Ken L
04-24-2018, 05:56 PM
Most people of the Left do not realize that they are poking the bear. Those Leftists that spout the PC talk of “white privilege”, of the evils of gun ownership, of the evils of all these so-called “microaggressions” and how the current policies that “I”endorse are dividing the country more and more don’t understand that they are not educating anyone, they are not defending their views thru a substantial, meaningful “dialogue”. They are simply poking the bear. The hypocritical thinking that is being espoused by the left that “everyone that disagrees with us is wrong” rather than applying the tolerance and compromise that they continually say that they are all about is getting rather old. All they are doing is poking the bear. The bear puts up with it for a while, laughs it off, walks away, but the bear always remembers. The left didn’t learn the last time they poked the bear, and their worst fear was realized. Donald Trump became our President. The bear, the silent majority, had spoken.
These so-called educated, elite, big-thinkers spew more small-minded vitriol than any group I have ever seen. Black Lives Matter? Well of course they do, but when they become a hate group they should be treated as such. Antifa? Same thing. Hillary Clinton? Well, she is the oldest whiney 20-year old I have ever seen. She is what I call a typical Millennial with the entitlement attitude and the attitude that nothing is ever her fault. If Hillary was a Republican or even a man with the same track record of indiscretions, she would be in prison. And she should be.
The college teacher in California that called the late Barbara Bush a witch and that she is glad that she’s dead? Yeah, I expected that from someone. Of course, I don’t agree with her. But you know what? She has the First Amendment Right of Free Speech behind her, so it’s OK and lawful for her to express her opinion. She is still an idiot in my book, but she has the power of the Bill of Rights behind her. The Left needs to carefully think about that. The power of the Bill of Rights is behind them. And behind me.
I am not stupid, regardless of how much the Left thinks that I am. Or more correctly tries to convince themselves that I am. One thing I am convinced of is I am way more open-minded than most of my liberal acquaintances. You know the type, you’re great if you agree with them. The minute you don’t agree, that means that you’re closed-minded or bigoted. Intelligent conversation about these topics? Nope, itusually ends up with the Left yelling and me becoming silent. I adhere to the old saying “better to remain quiet and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt”. Something that apparently they don't teach in "Left" school.
So, those on the Left. Continue to be hypocritical about everything. Continue to get all worked up and emotional about things that “I” do and continue to refuse to look at any issue with logic. And in discourse with people, continue to confuse emotion with logic. Continue to call those that disagree with you stupid. Continue to poke the bear. Because although it maybe fun to poke the bear now, it won’t be once the bear reacts to your antics.
Thanks for putting up with my rant. I just had to put some words down and get them out. There is a lot more rattling around in my head, but this will suffice for now.
These so-called educated, elite, big-thinkers spew more small-minded vitriol than any group I have ever seen. Black Lives Matter? Well of course they do, but when they become a hate group they should be treated as such. Antifa? Same thing. Hillary Clinton? Well, she is the oldest whiney 20-year old I have ever seen. She is what I call a typical Millennial with the entitlement attitude and the attitude that nothing is ever her fault. If Hillary was a Republican or even a man with the same track record of indiscretions, she would be in prison. And she should be.
The college teacher in California that called the late Barbara Bush a witch and that she is glad that she’s dead? Yeah, I expected that from someone. Of course, I don’t agree with her. But you know what? She has the First Amendment Right of Free Speech behind her, so it’s OK and lawful for her to express her opinion. She is still an idiot in my book, but she has the power of the Bill of Rights behind her. The Left needs to carefully think about that. The power of the Bill of Rights is behind them. And behind me.
I am not stupid, regardless of how much the Left thinks that I am. Or more correctly tries to convince themselves that I am. One thing I am convinced of is I am way more open-minded than most of my liberal acquaintances. You know the type, you’re great if you agree with them. The minute you don’t agree, that means that you’re closed-minded or bigoted. Intelligent conversation about these topics? Nope, itusually ends up with the Left yelling and me becoming silent. I adhere to the old saying “better to remain quiet and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt”. Something that apparently they don't teach in "Left" school.
So, those on the Left. Continue to be hypocritical about everything. Continue to get all worked up and emotional about things that “I” do and continue to refuse to look at any issue with logic. And in discourse with people, continue to confuse emotion with logic. Continue to call those that disagree with you stupid. Continue to poke the bear. Because although it maybe fun to poke the bear now, it won’t be once the bear reacts to your antics.
Thanks for putting up with my rant. I just had to put some words down and get them out. There is a lot more rattling around in my head, but this will suffice for now.