View Full Version : CW380 not feeding top round in magazine

09-13-2018, 08:02 PM
I've had my CW380 for well over a year now, and have shot maybe 2000-2500 rounds through it. I've had most of the growing pains during the Kahr break-in period, and have done a lot of the sticky note modifications like MagGuts, Lakeline striker, extractor claw and pin grinding, all after a useless return to the factory. I just about thought I had it running smoothly, until the top round of a full magazine stopped feeding consistently. The first 2-3 magazines of Hornady Critical Defense usually cycle through a clean gun flawlessly. Then during the 3rd or 4thmagazine is where the problem begins. I manually load a round in the chamber, then release the locked-back slide and load a full magazine. After the first shot fires, the first round from the magazine doesn’t feed at all. It’s not the failure to return to battery problem which required a slap to the back of the slide like during the break-in period, but a complete lock up. The magazine won’t release until I pull the slide back another 1/8 inch where it locks open. Then I can release the magazine, and the top round is still seated in the magazine. Most of the time, but not always, I can reload the dropped mag, and the remaining rounds cycle as they should. When this problem began, I decided to replace the recoil springs, but that didn’t help. Then I thought maybe it was an issue with the magazines, but I have 3, and they all have MagGuts replacements, and all work the same. Other practice rounds, Winchester white box flat nose, and Remington round nose preform the same eventually. They might run well through a few magazines, but eventually act up the same way as the Hornady CD. It’s like the ammo I’m using doesn’t have enough kick to cycle the slide back far enough to pick up the next round off the magazine. But then why have those brands worked well up to this point? Doesn't seem to have a loose or bent ejector. Maybe +P rounds, but why now and not before? Any ideas?

09-13-2018, 10:44 PM
To start with I never load the chamber and drop the slide on that round. I lock the slide back, insert the mag and then drop the slide either by tugging it back a bit and letting fly or just hitting the slide release.

Doing it the way you describe makes the extractor climb over the case rim, there's enough travel in a Kahr that it may not be an issue, some other guns it's a definite bad thing and probably best to stay consistent and not do it to any.

Far as hanging up half way back unless you lift the slide release, that's a bit perplexing. I'd try loading as I describe first. It might be the extractor is not fully engaging the round in the chamber slowing things down a bit or enough not to cycle.

Smarter folks than I will be along shortly. We'll get to the bottom of this, count on that.

09-14-2018, 02:10 PM
Thanks, Bawanna

Not manually loading the first round makes sense. I checked the Kahr user guide and saw your recommendation was stressed there as well. That would explain why I've had minimal misfires after reloading the magazine after the failure.

09-14-2018, 02:32 PM
I should probably read the users manual myself, probably some good stuff in there.

I generally glance at them but seldom read them carefully.

09-14-2018, 03:25 PM
Thanks, Bawanna

Not manually loading the first round makes sense. I checked the Kahr user guide and saw your recommendation was stressed there as well. That would explain why I've had minimal misfires after reloading the magazine after the failure.

I experimented with my CW380 when I first got it, and manually loading the first round did not work out well.

09-14-2018, 03:30 PM
I should probably read the users manual myself, probably some good stuff in there.

I generally glance at them but seldom read them carefully.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. :p

11-02-2018, 05:51 PM

I just got back from the range, and your suggestion of dropping the slide on a full magazine instead of manually loading the first round, then dropping the slide was spot on. I loaded a full mag of 7 rounds (7 because of mag-guts), dropped the slide, then removed the mag to top it off with the 8th round. I did that 15 times, and the only malfunction I had was the slide didn't lock open after the last round fired on the first magazine. I shot the first 3 magazines loaded with my carry rounds, Hornady Critical Defense, and the remaining 12 with Remington UMC round nose target ammo.
I've had several issues with this CW380, but by following the recommendations on this site, I'm finally 100% comfortable carrying it for the first time in the 2 years I've had it.

11-02-2018, 06:13 PM
Made my day.

bawanna - 1 CW380 - 0

I need to go deflate a bit, you kind of pumped me up there and made me feel smart or something.

Seriously, well I don't do serious but I'm glad your now 100% comfy toting it around. That just feels good.

11-14-2018, 08:32 PM
I would hypothesize that loading the first round by dropping it in from the top and slamming the extractor over the rim would slightly pean the edge of the extractor back towards the breach which would tighten the extractor to breach clearance causing the well known 380 FTF's from that issue. I alway's load at least one round in the mag, insert the mag and chamber that round then top off the mag. That way the gun is always feeding as designed. I'm okay with dropping a round in from the top on a bolt gun but anything other than that is a no-go for me.

Glad you got it fixed!