View Full Version : I love pawn shops

04-29-2018, 08:09 PM
Just like the SIG P220 W. German I found from a widower selling her past husbands collection.
Like the CW45 I found for stupidly cheap pawn shop turn in a few years ago
Today I happen by a pawn shop about 100 miles from home and there in the back case is this almost new Ruger LC9S for nothing more than what the pawn shop was owed from the person who pawned it and never paid off what was owed...

$200 out the door, I get home happy as a clam with my new find, my wife says ooohhhhhh I like the feel of this gun, is able to rack the slide and appears to point well for her too.....
*sigh* I may have lost it even before I get to shoot it....

To be honest, with my old man eyes, I've relied on lasers but have been toying with the idea of trying a red dot on a pistol and have been reading about Galloway Precision and I instantly thought of Joe's Jpoint or Delta point on the LC9S (Second picture) - the wife is even interested in that also.... I think I may be already on the look out for a replacement to a gun I have not shot yet....

Side note the FDE color was a special run from Ruger for a store chain in Alabama, Louisiana and Florida.... how it made it up here to Idaho would be an interesting story but doubt I could ever track down.

With out further a due:



and what I want to do with Joe Galloway:



04-30-2018, 08:42 AM
Nice find!
Interesting that the one with the red dot also has custom sights. Are you going that route as well?

04-30-2018, 09:23 AM
Yes, part of the package from Galloway - milling for Deltapoint, Jpoint, FastFire III, RMR and suppressor height sights are in the package.
My other "on the look out for" is the CM9 as they do red dots for them also .



05-14-2018, 06:56 PM
I have a Burris Red Dot on a Kimber Gold Match II, and it is fantastic for old eyes. I am at the stage where I have to decide if I want a crisp front sight, or a crisp target. I can't have both. So far I have gone with crisp sights, and blurry target, I still do pretty good, but nothing like I did before I needed glasses.

With the red dot it doesn't matter, I can see both well. Not sure why. BUT... I would not consider a red dot for a carry pistol, just me.

05-14-2018, 07:12 PM
Nice score the FDE color is kinda sharp too.

05-17-2018, 09:21 PM
Bought a LC9s Pro myself.
Instantly became my most carried pocket pistol.
Like it so much I bought a second backup gun and had it nickle plated.

05-17-2018, 11:48 PM
Bought a LC9s Pro myself.
Instantly became my most carried pocket pistol.
Like it so much I bought a second backup gun and had it nickle plated.

Umm...WOW! How much more of an endorsement can be given than, “Like it so much I bought a second backup gun and had it nickle plated.”


05-18-2018, 12:03 PM
Good finds.

05-29-2018, 04:58 AM
It became the most carried pocket pistol. But do you have the permission to carry it?


05-30-2018, 09:29 AM
With a God given right who needs permission and who would you ask?

07-12-2018, 11:55 PM
With a God given right who needs permission and who would you ask?

(Late reply - been working and travel)
Yes, Bawanna - my typical and usual reply when someone asks :Why do you need that..?"

With a legal product in a capitalist society need has nothing to do with it - it is purely a question of want.

(A longer conversation would be:)

With a legal product in a capitalist society need has nothing to do with it - it is purely a question of want.

Go to Walgreen's, count the pain relievers there - there has to be 75 brands - if it is solely based on need there would be three types of one choice each, aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen. You don't NEED 75 just 3.

Another example is tooth paste do you really NEED multiple types of toothpaste?
And the answer is no, you don't, all you really need is baking powder and a finger.

07-15-2018, 12:44 AM
Congrats on finding a great deal on a great gun! BTW, that’s the only gun I’ve ever had a AD with. Was showing a friend the takeup on the trigger and went too far. Luckily, I had the other gun safety rule in place (pointed in a safe direction, not at anything not ok to destroy). I about crapped my pants!

07-15-2018, 09:12 AM
Showing a friend the take up on a trigger with a loaded firearm...…………………………………….hmmmmmmmm……………………………….gla d I'm not your friend.:cool: