View Full Version : MK9 1st 300 rds...

08-20-2018, 10:47 PM
Happy to report my new MK9 passed the breakin with flying colors. Excellent cycling & accuracy. Only 1 stovepipe, clear case of limp-wristing.
Gun seemed "stiff" at first, but started to smooth out around 200 rds. Racking the slide takes deliberate technique, but I suppose there's a good reason behind that. :Amflag2:

08-21-2018, 05:47 AM
Congrats on the MK9...always good to hear reports like yours.

08-21-2018, 08:27 AM
I love mine. It is a keeper!

08-22-2018, 08:28 PM
The MK9 is fun to shoot. After shooting primarily Kahr polymer pistols for a long time, taking the MK9 to the range is a treat. There is something just right about the heft of an all-steel pistol in your hands. The MK9 is machined to tight tolerances and the slide feels like it's on ball bearings. Recoil is minimal, and accuracy is excellent.

My MK9 is one of the most accurate handguns I own. It's very small, yet it will stack rounds on top of each other all day long. I've had a malfunction or two, but they were because I was limp wristing while shooting for accuracy.

At this point, I shoot my MK9 most of all. It's good training for carrying my CM9.

Good choice, man.

08-23-2018, 11:54 AM
"My MK9 is one of the most accurate handguns I own."

Amazing, isn't it? I've posted here before about running my MK9 against numerous other pistols, most recently the Walther PPS and the Glock 43. I typically don't go beyond 10 yards on a normal range day, but at those distances the MK9 was night and day more accurate than the others in my hands. It was also, as you mentioned, a real joy to shoot.

A keeper, for sure.

08-25-2018, 11:03 AM
I am a NRA instructor well as a USCCA Training Counselor. I promote the Kahr pistols in my classes for safety, reliability and affordability. I also shoot competitively in IDPA matches.
That said, i have a MK9 o3 elite and that is truly the most accurate pistol i have. I shoot my TP9 in full size series but use my MK in subcompact class with either a 7 or 8 round magazine, depending on the course of fire.

This pistol constantly out shoots all competition including the Glock 43. I am seriously considering using the TP9 as a backup to a T9.