View Full Version : P380 vs Ruger LCP

08-30-2010, 03:45 PM
I have a Ruger LCP and a PM9, I like the PM9, I like the LCP except it does not take +P ammo and it has terrible sights.

Have any of you P380 owners came over from owning a LCP? If so, was it worth it?

08-30-2010, 07:40 PM
I have a Ruger LCP and a PM9, I like the PM9, I like the LCP except it does not take +P ammo and it has terrible sights.

Have any of you P380 owners came over from owning a LCP? If so, was it worth it?

I own a PM9 and traded in my LCP that I absolutely hated on a new P380 and couldn't be happier. I all but gave the LCP back to the gun shop but it was worth it as I would have never carried or shot it again. I love my PM9 and I love the P380 just as much. They are both great guns. My PM9 and P380 are both DLC with night sights.

The Habernatho
08-30-2010, 09:14 PM
I had both for a while an LCP w/ CT laser, and a P380. I still have the P380 but I sold the LCP. I hated the trigger on that gun, and I honestly think that's an understatement. By the time I added the CT to the LCP it wasn't all that much cheaper than the P380, about $100. P380 much better trigger, usable sights, slide locks back on last round, two magazines, +p capability, softer recoil, better finish. The LCP felt like a cheap toy to me, even though it was reliable I don't miss it at all.

08-31-2010, 01:54 AM
My PM9 and P380 are both DLC with night sights.

Where the heck did you find a DLC P380? :confused:

08-31-2010, 06:04 AM
Price points are way different also. The LCP is what it is. It is NOW a gun that willgo bang for you every time. It is a 7 yard and under gun IMO. Not themost accurte either and that is due to just a sloopy as trigger system, BUT it works and for what itis made for fits most owners. The P380 is just in another calss way abouve the lcp IMO. Not that it hasn't given some issues (The lcp at first was full of issues), butthe P380 IMO just eaks in overall quality, the fine trigger system, the super accuracy. the excellent sights and ability for night sights. the polygonal rifled barrel, to me just ad dup to alot more gun, But also about double in price of the lcp. Iown um both, Ihardly ever carry either due to my PM9 going everywhere withme with no issues. I shoot my P380 better than I do my PM9 for accuracy, and that amazes me. The lcp in my hands is just a terrible shooter.

both good guns ifthe "bang" thing is #1 for you.

08-31-2010, 09:09 AM
my hubby carries an LCP for his backup gun. I have the P380. There is NO comparison when it comes to accuracy. It's unbelievable. Also, if it's in his back pocket when he sits down (he has a wallet type holster), the magazine will release. He's currently trying to sell his LCP so he can buy a P380. They are SO worth the price difference.

08-31-2010, 09:33 AM
i have not personally tried this on an lcp, but try short-stroking an old 2nd gen p3at and see what it does to you. it aint pretty. kel-tec has since corrected this error on new guns, and offered free replacement parts / installation for those with older guns, but since the problem was there when the ruger engineers "invented" the LCP, the LCP got the problem too and to the best of my knowledge still has it.

08-31-2010, 10:24 AM
i have not personally tried this on an lcp, but try short-stroking an old 2nd gen p3at and see what it does to you. it aint pretty.

Good point. I forgot about that. If you short stroked it, it would drop the hammer from half kock (stupid spelling nanny) and would not ignite the primer. You had to rack it again to reset the trigger. Now, it just "stops" and all you have to do is just let go of the trigger fully and pull it again. My old 2nd gen was like this and Kel-Tec fixed it for free. They basically re-built the entire pistol, too. According to their worksheet, only the frame, barrel and slide were original.

08-31-2010, 10:29 AM
Also, if it's in his back pocket when he sits down (he has a wallet type holster), the magazine will release.

Unless the design has a heel release, they ALL can do that. Back pocket carry isn't really a great idea, especially for small semi-autos and this is one reason.

08-31-2010, 01:10 PM
I let him carry my P380 for a few days, it never happened with it. just sayin.

08-31-2010, 01:23 PM
Have owned an LCP, it wasn't a bad gun. Sites weren't good but again it's half the price of the P380. Would I go back to an LCP? No way. Kahr's quality, fit and finish are head and shoulders above. The P380 is very accurate. Can't say that I shot the LCP as well. Even if you have to take a lttle longer to save up for the Kahr....it's worth it.

08-31-2010, 04:21 PM
I was seriously considering the LCP, but couldn't get past how cheap it felt and looked. I bought the P380 mainly because it is very well made. It looks and feels like a well-crafted machine, instead of a pop gun. Hopefully I will never have to use it other than at the range, but if I gotta look at it every day I would rather look with appreciation instead of ridicule.

08-31-2010, 04:45 PM
I agree with Garland! The difference is noticable in the had and for the pointablilty/aimability was so much easier with the P380. Feels more natural. When I brought it (the LCP) up to fire it was as if the barrel was still at a downward angle.

Very happy with my P380 now and feel much more confident if I ever had to use it.

08-31-2010, 05:10 PM
I was seriously considering the LCP, but couldn't get past how cheap it felt and looked. I bought the P380 mainly because it is very well made. It looks and feels like a well-crafted machine, instead of a pop gun. Hopefully I will never have to use it other than at the range, but if I gotta look at it every day I would rather look with appreciation instead of ridicule.

on all counts. The P380 is just one super well made bells and whistle, super accurate 380. The best I have ever shot, and small as hell to but still a feel of quality and very controlable..

08-31-2010, 06:32 PM
I made the switch. Worth it.

08-31-2010, 08:21 PM
As others have said, there is no comparison between them for accuracy or trigger pull. Two of my friends have & carry the LCP's in their pocket. A point they made is, if they had to shoot someone & the cops took their gun, they wouldn't lose much.

I have the P380 & when comparing them loaded, the LCP is lighter.

09-01-2010, 05:51 PM
No comparison. The LCP is ok, but it shoots like a small gun and feels cheap.

Finally decided to take a better pic of the 380 DLC.
No, I won't tell you where to get one. :D


09-01-2010, 06:07 PM
kpm9. now that is really one sweet little P380. I wish mine was in that finish. I am jealous to say the least. I will trade you an eight foot python even up for that gun. He doesnt eat often either. I use dto have 3 yorkies, now down to two. I guess one ran away..????

09-01-2010, 06:13 PM
Thanks jocko, as much as I'd like a python....ummm... No I can't take advantage of you that way. ;)

BTW, that's not a crack but Dog hair on the lower rear portion of the grip.
Came with the gun and I paid extra for it. :)

BTW, I carry this in an Active Pro Gear Defender waist band and wearing running shorts and it's a think of beauty.
Can't even feel it really.

09-01-2010, 06:20 PM
Does it look like Yorky dog hair? Might be a CLUE.

Pretty gun for sure.

09-03-2010, 10:23 AM
I recently purchased a P380 and have put approx. 200 rounds through it with one stovepipe jam and "0" FTF. My Dad has a LCP that I have shot approx. 20 rounds through. Here is some things I have noticed:

LCP - Average frame, average slide
P380 - Average frame, above average slide

Accuracy (7 yards):
LCP - Very Accurate
KAHR - Amazingly accurate

LCP - sights are below average and average grip, more kick than the kahr
KAHR - excellent sights and above average grip, easy to shoot fast

LCP - $345 (with extra magazine)
KAHR - $550 (keep in mind part of the gun is SS)

LCP - The gun is not the type that you can put alot of rounds through.
KAHR - I think I would go broke buying the .380 ammo before it wears out.

LCP - Everyone makes something for this gun
KAHR - Not alot available

Overall for the extra $200 dollars I think the Kahr is well worth the money and I have also purchased a CT laser that makes it really fun to shoot.

09-03-2010, 10:43 AM

LCP - Everyone makes something for this gun

except sights

09-03-2010, 10:49 AM

LCP - The gun is not the type that you can put alot of rounds through

One of the moderators over on the kel tec forum, who owns a shooting range in NY, and as a rental gun and with full documentation, had 34,000 rounds through his lcp before it broke down and had to go back to Ruger Don't sh-t yourself, the little lcp is one rugged SOB.

I own um both and could not hit jack sh-t with the lcp, terrible gun for me for accuracy, but it went bang every time, now the P380 just shoots circles around the lcp and to me feels like a gun should.

09-03-2010, 11:35 AM
One of the moderators over on the kel tec forum

You still hang out over there?

09-03-2010, 12:03 PM

LCP - The gun is not the type that you can put alot of rounds through

One of the moderators over on the kel tec forum, who owns a shooting range in NY, and as a rental gun and with full documentation, had 34,000 rounds through his lcp before it broke down and had to go back to Ruger Don't sh-t yourself, the little lcp is one rugged SOB.

I own um both and could not hit jack sh-t with the lcp, terrible gun for me for accuracy, but it went bang every time, now the P380 just shoots circles around the lcp and to me feels like a gun should.

I stand corrected. In my opinion "I would not want to put alot of rounds through an LCP".

09-03-2010, 12:29 PM
You still hang out over there?

but RJ one of the mods over there is a good friend of mine, and we do keep in touch, for reasons other than guns to. His health is not the greatest..Super nice guy though- and oh yes HONEST.

09-06-2010, 11:01 PM
Count me in as someone who has the LCP and absolutely hates it and working on getting a P380 this week. It's hard to find an excellent 380 with so much out there that's average; hoping this is the one.

09-08-2010, 09:30 PM
Kensteele - I think you are in for a pleasant surprise

09-09-2010, 08:24 AM
Hubby said he shot duty ammo thru his LCP the other day at the range and it kept jamming, the ammo just wouldn't feed correctly. Not. Good.

09-09-2010, 08:53 AM
'morning, TD'. That's why it's a good idea to practice shooting and test the ammo like that. Too many people, I believe, buy a gun and some ammo, load it up, and that's it.
My son, for one. He's 37, has a police surplus Glock 22 that he's never fired. I keep telling him that he needs to shoot it and get familiar with it... AND see if the darned ammo and the gun work reliably together!

I'm still hoping to get my "Franken" Boomer back any time now. I don't think any part of it is original... even all of the magazines. I would like to see all of the parts used in it laid out for photos.:D


09-09-2010, 10:19 AM
I think hubby needs a new P380. He got a birthday coming up or halloween or ground hogs day, gotta be some occasion to get him a new gun.
I'd prefer larger but I'm betting hes already got that covered on his duty belt.

09-09-2010, 11:21 AM
he has a custom made 1911 on his duty belt. that's covered. this is just his backup gun if things go really really south. and yes, I agree, he needs a new one.

This got me to thinking, I've shot PLENTY of target FMJ rounds thru my P380 (as he has his LCP w/o too many issues), but I've yet to fire a single hollow point, the rounds I carry in the gun for protection. I plan on doing that next time we're out.

09-09-2010, 12:10 PM
Since I'm trying to carry my P380 all the time now, I've been thinking that maybe I should consider an ankle holster... for like when I'm just sitting around the house au naturel... or "au Dietrich." Hmmm... that could be awkward if the doorbell rang... usually wearing shorts and all. Long britches are winter clothes... and we don't have cold weather that often.
'least I don't advertise or broadcast my lack of clothing.

09-09-2010, 12:16 PM
Many people who carry 380's carry ball ammo in them as defense ammo in the believe that they don't have enough horsepower to make a hollowpoint do what it is designed to to. Given the things gone terribly south scenario in which a 380 would be deployed I concur with that theory myself.
Wynn, if you go the ankle holster au naturale, I think photos (with advanced warning of course) would be in order. Make sure the children are away from the monitor, everyone is sitting down. Safety first and all that.

09-09-2010, 12:29 PM
Nah... I'll just keep carrying it around and putting it down next to me on the table or whatever. I'm too cheap to buy something like that, and the necklace holster thingy didn't look too manly, especially hanging above my slightly voluminous stomach... I can still see my feet, etc., without bending over, though it's getting close on the etc.:eek:

09-09-2010, 05:42 PM
I carry the WW white box .380 rounds for defense purposes. It has a flat point and feeds flawlessly in my P380.. From the specs I have seen on the round, it seems to have slightly more horsepower than any other ball round.

09-10-2010, 01:38 PM
Many people who carry 380's carry ball ammo in them as defense ammo in the believe that they don't have enough horsepower to make a hollowpoint do what it is designed to to.

the subject of terminal ballistics get an almost perverse :) amount of attention over on the p3at fan board. in short, there are several modern 380 loads that expand reliably out of 2.5" barrels but many of them fall a bit short of the fbi 12" recommendation. corbon dpx, speer gold dot, remington golden sabre are some popular loads.

some test results can be found at


or just go to the p3at section @ ktog.org and search for wetpack