View Full Version : Forced to attend my niece's law school graduation

05-30-2018, 08:10 PM
Now I am very, very proud of her. When most kids don't even get their BS or BA until their 23 or 24 now a days, my niece got her BA from Texas A&M at the ripe old age of 20 and her law school doctorate at 23 from Texas Southern University graduating Magnum *** Laud.

Rather than being able to send my congrats to her through my wife, I was forced to go. First off, too damn hot!!! Too damn humid!!! Then, the ceremonies started half an hour late. Then this speaker and that speaker all started with, "We are here for the students...", and of course went on with some liberal rant after another. I though that was bad enough until Congressman Al Green, I believe, came on stage and sounded like he was preaching only to introduce the key note speaker.

Here's where things REALLY went downhill fast! Out walks Congresslady (tongue in cheek with a little throwup in my mouth) Maxine Waters. I'm thinking to myself, "Self, NO ONE to you she would be here! Leave, leave NOW!!!". My wife had no clue who she is and wouldn't let me leave. Well, she comes out and starts with, "I am here for the students...". People down there (south Hooston [yes, I spelt it Hooston on purpose]) seemed to like and clapped over and over...for a while. After about 3 minutes, she grabbed her broom and flew up on her stump to start politicking. Touting how evil Trump is, what she's done to thwart him at every turn, blah, blah, blah...

I finally convinced my wife I REALLY needed to go to the bathroom (I did otherwise I would have thrown up on the folks in front of us and/or yelled to get her off the stage). One of my brother in laws decided he'd have enough, too. We left and he had a smoke or two. Saw a number of other folks who "needed" a break, too. About 45 minutes later she finally finished spewing her filth and we came back in. My wife said she wished she had come with us.

Finally, they started calling up the students. Mighty proud moment for not only the graduates but for all of us in the stands. Only bad part is my niece's last name starts with a T. Her row finally stood up to get in line and my wife is elbowing me to go down and take pictures closer. So I do. She sees me and tells when she gets her diploma she is leaving, not going back to her seat but walking out and never looking back. I thought she was bluffing but the girl did it! Surprised the heck out of me!

We all went out to eat afterwards and I got a chance to talk with her. She said almost all of the students got sick and tired of listening to the Congresslady and more than half were ready to walk out. Came to find out my niece IS a conservative and didn't get indoctrinated going to college! I couldn't be more proud of her. She takes the BAR in a couple of months and I have no doubt she'll pass the first time. She wants to get in with a county DA's office for a couple or three years and then go into criminal defense. As her graduation present I gave her a framed dollar bill. Written very small around the edge it say (paraphrased) that acceptance dictates a life time retainer for me should I ever need a good attorney with an * to read the backside (she said she would never defend a family member). On the back it says null and void in the US and it's territories with the exception of Guam. She laughed her backside off when I pointed out the "inscription" and her folks wanted to read it. Both had to put their glass on to read it. I had to borrow some reading glasses to write.

She promised to hang it above her diploma when she gets an office.

Sorry for the long read but I'm a very proud uncle!

Ken L
05-31-2018, 05:58 AM
Congrats to your whole family. Your niece sounds like a very level headed young lady.

It's just too bad in situations like you experienced at a graduation or other event that decorum prevails and most folks stay thru the drivel and vitriol. If more people listened to their concience and just got up and left when these "leaders" started spouting off the speakers would realize that their opinions aren't as accepted as they think they are. Because you know if it had been a conservative speaker there would have been heckling and yelling. I guess conservatives are more tolerant of opposing views??

Sorry for the rant. Again, congrats to your neice. Awesome accomplishment.

05-31-2018, 08:19 AM
Just another brainwashing ceremony constructed by madam Hitler trying to forcing their agenda on today's youth!

05-31-2018, 08:27 AM
Glad to hear there are some yoots who resist indoctrination into the Borg.

I don't see anything wrong with people booing Mad Maxine. What would they have done, thrown you out?

05-31-2018, 08:30 AM
It's not surprising. Colleges all over this country are teaching not a curriculum, but a liberal way of life that's ruining this country. College professors are underworked and overpaid to begin with. They need to stick to the plan, and not just teach their opinions.

05-31-2018, 03:59 PM
It's not surprising. Colleges all over this country are teaching not a curriculum, but a liberal way of life that's ruining this country. College professors are underworked and overpaid to begin with. They need to stick to the plan, and not just teach their opinions.

Underworked and overpaid? Sign me up. Congrats to her AJ!