View Full Version : Khar customer sevice: +1

jg rider
08-14-2018, 10:42 AM
Hello there,
I haven't been posting here lately but that doesn't mean I haven't been listening. Been playing with some other new toys. My favorite is a Ruger PCC 9.
Well back on topic. Last week I was changing mags and it slipped and fell onto the kitchen tile foor and cracked the base pad. So I called Kahr to purchase a replacement. Instead thy sent me 3 complete extras, free of charge.
Every time I give Kahr an aw s*&t rating, they then go and do something nice like this.
Way to go Kahr

08-14-2018, 12:11 PM
Good for you JG, sometimes that black cloud over your head just gives you a break.

Always on the look out for my little ray of sunshine.

Kahrs always been way decent to me, far more than I deserve for sure.

08-15-2018, 09:21 PM
Every time I have called Kahr,the tech staff showed courtesy, professionalism and a true concern to provide help. The staff at Kahr are the best.