View Full Version : New Guy Checking In

08-15-2018, 11:52 AM
Not really new (81 going on 82), But new to the group here. Here is the long and short of it---was in law enforcement until about 12 years ago --retired from reserve deputy road duty local sheriff's dept. I have owned, shot, and carried just about every brand and type of handgun there is since about 1955 EXCEPT -you guessed it KHAR. So after going thru a lot of twists and turns in life's journey I finally have come up with a pretty logical and solid plan. CM9 IN RIGHT HAND PANTS POCKET WITH SPARE 6 ROUND MAG IN RIGHT POCKET

So anyway the facts are as follows in no particular order just some personal info:

I like a big weapon BUT I just can't carry one anymore--too dang fat, too tired and wore out, too OLD.

I sometimes have to use a cane for stability, so I KNOW without doubt that if I ever get into one of those situations (you know) that I most likely will be knocked flat on my you know what--back.

I finally came to the realization that I needed a very small,flat, powerful, easy to shoot, easy to conceal, accurate,dependable, firearm to protect me and my sweetie.

I have always been a S&W loyalist but have been disappointed lately about quality and other issues. I have always carried an airweight 638 but I have Glaucoma problems setting in and I just can't see the non-sights on a j frame anymore.

So the bottom line is I finally took a long hard look at the Kahr line and decided to go ahead with the CM9

I am so glad and so happy that I made this decision

08-15-2018, 12:10 PM
Welcome! You've picked a great gun and there are lots of great folks here to help out if you need it.

08-15-2018, 01:18 PM
Warm welcome, glad you found us.

I agree, good choice.

We need pictures of the sweetie. We know what a CM9 looks like.

08-15-2018, 01:19 PM
Good choice.


08-15-2018, 02:56 PM

08-16-2018, 03:30 PM
Hey, cm9,
I've had a couple of back surgeries and if I carry a heavy gun (not with my pm9) I wear a pair of "Perry" suspenders under my cover garment. They work well, but you do have to wear a cover garment in order to conceal the firearm.

08-16-2018, 05:46 PM
Welcome, sir...I'm kinda a newbie here myself. If it makes you feel any better, my uncle is 92 and still farms 300 acres in southern Missouri. He recently put up 60 acres of hay by himself. :ohmy:

08-16-2018, 09:13 PM
Welcome CM9! Enjoy breaking her in! (your Kahr) I hope to have another CM9 again one day myself.

08-18-2018, 02:14 PM
I have been very happy with my CM9, for the same reasons you mentioned. Hope you have a great Kahr experience! My son is a Sheriff's officer here in the Midwest, and I have gained a great appreciation of the LE profession, and the men and women who serve -- I am sure you have some stories to tell.

08-18-2018, 10:12 PM
Thanks for the welcome folks,glad to be among friends, will post some pics when I figer it all out.

08-24-2018, 10:18 AM
Welcome, sir...I'm kinda a newbie here myself. If it makes you feel any better, my uncle is 92 and still farms 300 acres in southern Missouri. He recently put up 60 acres of hay by himself. :ohmy:

A friend of ours has a 102 year old Mom who still lives on the family farm in Posen Michigan, and still cooks on a "wood burning cook stove"! But has recently decided not to run a chain saw anymore!

08-24-2018, 05:11 PM
A friend of ours has a 102 year old Mom who still lives on the family farm in Posen Michigan, and still cooks on a "wood burning cook stove"! But has recently decided not to run a chain saw anymore!

Still using a wood burning cook stove? That is really neat. I remember my great grandma cooking and baking with a wood burner, and the results were delicious.