View Full Version : Ace in the Hole

10-05-2018, 08:04 PM
Just ordered one of these.
Had to have it...

10-05-2018, 09:37 PM
I bet ya that thing throws a fireball. I want to see it in a video at dusk. That would be sweet.

10-06-2018, 07:19 AM
Uzi? .223?

10-06-2018, 08:47 AM
Very nice.

10-06-2018, 04:07 PM
Uzi? .223?

Galil ACE .308 Winchester :cool:

11-04-2018, 07:13 AM

11-04-2018, 06:39 PM
Well, that’ll certainly go pretty good with your Rice Crispies. Should take down Tony the Tiger with ease too.
Very cool gun.

11-07-2018, 05:55 AM
Let us know how it kicks.

11-07-2018, 08:53 AM
Nice! The Israelis make decent war toys. That looks like a pistol with the wrist brace. How long is the barrel? How much does it weigh like that?

My .308 is part Israeli. I put my IMI stock on it... has a sling swivel and I had a rubber butt cover on it for my unused MechTech G21 Carbine. I sold the MagPul that came on it... still need a scope and sling, though. Gonna be even heavier!:eek:

11-11-2018, 11:34 PM
Let us know how it kicks.

Added a tank brake and it kicks like a 5.56 - LOL (:cool: Precision Armament M11)
Weights 6.5 lbs without the 25 round PMag
Comes from the factory with three dot night sights too ...
Get Ready!


12-01-2018, 01:34 PM
Classic Firearms had some blem 16" ACE 308 carbines with full IWI warranty on sale for $999.
Guess what I did?

12-01-2018, 01:40 PM

I bet that pistol with the brake is LOUD!

12-01-2018, 01:51 PM

I bet that pistol with the brake is LOUD!

I use; Professional Safety Ear Muffs by Decibel Defense - 37dB NRR.

Not sure it would be fun beside me.
But the pistol is pure pleasure to shoot and not loud at all (with proper hearing protection).

I've got no good reason to buy the carbine.
Sometimes things don't have to make sense - right?

12-11-2018, 05:04 PM
Three employees at the FFL/LGS went over the gun with a fine tooth comb.
They could find no blem.
An identical gun hung on the wall with a $1,999 price tag - LOL http://www.akfiles.com/forums/smilies/small_grin.gif

02-09-2019, 11:34 AM
Took my .308 carbine to an indoor range a few minutes ago.
Factory iron sights, without adjustments, easily punched the bullseye freehand with Hornady TAP 155 gr http://www.akfiles.com/forums/smilies/skull.gif

100% reliable and smooth as butter - naturally http://www.akfiles.com/forums/images/smilies/cool.gif

All the employees drooled over it.
Let the Range Officer squeeze off a few rounds.
He was blown away http://www.akfiles.com/forums/smilies/rofl_small.gif

02-09-2019, 12:25 PM
Wow, it's great when a gun meets your expectations!

02-09-2019, 01:35 PM
Wow, it's great when a gun meets your expectations!

Thanks :)

Yes, like most of us, firearms are a passion.
When things work out it's extra special...

02-09-2019, 05:03 PM

02-18-2019, 08:41 PM
All the 308 autos and the weight of their ammo require you to either only carry 80 rds or give up the silencer and the rifle rated armor. Both are very bad ideas. There's another 30 lbs of stuff (minimum) to be carried. The basic ammo loadout for today's M4 is 7 30 rd mags, 1 lb each. The gun is 7 lbs, 20 rd steel mags full of 308 are 1.6 lbs each and typically the guns are 2 lbs heavier, too. So say, 10 mags full of 308, 15lbs and a 9 lb gun, 24 lbs, vs 14 lbs. A silencer for the 223 can be as light as 3/4 lb, and rifle rated armor is 10 lbs, basically. The armor and silencer are many times more likely to save you than any power or range advantage that the 308 (supposedly) offers over a 223.

02-18-2019, 08:57 PM
6 post Mr. Swank and not a positive note in the bunch. Give me something positive.

Just sayin.

02-18-2019, 09:38 PM
I don't want a ".22". I want something with kick and penetration, so the .308 is my choice for defense, but I'm not planning on long treks with it... just wanted something beside pistol caliber with more range.


I have a Trijicon front sight post coming in shortly. I'm not sure about getting a bayonet, though... might make the rifle front heavy again. :D

02-19-2019, 04:17 AM
All the 308 autos and the weight of their ammo require you to either only carry 80 rds or give up the silencer and the rifle rated armor. Both are very bad ideas. There's another 30 lbs of stuff (minimum) to be carried. The basic ammo loadout for today's M4 is 7 30 rd mags, 1 lb each. The gun is 7 lbs, 20 rd steel mags full of 308 are 1.6 lbs each and typically the guns are 2 lbs heavier, too. So say, 10 mags full of 308, 15lbs and a 9 lb gun, 24 lbs, vs 14 lbs. A silencer for the 223 can be as light as 3/4 lb, and rifle rated armor is 10 lbs, basically. The armor and silencer are many times more likely to save you than any power or range advantage that the 308 (supposedly) offers over a 223.
We are not all Mall Ninja's. We will be defending our home, not humping a load over a mountain. Give the guy a break, he wanted something, he found it, he is happy.

02-19-2019, 07:19 AM
6 post Mr. Swank and not a positive note in the bunch. Give me something positive.

Just sayin.

Where’s the thumbs up button? :amflag:

02-19-2019, 10:17 AM
positive commentary requires something positive noted. Havent noted any so far. Just ask the MOVE group from Philadelphia, the Branch Davidians at Waco and Randy weaver's family what happens when you think you can just "hole up" and hold them off. They set your place ablaze, pump it full of gas and then shoot you when you run outside.

Another issue is that this forum is nearly dead. Half a dozen posts in a week. Funny how a guy who can generate 50x as much traffic, in a very short period of time, is given nothing but static on dead forums, but that's been the case scores of times. I always end up just letting them die, when they could have been generating income. Apparently, managers of such places just dont care if their forum makes them any money? Other than ego-strutting, why bother to have such a forum?

02-19-2019, 12:35 PM
This forum isn't about making money. Our much respected administrator doesn't do any ego strutting, least ways that I've ever seen.

This forum was here long before you came and will be here probably long after your gone especially if all you have to input is negative and pot stirring.

I mean this respectfully, not looking for a cyber fisticuff of anything like that. Nobody wants to fisticuff with me anymore since I got the button.

Have a nice day and pleasant tomorrow.

02-19-2019, 06:21 PM
This forum isn't about making money. Our much respected administrator doesn't do any ego strutting, least ways that I've ever seen.

This forum was here long before you came and will be here probably long after your gone especially if all you have to input is negative and pot stirring.

I mean this respectfully, not looking for a cyber fisticuff of anything like that. Nobody wants to fisticuff with me anymore since I got the button.

Have a nice day and pleasant tomorrow.

Thanks, Col. Seems Sir Swank's mission here is to stir up trouble. Perhaps if we all just ignored......

02-19-2019, 07:36 PM
if the guy wants to waste his time on a dead site, that's up to him. But i bet he didn't start out thinking that would be the result. Too much work to set up and maintain a forum.

02-20-2019, 08:33 AM
Thanks, Col. Seems Sir Swank's mission here is to stir up trouble. Perhaps if we all just ignored......

Already on my Ignore List - LOL!

02-20-2019, 01:17 PM
He's gone. No, not out to make money, just have a good place for Kahr fans to hangout and talk. I will be doing some site tweaking this year that may increase revenue, but that is not what we are about.

02-20-2019, 03:13 PM
You know it might be a fine idea to somehow include the other brands under the Kahr umbrella, Auto Ordnance, Magnum Research, Thompson in the title, but don't know how that would all fit.

Maybe it wasn't a fine idea after all.
Thought I was really onto something too. Oh well.

02-20-2019, 06:40 PM
He's gone. .......

Thank you!

02-21-2019, 04:25 PM
Thank you!


02-21-2019, 04:56 PM
I'll bet that guy has NO friends and even dogs don't like him.

02-22-2019, 07:06 PM
Thank you!

No Trolls Allowed :mad: