View Full Version : Washington CPL's

10-23-2018, 02:30 PM
Just received an email from DOL that was a mule kick to my chest.

Forever here in Washington a person with a CPL could purchase a gun and the dealer would call or use an online program to get a NCIC check. Hence the name "Instant Check".

Todays email informs that mid 2019 the FBI will no longer allow this privilege to dealers and all back ground checks will fall on Law Enforcement which can only mean that folks with CPL's will have to wait just like everybody else.

Use to be cops could use their credentials just like a permit and get the instant check, but they took that away a few years ago. So cops got CPL's which now will be completely meaningless.

Doubt I'll pay the renewal fee when my time comes. I'll just play outlaw and exercise my 2nd amendment rights.

Frankly I'm a little put out over this, ok, totally PO'd might be a more accurate description.

10-23-2018, 02:50 PM
If that is a FBI thing do you think that will be nation wide? Or just WA?

Here in my part of the woods if you have passed the background check and carry a permit then at the local gun shop you fill out the form, show your ID and permit, pay your money, and walk. No call in at all. That’s at the local gun shop or even big box stores.

10-23-2018, 05:07 PM
If that is a FBI thing do you think that will be nation wide? Or just WA?

Here in my part of the woods if you have passed the background check and carry a permit then at the local gun shop you fill out the form, show your ID and permit, pay your money, and walk. No call in at all. That’s at the local gun shop or even big box stores.

It's like that here except they still have to call, but you pay and walk out pretty quick. I think it will just be a state thing, probably something our lame attorney general thunk up. He's one of them that uses California for a model.

That apparently won't be an option now. Didn't say if the shop could call and get an instant check via Law Enforcement or if it will be a forced waiting period.
Actually it won't matter, we're now required to wait for a response from the nut farm monitors before approval and they take at least a week so yup, mandatory waiting period.

If I was a bit younger I'd hitch up the wagon and head East, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, maybe even a bit south and be Greg's neighbor. (there goes the neighborhood.)

10-23-2018, 05:13 PM
Yep, I know people who got the permit, just to make purchases go faster, never carry outside the home.

10-23-2018, 05:23 PM
It's like that here except they still have to call, but you pay and walk out pretty quick. I think it will just be a state thing, probably something our lame attorney general thunk up. He's one of them that uses California for a model.

That apparently won't be an option now. Didn't say if the shop could call and get an instant check via Law Enforcement or if it will be a forced waiting period.
Actually it won't matter, we're now required to wait for a response from the nut farm monitors before approval and they take at least a week so yup, mandatory waiting period.

If I was a bit younger I'd hitch up the wagon and head East, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, maybe even a bit south and be Greg's neighbor. (there goes the neighborhood.)

You need to get your butt back to Missouri. ;)

10-23-2018, 06:52 PM
And, we have that wonderful initiative on the ballot too. :mad:

10-23-2018, 07:17 PM
Forget the wall between the US and Mexico, build it around california instead.

10-23-2018, 07:19 PM
Back in the day, Spokane was on my short list of candidate retirement places, At least, had I chosen it, t'would now be only a short wagon trip to relocate to northern Idaho or Montana.

10-24-2018, 08:56 AM
Sorry gents! If the commies have their way Orygun will follow suit sooner than later! Be very careful who you vote for!!

10-24-2018, 09:41 AM
Here in Virginia the state police already do the instant check. Speed of the process depends on how busy they at a particular time. Usually done in 10 to 15 minutes by phone and a bit quicker by computer. LEO follow the same rules.

10-24-2018, 03:51 PM
I saw the handwriting on the wall as to what Washington state was turning into and moved to Florida in 1992....unfortunately Florida may be in the mix to turn blue soon!

10-24-2018, 09:40 PM
After decades of job related wandering the US and, to a lesser extent, the world, I accepted a position in Colorado 25 years ago. Had an eye toward first retirement then, and CO was also on my short list. Turned out to be an excellent, enduring choice. Third and final retirement later I/we are still here. Quite happy. And, as a bonus, Denver area excels in state of the art of my nasty kind of cancer treatment.

10-25-2018, 09:12 AM
Not in Texas.

10-26-2018, 07:38 AM
I saw the handwriting on the wall as to what Washington state was turning into and moved to Florida in 1992....unfortunately Florida may be in the mix to turn blue soon!

Dont let it happen. Early voting is open now. Vote Rep on all candidates and NO on all ballot questions.

10-26-2018, 09:51 AM

10-27-2018, 08:50 AM
"Doubt I'll pay the renewal fee when my time comes. I'll just play outlaw and exercise my 2nd amendment rights.

If you have any questions about jail, my convict can probably answer them!

10-28-2018, 04:44 PM
Vote early and vote often, the only way to keep up with the Dems and their illegal latino voting base.

10-29-2018, 05:17 PM
Gun laws may become a lot tighter with the Nov. election.

How sad!

11-07-2018, 11:23 AM
Welcome to Washington, we now have the strictest gun control laws in the country. Mandatory safety training every 5 years, all semi auto rifles are treated like handguns, must be 21 to purchase. 25 dollar fee on every gun purchase.
Now all police officers have to do additional training, sensitivity training? To deescalate rather than use force, like they don't have enough training already.
Might be good for the big cities but not needed in most towns.
So guess I'll be buddies with the convict, I don't do well with instructors (although there will be a real cottage industry for firearms instructors). I also won't be attending any safety classes and I also won't be buying any more safes to store my single shot unloaded 22 rifles that don't fit now.

Just call me Outlaw Josey bawanna. I was feeling plumb poorly this morning but when I heard the voting results, now I'm about ready to head home.
There has to be a reason God created liberal democrats with no common sense, I just need to try and figure out what the reason might be.

I knew it wasn't good when I saw Pelosi all happy and smiling this morning before I left the house, knew if she was happy I wouldn't be.

11-07-2018, 03:21 PM
I knew it wasn't good when I saw Pelosi all happy and smiling this morning before I left the house, knew if she was happy I wouldn't be.

My wife says Pelosi needs to get back on her broom and ride off into the sunset never to return.

sorry to here the Washington results.

11-07-2018, 05:17 PM
I don't know what kind of meds Pelosi is on, but they're mighty strong...……………………………………………………………………..

11-07-2018, 05:56 PM
Actually our issues here aren't from her but she creates the same havoc where she's from.
Going to be another major run on gun sales here in Washington, that's for sure.
I'm sure the new laws will be challenged, they are sooooo unconstitutional I can't believe they were even allowed to put it on the ballot.
Been a horrible day for bawanna today.

11-07-2018, 07:55 PM
Specifically, what gun law changes were on your ballot, Col?

11-07-2018, 08:10 PM
No sales to those under 21. 10 day waiting for anything. Any semiautomatic rifle is an assault weapon. Enhanced background checks your local sheriff must approve. All guns must be "safely" stored at all times. If your gun is stolen, you have criminal liability. I must have forgotten some, but those are the basics.

11-07-2018, 08:15 PM
Mandatory safety training every 5 years, 25 dollar fee on every gun purchase. I think the 21 year old thing is for semi auto rifles (assault rifles all of them) Your 10/22 is an assault rifle now.
Crazy ****.

11-08-2018, 03:19 PM
We just got a Democratic governor who wants to give free tuition to undocumented and also give them driver's licenses. I hope he doesn't start fooling with the firearm laws. Luckily, he has to work with a Republican assembly and Senate. Our only saving grace.

11-08-2018, 07:33 PM
Well, Alfonse and Col, that there all really sucks, bad. I remember some mebbe 30 to 40 years ago there was much concern amoungst Oregonites about a California invasion. Haven't paid all that much attention since I escaped the left coast for the final time 29 years ago, but appears to me the take over now be pretty much complete..

11-08-2018, 07:35 PM
We just got a Democratic governor who wants to give free tuition to undocumented and also give them driver's licenses. I hope he doesn't start fooling with the firearm laws. Luckily, he has to work with a Republican assembly and Senate. Our only saving grace.

Yep...after all them tries, they finally figgered out how to get to Walker. Not happy about that myself and I don't even live close by.

11-09-2018, 09:49 AM
I think a lot of people felt abandoned when he ran for Pres. and he paid the price. Now, the people of Wi. will pay the price for voting a 180 degrees. Having some other voting issues here, and it's mostly involving races with left loonies. The teachers were ticked off also, when he took some of there cushy benefits away and made them pay a whole $100 a month for their insurance. Most people would be elated to pay $100 a month for insurance, me being one of them. They should have also took all of the damage costs from their pay for trashing the capital. Funny, you don't see Republican's doing that. I remember someone saying that elections have consequences and that we won, get over it. It only applies to the libs. For a former Pres. to say crap like that is ludicrous, but when our current Potus says anything of the sort, he's chastised like he kidnapped someone's kid. Hypocrites, it's why I dislike them so much.

11-09-2018, 09:51 AM
Well, Alfonse and Col, that there all really sucks, bad. I remember some mebbe 30 to 40 years ago there was much concern amoungst Oregonites about a California invasion. Haven't paid all that much attention since I escaped the left coast for the final time 29 years ago, but appears to me the take over now be pretty much complete.. They are on their way towards state bankruptcy, and when they get there, I hope that our current Potus is still in office, so he can tell them to take a flying, when they ask for gov't assistance.

11-09-2018, 10:53 AM
My Lord, there is no guaranteed safe haven!
Our best hope is the Supreme Court!
I'm glad I'm a senior citizen and I pity the Grandkids.

Michigan elected a demo. governor and reelected DebbieStabMenow....what a disaster. Our only local hope is that both of our State Congress and Senate are conservative.

11-09-2018, 06:38 PM
My Lord, there is no guaranteed safe haven!
Our best hope is the Supreme Court!
I'm glad I'm a senior citizen and I pity the Grandkids.

Michigan elected a demo. governor and reelected DebbieStabMenow....what a disaster. Our only local hope is that both of our State Congress and Senate are conservative.

Yep, pretty much how I see things. At 75 with, controlled for the moment, stage IV pancreatic cancer and living in still reasonably sane Colorado, there ain't nothing gonna happen that will affect me. My wife's 58 and my mid-50's son and his wife now live in Arizona, so they're all fairly safe. It's my grand and great grand kids who are going to suffer.

11-14-2018, 03:22 PM
Sign and share this petition in WA to get the Feds to act. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/abolish-unlawful-unjust-and-unconstitutional-gun-laws-washington-state-i-1639

Several states are feeling the pain. Washington - I don't know who is worse, the scorpion leftists who you know will bite and sting (about 60% of voters, or 35% of the voting population), or the apathetic non voters who are too lazy to fill out 20 answers on a ballot and mail it in for free... letting their rights evaporate one election at a time.

I do fear for the future. 100 year anniversary of the end of the Great War when people lived in brutal times to fight and die for their homeland and a sense of freedom. Now, it's too much to ask a 1/2 of the population to fill out a ballot and mail it for free to stem off about 1/3rd of the population actively trying to control them.

This is not the beginning, and surely not the end, of gun control in leftists states like WA, which has definitively fallen to the left. This will face a long expensive legal battle, but more initiatives will be coming and more laws already in the works. WA and about 10 other states are quite hostile to gun owners. I don't know how, legally, these laws stand as they plainly violate federal and states Constitutional Rights.

The biggest hope we have is a Constitutional SCOTUS which spanks down these state patchwork illegal laws.

A smart guy told me today that at the end of every gun control law, is more gun violence. Smart in two ways I'd say.

11-15-2018, 03:46 PM
Agreed leadcounsel!
What State are you from or live in?

I like the way you think.

11-15-2018, 03:50 PM
Here in Washington I think the less people who vote the better off we'd be.

It would be nice if only Eastern Washington voted and the west had to live with it. Things would be great. Lot of common sense and sanity on the east side excepting Spokane and Witman county of course.

Our problem is the high density area's, Seattle, Olympia. I avoid those places like the plague.

11-15-2018, 07:23 PM
Here in Washington I think the less people who vote the better off we'd be.

It would be nice if only Eastern Washington voted and the west had to live with it. Things would be great. Lot of common sense and sanity on the east side excepting Spokane and Witman county of course.

Our problem is the high density area's, Seattle, Olympia. I avoid those places like the plague.

Same here. Fortunately, Colorado only has one...Denver Metro....plus the notorious Boulder. The rest of the state is enough Red to keep it keep it almost in check. This election state gov't went completely Dem in a negative reaction to two years of Trump and his politics. Not saying Hillary would would have been a better 2016 choice, but volitile Trump and his Administration have done a lot of Red damage.

11-15-2018, 08:20 PM
Here in Washington I think the less people who vote the better off we'd be.

It would be nice if only Eastern Washington voted and the west had to live with it. Things would be great. Lot of common sense and sanity on the east side excepting Spokane and Witman county of course.

Our problem is the high density area's, Seattle, Olympia. I avoid those places like the plague. Your Seattle is our Madison.:(