View Full Version : 1st range trip, P45

04-24-2018, 08:32 PM
I must say, im very impressed with this little gem.
i ran 200 rounds through her today.
winchester white box, fiocchi, and the browning BPT, all 230 grn fmj.

The first magazine at 6 yards was basically all through the same hole.
next 2 magazines were nice looking as well.

First 100 rounds went flawlessly, had a few hangups when i hit 150, but that may have been an ammo problem. A few of the winchesters got hung up on the feed ramp.
but i noticed that the nose of the failed rounds looked all scratched up.

The extractor on this gun gets dirty fast. And since it protrudes slightly with a round chambered, if its really dirty it almost looks like something is mechanically wrong or broken.
i think thats what i get for running the cheapest crap ammo i could find today.

i expected the recoil to be harsh.
it wasnt bad at all.
its not as mild as a glock 21 or a 5 inch 1911, but i didnt expect it to be.
with the weight and size its a great shooter.

i didnt try any fancy defense type loads today.
ill try those nextime.

it sure cleaned up real nice.

I feel like its gonna just get better with time. Yep

04-24-2018, 09:46 PM
I had pretty much the same results with my CW45, except no hang ups at all.
Have not run any HPs through it though..... yet.

Glad you like it.

04-24-2018, 10:11 PM
Since you have it about broke in and cleaned up I bet you’ll find it even smoother next time. Good report.

04-24-2018, 10:52 PM
Thanks for the replies.
my biggest concern was gonna be the recoil of the 45 in such a small light package.
that has to be the most impressive quality to me this far

04-30-2018, 10:44 PM
i get an occasional brass to the face with mine, but otherwise it is reliable.

04-30-2018, 10:47 PM
I get brass to the face with my PM45 if I get the least bit sloppy with my grip. It's almost like a wake up call, hey bone head focus you know.

Choke the chicken serious business grip and it flips them off normally.

They say you shoot best when your a little mad dog mean and a couple hot cases to the face makes that happen.

05-01-2018, 07:47 AM
Nice report.

05-06-2018, 10:16 PM
Thanks all.
As previously mentioned on another post i used the brake cleaner on my striker channel to clean it.
it cleaned it well, and i was trying not to get it on any other part of the gun, but i did accidentally and it took the paint off the front sight.

a few coats with the gfs nail polish and its good to go again.

i hoped on and ordered a holster from elpasso, but it turns out that an older holster i have for a different pistol is a perfect fit already.
its always nice to have more holsters so no worries. Im actually about 8 weeks into waiting period on 2 other holsters at the moment.

anyway the more i fondle the kahr and play with it the smoother it gets. I dont think at this point i need to buy anything else for her other then ammo.

shes a keeper

05-06-2018, 10:22 PM
I didnt have any erratic ejection or brass to the face. That’s usually a wake up call. Does anyone elses extractor get dirty fast? I think when its dirty, and how it protrudes slightly it can be alarming at first.
i thought id broken something, but it kept on firing away.
1 handed drills, i was worried id limp wrist it, but nope, she kept going.

i may pick up the pm45 in the near future