View Full Version : Anyone capable of modding a magazine?

08-29-2018, 10:00 PM
Looking for a flush fit magazine for my PM45, like this one http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?25077-CM45-Flush-magazine-I-made-one!

I contacted BearDog but haven't heard anything back, anyone else did this mod? I would like to have one made if anyone is willing to help me out, of course I will pay for all materials and labor. If anyone can do this please hit me up. Thanks, Paul

09-20-2018, 04:05 PM
Ok....so I didn't get the response I was hoping for on this thread....so I took it upon myself to figure it out. I decided rather than get a 1911 mag and have to modify the feeder lips, I would just mod the lower portion of a stock PM45 clip. Pretty easy and simple really. Shaped a piece of stainless using the stock plastic end piece, then drill and pinned it in. Grind it flat on the belt sander and clean up the edges with a small file....done. No messing with the feeder lips, no worrying with the upper staying open with the last shot. I think it looks great, that 1/4" off the bottom means the world when CC. Here are some pics.





09-20-2018, 05:19 PM
Nicely done. Looks really clean. I think I would file off some of the grip a bit to insure getting the mag seated, or add a tiny bumper perhaps.
Of course if your spare mags (if you carry one) have the plastic it don't matter, you won't have to speed load your carry mag.

I like it.

Like to do mine if I build up the courage and find the time.

Ken L
09-20-2018, 05:42 PM
Agree. Very good work!

09-20-2018, 05:58 PM
Looks great, can you do me one?

09-20-2018, 06:27 PM
Nice! You should start a side business!

09-20-2018, 06:53 PM
Ok....so I didn't get the response I was hoping for on this thread....so I took it upon myself to figure it out. I decided rather than get a 1911 mag and have to modify the feeder lips, I would just mod the lower portion of a stock PM45 clip. Pretty easy and simple really. Shaped a piece of stainless using the stock plastic end piece, then drill and pinned it in. Grind it flat on the belt sander and clean up the edges with a small file....done. No messing with the feeder lips, no worrying with the upper staying open with the last shot. I think it looks great, that 1/4" off the bottom means the world when CC. Here are some pics.
https://i.postimg.cc/3NxDSkD9/baseplate.jpg (https://postimg.cc/WFx3tb8J)

Just brilliant PJ4553, both in concept and execution. http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/happy/happy0034.gif (http://www.mysmiley.net)
The use of roll pins is very clever as a means to hold the base plate in place.
Looking at the location of the two holes, I suspect the pins would also provide enough support that the base plate could be made from other materials. 3D printed plastic comes immediately to mind; having played with some parts Alfonse printed when working up his base plates, I think it would work.


BTW, excellent photos

P.S. Springfield EMP users might also be interested in this. Logman on the 1911 forums does welded base plates for them. His work is top notch, but this is much closer to DIY and very clean in concept.

09-20-2018, 07:11 PM
Nicely done. Looks really clean. I think I would file off some of the grip a bit to insure getting the mag seated, or add a tiny bumper perhaps.
Of course if your spare mags (if you carry one) have the plastic it don't matter, you won't have to speed load your carry mag.

I like it.

Like to do mine if I build up the courage and find the time.

Thanks, The first go around I left 1/16" sticking out but went back to the grinder and took it down just below flush...you do have to used your thumb to get the "click" but it works fine.

09-20-2018, 07:12 PM
Looks great, can you do me one?

If I can get a decent order up I will be happy to do more.

09-20-2018, 07:18 PM
Just brilliant PJ4553, both in concept and execution. http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/happy/happy0034.gif (http://www.mysmiley.net)
The use of roll pins is very clever as a means to hold the base plate in place.
Looking at the location of the two holes, I suspect the pins would also provide enough support that the base plate could be made from other materials. 3D printed plastic comes immediately to mind; having played with some parts Alfonse printed when working up his base plates, I think it would work.


BTW, excellent photos

P.S. Springfield EMP users might also be interested in this. Logman on the 1911 forums does welded base plates for them. His work is top notch, but this is much closer to DIY and very clean in concept.

Thank you sir! I do have access to a Zortrax M200 3D printer (I'm a Engineering/Technology teacher) so I may give some ABS plastic a shot. This is my first one and with any project the quality gets better and better as you see more fluid design changes.

09-20-2018, 07:55 PM
Your an engineering/Technology teacher and your asking us a bunch of armchair gunsmiths (except Greg of course) to make a floor plate.

I feel like I been sharked.

I was just out looking at my PM45 magazine. Fiddled with a couple 1911 base plates etc to see if anything was close to modifiable, alas I put it back together for more pondering and consultation.

Greg does bring up a good point with the thought of being able to use other materials. Even wood, I can do wood but I don't think I'm going there.

Does bring up more possibilities though. Back to the drawing board. I got one of them.

09-20-2018, 08:22 PM
Your an engineering/Technology teacher and your asking us a bunch of armchair gunsmiths (except Greg of course) to make a floor plate.

I feel like I been sharked.

I was just out looking at my PM45 magazine. Fiddled with a couple 1911 base plates etc to see if anything was close to modifiable, alas I put it back together for more pondering and consultation.

Greg does bring up a good point with the thought of being able to use other materials. Even wood, I can do wood but I don't think I'm going there.

Does bring up more possibilities though. Back to the drawing board. I got one of them.

Haha! I don't know about being sharked but I was hoping someone on here already had a "method" I could follow. I was a mechanic and a machinist for 20 years until my body said it wasn't hanging over an engine anyone so I decided to teach. To be honest I didn't even think about using my 3D printer to print base plates with and I love that idea.

09-20-2018, 09:27 PM
Here are a few more angles:






09-20-2018, 10:10 PM
Beautiful job. Did that mod change the round count of the magazine?

09-20-2018, 11:49 PM

You did an incredible job! I love it!


09-21-2018, 01:19 AM
The tupperware baseplate frankly never bothered me none...................until now.

At least Greg didn't instigate this burning desire, he's usually the one that starts me on wants and must haves.

I guess I'll be looking into this further.

09-21-2018, 12:26 PM
Beautiful job. Did that mod change the round count of the magazine?

The first go around I left the spring stock and I could get the 5th round in (very tight) but you had to work to get the clip to seat, with 4 rounds the clip seated like factory. I then cut rounds off the spring and though tight, it allows the 5th round and clip to seat like factory. I only load 4 in the clip and one in the camber when I CC.