View Full Version : Two new additions came home with me today.

09-05-2018, 04:31 PM
Over the years I had cut my calibers down to 45 and 9mm for simplicity.

Well, I decided to add 380 back for size and ease of use for their small size so my wife will practice more with guns she will carry instead of pilfering my 1911s and such while we are at the range.

I can't have just one gun or two so I'm buying a couple at a time for diversity sake. LOL! These arrived at the same time today and I already had the grips for the Bersa waiting on her when she got home. Talons are being put on the cw380 tonight and MagGuts 6-7+1 mag springs are already in.

https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1871/42690049330_2502cbba53_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/283nEnh)

https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1853/30629607698_3cdd786385_z.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/NECKfs)

09-05-2018, 07:58 PM

09-06-2018, 07:01 AM
I have one of the Bersa .380s because it's a pretty nice gun for what it is. I never shoot it, but I don't intend to sell it either because you just never know.

09-06-2018, 07:45 AM
The OP made some nice choices.

The .380 cartridge has come a long way. Lot's of ammo available that has great penetration. Handloading that cartridge makes practice very economical.

09-06-2018, 12:29 PM
Side note.

I told my wife that I funded this purchase by selling my HK45c. She asked if I WANTED to sell it. I said yes because it was top heavy and I don't like top heavy. She replied with, "Except with women. You apparently are quite fond of top heavy there.". LOL! Since I married her.....I'd say she's right on the money.

09-06-2018, 01:56 PM
I'm partial to top heavy myself (not on guns), don't tell Itxi though.

09-06-2018, 06:07 PM
Don't forget to put a Lakeline striker in the CW380.

09-06-2018, 06:42 PM
I'm partial to top heavy myself (not on guns), don't tell Itxi though.

I already know that. Also realize I'm in the minority here. So feel free to 'fess up. It's me, not you.

09-06-2018, 07:23 PM

For what it's worth, I like em all.

09-10-2018, 08:28 PM
Truth be I pretty much do, too. Other than fake...I really do not care at all fer fake. Except for my sister's. But she had a good, breast cancer, excuse.

09-11-2018, 11:28 AM
If I can touch them.......they are real. ;)