View Full Version : Kinda new guy here

06-11-2018, 11:44 AM
Good day everyone. I titled this "kinda new here" because I was a member a few years ago then lost touch with the Kahr firearms. I ventured down the "Tactical Timmy" path thinking I needed the biggest, baddest wonder blaster 2000. I took a lot of training classes and drank the cool aid. Then one day, I looked in my safe and was looking to take some different guns that I had to the range. To mix it up so to say. I brought my CM9 out there and was truly impressed in how accurate such a small gun was. The light bulb lit up and I thought, hmmmm I wonder what other things does Kahr have to offer. I found they were offering two new models an "S" and an "ST9". I proceeded to buy both of the guns and started taking them to the range. Man was I hooked. I love this guns. I have put nearly 2000 rounds through the S9 and the ST9 with nary a hiccup. The ST9 has become my carry gun. I love having a full grip and 9 rounds of 9mm. Prior to picking up the Kahrs, I had been carrying either an HK VP9, VP9sk (both of which I love), a S&W M&P 340, or S&W Shield 9mm. I tried to love the Shield but it did nothing for me. I was accurate with it, but I just didn't care for it. I have since sold the Shield and now more recently added a couple more Kahrs. I now have a T9 and as of last week a K9. The T9 is a great gun to shoot. I did have to do some work to the feed ramp as it was not allowing the gun to lock the mag back after the last round was shot. It is now working quite well. I am taking a shooting class in two weeks, and will be using the T9 in the class. I have not had the opportunity to shoot the K9 yet, hopefully this week. All of my Kahrs wear Dawson Precision fiber optic front and all black rear sights. They all shoot point of impact/point of aim. All guns, except the T9 have had the striker spring changed to a lighter one. For some reason, the T9's trigger pull is pretty awesome right out of the box. The polymer framed guns have Talon rubber grips. I feel it helps tremendously in shooting those guns. I would love to find some aftermarket grips for the T9 but, it doesn't appear to be any on the market as of right now. In the mean time, I did a little work on them. I dished out the area right behind the magazine release. I found the unmodified grip to get in the way, now it is very easy to activate. I also sanded down the left grip at the top as I found a "hot spot" It feels good now. After the modification, I used Teak oil to blend it all together.

Holster department is a little scarce too. I have opted for leather for all of my Kahrs. I am using Mitch Rosen 5JR Express for all of them. I love the quality of their holsters and what is not to love about leather. I purchased a gun mold of the ST9 and plan on making a few holsters out of kydex for it. As far as magazine holders go, I am using a Mitch Rosen Double leather holster most often. When I run a single magazine, I am using a kydex holder from Gebhardt Sulutions. I holds the mag close to the body and conceals well. I used carry my MP 340 on my ankle as a back up gun and have since moved the CM9 to that role. I carry that in a Ritchie Gun Leather ankle holster. It is a high quality holster and ver comfortable to wear.

These are just some things that work well for me and just wanted to share my experiences. I look forward to participating in the community here.

A little back ground on me. I am currently in sales and travel the country. I am a retired police officer and have the privilege of traveling with LEOSA reds and carry in every state. (The Kahr is the perfect gun to carry in every state due to some of the gun laws they may have).

I am a certified firearms instructor and have certifications from Rangemaster (Tom Givens) as well as the NRA. I currently teach CCW classes and some entry level classes for new shooters. I am also an A.L.I.C.E certified trainer and will be taking the Saber Red LEO Instructor class this week. I also consider myself a training junkie and have amassed a ton of hours training with the likes of Ken Hackathorn, Ernest Langdon, Tom Givens, Mas Ayoob, John Farnam, Greg Ellifritz just to name a few.


06-11-2018, 03:25 PM
Welcome, or should I say welcome back. Yes the Kahrs do have their place and I love them too.

06-11-2018, 03:46 PM
Thank you sir.

06-11-2018, 07:57 PM
Welcome aboard! :)

06-11-2018, 10:00 PM
Thank you. Here is a pic of my Kahrs.


06-12-2018, 08:40 AM

06-12-2018, 09:20 AM
That's a parking lot full of Kahr's…………………………………….

06-12-2018, 12:19 PM
I love that T9.

06-12-2018, 01:13 PM
You and me both brudda.

06-12-2018, 02:25 PM
Thanks guys! The T9 is a favorite here too. I wish there was more support for it.

06-12-2018, 02:49 PM
I think there's lots of support, just not enough to go around. Maybe more interest would fire up production a bit.

All we need is one more, (for me), ok make that 2 yqtszhj wants one too.

Ok, make it 1000, I got a few friends, ok well 2 but lots of friends I haven't met yet.

06-12-2018, 10:55 PM
I think there's lots of support, just not enough to go around. Maybe more interest would fire up production a bit.

All we need is one more, (for me), ok make that 2 yqtszhj wants one too.

Ok, make it 1000, I got a few friends, ok well 2 but lots of friends I haven't met yet.

Good point. I wonder if the owner of Lakeline would be interested in making some thinner grips for it.

06-13-2018, 09:31 AM
That's easier and allowed, that would be Alfonse and you can PM or email him and ask.

I suspect maybe not since the demand might not be worthy of setting up and getting them made. But maybe so.

If/When I ever get a T I'll be whittling out some thin grips that will make the average man cry.

06-13-2018, 09:36 AM
If/When I ever get a T I'll be whittling out some thin grips that will make the average man cry.

06-13-2018, 10:27 AM
That's easier and allowed, that would be Alfonse and you can PM or email him and ask.

I suspect maybe not since the demand might not be worthy of setting up and getting them made. But maybe so.

If/When I ever get a T I'll be whittling out some thin grips that will make the average man cry.

We need a like button. :)

06-13-2018, 11:25 AM
Thank you. Here is a pic of my Kahrs.


NICE! <jealous>

06-14-2018, 09:51 AM
Thank you

06-22-2018, 10:29 AM
Nice collection you have there man! I would love to trynthat ST9. Looks like a great night stand/tactical platform. You get those nice front serrations too, without the big seriel number badge on the grip like some of the other, newer models withnthenfront serrations. Dang you man, now I gotta get some dough together and find me one! : )

06-22-2018, 11:36 AM

Black Arch makes a good holster with an equally good selection for Kahr's.
