View Full Version : PM45 new to me first shooting impressions. Good Bullets for reloading?

05-09-2018, 02:14 PM
I just found a slightly used PM45 with Night Sights and three mags in a case and a generic Hybred Kydex holster all for $300. I don’t think it has been broken in the owner said maybe 80 rounds were fired. The slide is pretty stiff and it will only feed the first rounds from a fresh magazine from slide locked back. It fired the Sig 230 ball ammo I had and some Hornady Critical Defense.

Overall pretty happy, was wondering what bullets for reloading work well in the PM45, weight, type FMJ, or SWC or any suggestions as to brands?

What holsters work well for AIWB and OWB?

05-09-2018, 03:13 PM
Any bullets really will work. Watch your over all length closely, do the plunk test. My usual handloads balked a bit, shortened them up just a nano and they work just fine.

I use a Garrett Silent thunder for IWB, I think it would work for AIWB although I don't carry there.
I use that and an ankle holster from Kahr. Don't carry it much OWB.

It works well in some 1911 holsters I've tried. I know the ankle rig works fine for both.

05-09-2018, 03:31 PM
Sounds like you got a good find...................................

05-09-2018, 03:50 PM
I've had two , currently one, PM45's. One old style one new style. More than 15k rounds through both. Broke them both in with my handloads. I use Berry's 185 HBRN, 200 SWC and 230 RN. They run 100% when loaded HOT. Max COL is 1.265 for my magazines. I load the RN at 1.225 - 1.250 COL. Mostly use TiteGroup but also WST, both are accurate with WST feeling much softer recoil and the spent brass is cooler to the touch bye a lot. I load Bullseye for a friend but I don't like it. In the past I've tried some coated lead with great results and just purchased more given the increased cost of the coated bullets.

05-09-2018, 04:06 PM
Good find nothing, that's a great find!!!!....You got a like new $800.00 gun for 3 bills, man you stole that one....Try a few boxes of Walmart white box 230 Grain FMJ to get her limbered up good before you try to reload to be sure any problems are not ammo related but just that the gun is not fully broken in yet....Like Bawanna said the PM45's don't like too long over all length so keep them slightly under size and they will feed much better....Our member Alfonse owns Lakeline LLC and he makes aluminum magazine followers for the PM45 which really help feeding issues....For range use I buy 500 lot plated 230 grain FMJ at the gun show for use in my 1911 and have never had a problem and the price is right but remember no unplanted lead in the premium PM barrels....Like ole Jocko used to say, go out and shoot it like you stole it because in this case you did.....Good luck and happy shooting!

05-09-2018, 04:08 PM
Alfonse makes followers for the PM45? I did not know that. I haven't had any issues but I'll probably get a few of them one of these days.

05-09-2018, 04:13 PM
I just bought 2 for my PM9 and the instruction letter said they make them for the PM45 but they won't lock the slide back after the last round....