gone over to see how she is doing. That would have been the clincher for me................................

04-16-2018, 06:46 PM
I'm pretty disappointed. After the wifey talked to the sis, she hasn't done anything about the dog incident. I told the wife, she'll feel real bad when one of those dogs seriously does something to someone, and she had a chance to maybe keep it from happening again. What should I expect from a friggen Lib...........................................her husband isn't real happy either. The worst part is that the neighbor hasn't even gone over to see how she is doing. That would have been the clincher for me................................

There's really no excuse for letting this incident GO!!!!
I love dogs, but I ABSOLUTELY believe that you can't let "dangerous" dogs be free. If you are crazy enough to have one of these dogs then they have to be CONTAINED……period!!!

04-16-2018, 06:59 PM
Practical solution . Report incident to Animal Control. By law Dog must be up to date on Rabies vaccination. Go to Doctor. Doctor should fill out report and be assured that dog was rabies vaccinated . Present bill to neighbors in friendly way and tell them their homeowners Insurance will cover the bill. Home owners will cover the bill, but will drop their insurance unless they get rid of the dog.
If the dog was not current on Rabies vaccine, by Law, must be quarantined at Owners expense.
In any event that dog is a public health risk. Animal Control should enforce the rule that the Dog must be kept in fence or under owners control at all times.
Yes Children are killed by dog attacks . Report it.

04-16-2018, 07:05 PM
Practical solution . Report incident to Animal Control. By law Dog must be up to date on Rabies vaccination. Go to Doctor. Doctor should fill out report and be assured that dog was rabies vaccinated . Present bill to neighbors in friendly way and tell them their homeowners Insurance will cover the bill. Home owners will cover the bill, but will drop their insurance unless they get rid of the dog.
If the dog was not current on Rabies vaccine, by Law, must be quarantined at Owners expense.
In any event that dog is a public health risk. Animal Control should enforce the rule that the Dog must be kept in fence or under owners control at all times.
Yes Children are killed by dog attacks . Report it.

WOW, You have NAILED it. In the old days, you could deal with your neighbors….now we have to take the actions you have outlined!!

04-16-2018, 07:16 PM
Practical solution . Report incident to Animal Control. By law Dog must be up to date on Rabies vaccination. Go to Doctor. Doctor should fill out report and be assured that dog was rabies vaccinated . Present bill to neighbors in friendly way and tell them their homeowners Insurance will cover the bill. Home owners will cover the bill, but will drop their insurance unless they get rid of the dog.
If the dog was not current on Rabies vaccine, by Law, must be quarantined at Owners expense.
In any event that dog is a public health risk. Animal Control should enforce the rule that the Dog must be kept in fence or under owners control at all times.
Yes Children are killed by dog attacks . Report it. It was reported to sheriff. Apparently where they live, if the dogs are up to date on shots, they can be quarantined at home. Yeah, I know. It's almost too friggen late for her to go to a doctor, or proceed if she's going to jag around this long. She should have gone to the clinic before she even called the sheriff. It was 2 dogs. All of this should have been done the same day. You can't decide to do something about it weeks later. The wife isn't happy with me right now. Called her sister some choice names, deservedly so in my book. This is why the world is the way it is. No one wants to take responsibility. No one wants to right a wrong. Don't rock the boat. Personally, I'd hang him out to dry. Reports, bills, and small claims for $5000 would be a start.

04-16-2018, 09:04 PM
Dam right. Don't allow oneself to be abused by thoughtless idiots like that irresponsible dog owner, or someone else might have a much worse experience.
I carry around outside 100% of the time. Only came close to using my LCP once when we were walking on a local park trail in broad daylight and a big raccoon crossed in front of us about 25 feet away. It turned & looked at us, but kept on going on down to a creek.

04-17-2018, 07:00 PM
.........In the old days, you could deal with your neighbors….

And we still can around here. One of the reasons we continue to live where we have been for the last 25 years.

A couple/three months ago, my next door neighbor's hunting dog sank a couple of teeth into my arm...through my sweat shirt. It was an accident....friendly dog who meant not the least bit of harm. Neighbor was the one who got really upset. Calming him down was more work for me than treating the wound(s).

04-17-2018, 10:08 PM
Heheh - 60+ years ago my girlfriend's German Shepherd did the same with my left arm as I was approaching the front door of their house.
I startled the sleeping dog apparently, and he just instinctively lunged out & grabbed ahold of me, then let go when he looked up & saw who he was chompin' on. poor dawg looked really sheepish (not like Jocko's friends) and crawled back into his dog house. Surprisingly enough, it didn't hurt that much. Still have a couple of puncture scars.

That girlfriend had an interesting background. She was born in Bamberg, Germany when WWII was still raging - her daddy was a Nazi SS Captain. Her mom, a real redhead looker, divorced him at the end of the war and later married a US Army sergeant. The lucky sergeant worked for my Dad at the National Guard Armory in St. Louis in the mid 1950s.