View Full Version : What pistol has never failed on you.....

11-27-2018, 07:55 PM
It’s been quiet lately so let’s start a little survey and see what comes up that’s interesting. What semi-auto pistol do you currently or previously own that has never failed and how many rounds has been through it? I’m always on the constant quest for the perfect pistol and would love to hear others experiences.

Yes I know any mechanical thing can fail. That’s not the point here. Some things fail less than others.

Never failed:
By never failed I mean while shooting you have never had a fail to feed, fail to return to battery, fail to extract, fail to eject, broken part (spring, etc..)

If you shot 400 rounds and had a problem because it was dirty, that’s a failure. If it wasn’t lubed good and there was an issue, that’s a failure. If it has issue with multiple brands of ammo, that’s a failure. Limp wrist issues are failures.

Ammo problems:
Hard primers, dud rounds, hates steel case, or just a bad batch of ammo IS NOT A FAILURE. That is an ammo problem.

I’ll start. My flawless pistols so far are:
H&K P30 - 3000 rounds (deemed to be the AK of pistols) runs dirty, dry, in the rain, cold, everywhere.
H&K P30sk - 1750 rounds
Kahr CM9 - More rounds than I even know.
Kahr CW9 - 1200 rounds and foolishly traded.
Kahr CW380 - 300+ rounds
CZ P-01 - 1650 rounds
CZ P-09 - 1500 rounds
CZ P-10c - 700 rounds
Sig P365 - 700+ rounds

Pistols that have failed:
Glock 19 gen 4
Glock 19 gen 3
CZ SP-01

11-27-2018, 10:28 PM
Glock 17 Gen 2. Countless rounds. I did wear out the spring in the first mag eventually. I also sent it to Glock to deep clean and replace all the springs about 10 years ago “just because” but no failures other than the first mag.

11-28-2018, 01:36 AM
Never failed me:
*Any of my several Glocks (although I did see someone limp wrist one of mine and it failed for THAT shooter) have been 100% reliable for me.
*All of my CZs have been 100% with the exception of a CZ97 which busted the bushing and seized up until repair.
* All of my Sigs have been 100% reliable.
* Gen 3 Smith & Wessons 100% reliable for me.
* My Walthers have all been 100% reliable (PPS and P99)

Odd failures:
I've had oddball failures that I can identify as not standard and due to an old spring, bad ammo, poorly done gunsmith job, etc. that I wouldn't fault the gun for. So I won't list them as it could have really happened to any gun. Most of my guns are bought used, so come with unknowns.

Brands to avoid:
*Taurus semi autos are garbage. One of my first and few brand new handguns was a PT140 that would not work with assorted ammo. Even after sending it in and having Taurus "fix it." Hated that gun. Customer service is terrible. In later Taurus semi-autos, they recalled a dozen guns and screwed their customers on the deal.
*Keltec. My only Keltec was a P3AT and also brand new. Was totally unreliable with any ammo. The company replaced it with a Gen2 P3AT. So, at least good customer service.

11-28-2018, 06:42 AM
I quit counting rounds but I remember some of them.
Glock 21
M&P9, about 1200 rounds. The only failure was after I intentionally dropped it in the mud to see what would happen. It fired the round in the chamber but was too gritty to cycle.
M&P9c 2.0
Shield 9, probably 1400 rounds
Ruger P95, even with a broken decocker spring which Ruger replaced for free

11-28-2018, 07:30 AM
I forgot to add my Ruger LCP gen 1 as a good gun.

It has well over 1000 rounds through it of all different kinds of ammo and the only failures it has ever had was ammo issues with one batch of Independence Ammo .380 that had a weird case rim and would fail to extract every round.

11-28-2018, 12:40 PM
Out of all of the firearms I have owned over the years, which has been at least 40 handguns including HK, Sig, S&W, Ruger, Beretta, the only one to fail me was my MK9.

11-28-2018, 12:49 PM
With over 1500 rounds each my T-9 and Ruger P-345 have never failed. Love shooting them both.
My Sig Mosquito seems like it fails much of the time. It is a pain to shoot.

11-28-2018, 03:32 PM
HK ; USPc, USP, P2000sk, P7M8, P7psp.
Kahr; T9, (seven other have had failures)
Beretta; 92fs, 84f, 85fs, 70S, Pico
Daewoo; DP40, DH380, DP52
Canik TP9sfx
Astra; Constable 380, Constable .22lr
Sig; P230-32-B
Walther; TPH 25 and .22, PPS, P99c
Colt; Woodsman MT
Smith & Wesson; 908
Seecamp; LWS32

All of the above have proven 100% reliable.

Some have had only a few hundred rounds. Most are into many thousands of rounds. Even the Seecamp was near 2000 rounds. I've owned about thirty other guns that had at least one mishap. Most disappointing are the seven Kahrs that had from only one or a few failures to others that had scores of failures. One Kahr had a broken trigger bar, others broke followers and the rest had feed, extraction or light strikes. Kahr as made me a HK or Beretta fan boy. Too bad because I like the guns, (obviously), but can't count on their reliability.

11-28-2018, 06:17 PM
After 50 some years and a whole of pistols, enumerating would require way too much thought. So I'll just say only a very few of mine have failed.

11-28-2018, 07:58 PM
I'm with Itxi, easier to list the bad ones.
I had a 2004 Kimber Gold Match II, external extractor, that was a jam-o-matic. Never got a whole mag to run. Sent it back to Kimber twice, no joy. Third time they replaced the slide with an internal extractor model. Ran 156 rounds through it without a hiccup, seems okay now, still won't carry it.

Had a Glock 41, every time you fired it the magazines would fall out. Back to the mother ship. Supposed to have been fixed, never tested to see, traded it on a CZ. No more issues. When my dad passed away, he left me a Jennings 22 Auto, piece of junk. I kept it, but never take it out of the safe.

11-29-2018, 10:02 AM
HK USP, any variant or caliber, is bombproof.
Actually all my Hk handguns have performed outstanding.
I own older Sig guns.
W German P220 45, folded slide P220 45 and P239 357 - all have never ever not worked perfectly...

My Kahr MK40 Elite has around 3K the pipe.
There was an extensive 400 round break in period that I didn't enjoy.
But after that the SS Jewell has been flawless.

I've got others, too many to count.
Lots of good guns out there.

I'll add for the 1911 folks DW V-Bob Rules - :cool:

11-29-2018, 10:34 AM
That V-bob makes me really want one badly.

11-29-2018, 11:44 AM
That V-bob makes me really want one badly.

Get one, you will not be disappointed :cool:

11-29-2018, 08:19 PM
I don't count rounds, but nearly all listed below are in the multiple hundreds and all were 100%.

All HK's USP 40, 45C, Compact USP45

All SIG's C3 1911, P225, P220, P6

All Kahrs PM45, two PM9's, CM45, two CW45's CW40, MK40

All S&W's Various Third Gen metal Semi's, M&P Compact 45

Ruger LCP

1911's Two SA's, plus the mentioned SIG C3

Browning Three High Power 9mm's

Tokerev 9mm

Hi Point 9mm and 45 Carbines

SA XD 45

And most certainly several more I've forgotten

Failed but now work

Kimber Ultra Carry II - Faulty Standard Mag, Detonics Combat Master - new recoil springs and mags, STI Escort - new barrel - chamber too tight

Failed, never worked and discarded Taurus 24/7 45, Two Kel-tecs

There were more bad ones that I have tried successfully to forget.

11-30-2018, 08:16 AM
Colt Python!!!!!!

11-30-2018, 08:44 AM
Colt Python!!!!!!

I had a 4 inch Colt King Cobra one time and if the .357 round didn’t get the BG the fireball would. That thing was fun to shoot around dusk just for the visual effect.

11-30-2018, 10:28 AM
German Sig 226 bought in 1986.....I don't know the round count because I wasn't very pistol savvy then.
CZ Sp 01 tactical 9,331 rounds
Kahr pm9 4,221 rounds
Springfield Xdm 5.25. 45 1,595 this is normally my nightstand gun.
There are others, but the 4 listed are the most impressive.

11-30-2018, 10:54 AM
I've been very fortunate in that I've had very few malfunctions with any guns I've ever owned or currently own.
The few that had a failure usually failed when somebody else was shooting it.
I'm into old guns and even those for the most part always work. A few needed a spring or a tweak etc but then they run.

11-30-2018, 12:39 PM
After break-in on new guns or repairs to used guns, any malfunctions I have are due to ammo issues. The trick is to keep them well maintained, lubricated, and use quality ammo!

11-30-2018, 09:40 PM
Beretta PX4 40 cal Aprox. 3000 rnds. No failures of any kind.
CZ 85 Aprox. 2000 rnds. No failures since putting extra power extractor spring in it after the first 100 rnds.
Springfield XDS 9mm No failures but only about 500 rnds.
HK VP-9 No failures but only about 400 rnds.

King Rat
12-09-2018, 05:22 AM
I never did round count before owning the Pico and the Beretta Nano. Both have never failed. I stopped counting the Pico flawless rounds at 2500. Actually I own two of them and both flawless. I bought the Nano in 2018 and in August finished shooting 5,000 rounds of flawless rounds down range with about 8 different ammunition's from 110gr to 147. and various Plus P ammo. Stopped counting at the 5.000 mark and still running perfect. My other guns I own, about 15 all seem to run well with most quality range ammo. However it is something that I never focused on at the range and never paid much attention to a bad round. I have had 4 Ruger LCP's, some would shoot just about anything, some were picky. No big deal to find out what they liked. The only problem with them, was the fact they would fall apart after any substantial ammo was fired through them. My CW380 is finicky, but I really like the gun and finding what ammo out it churns out on a regular basis is NOT a big deal to me. I did have some issues when brand new, but I worked them out and the gun is a fine shooter.

I also believe the quality of the magazines has a lot to do with flawless shooting or reliable shooting of any particular firearm. And for all magazines, I load them up to full capacity and let the Spring "Set" for a few days.Same with Recoil springs. Do not know if there is fact behind this, but works for me and all my guns shoot well. Keep them cleaned and maintained seems to be a must for many guns. Especially firing pin and striker channels. I did have some failures with other guns when I used a new oil that really fouled them up. I also use a sonic cleaner about every 5th shooting session and blow out the channels really well. Also make sure the extractors are well cleaned.

12-09-2018, 07:46 AM
I never did round count before owning the Pico and the Beretta Nano. Both have never failed. I stopped counting the Pico flawless rounds at 2500. Actually I own two of them and both flawless. I bought the Nano in 2018 and in August finished shooting 5,000 rounds of flawless rounds down range with about 8 different ammunition's from 110gr to 147. and various Plus P ammo. Stopped counting at the 5.000 mark and still running perfect. My other guns I own, about 15 all seem to run well with most quality range ammo. However it is something that I never focused on at the range and never paid much attention to a bad round. I have had 4 Ruger LCP's, some would shoot just about anything, some were picky. No big deal to find out what they liked. The only problem with them, was the fact they would fall apart after any substantial ammo was fired through them. My CW380 is finicky, but I really like the gun and finding what ammo out it churns out on a regular basis is NOT a big deal to me. I did have some issues when brand new, but I worked them out and the gun is a fine shooter.

I also believe the quality of the magazines has a lot to do with flawless shooting or reliable shooting of any particular firearm. And for all magazines, I load them up to full capacity and let the Spring "Set" for a few days.Same with Recoil springs. Do not know if there is fact behind this, but works for me and all my guns shoot well. Keep them cleaned and maintained seems to be a must for many guns. Especially firing pin and striker channels. I did have some failures with other guns when I used a new oil that really fouled them up. I also use a sonic cleaner about every 5th shooting session and blow out the channels really well. Also make sure the extractors are well cleaned.

Thats good to hear that your Nano works well. I had one I bought when they first came out for $375 and it never was reliable, it had fail to extract problems with all ammo that wouldn’t go away. I liked the gun and shot it well but had to let it go. After Beretta denying there was an issue I think they came out with a new extractor design sometime later.

12-09-2018, 06:23 PM
Thats good to hear that your Nano works well. I had one I bought when they first came out for $375 and it never was reliable, it had fail to extract problems with all ammo that wouldnÂ’t go away. I liked the gun and shot it well but had to let it go. After Beretta denying there was an issue I think they came out with a new extractor design sometime later.
That mirrors my experience exactly. I put about 900 rounds down the pipe in my Nano and it would still fail to eject on occasion, always resulting in a double feed.
I liked it otherwise, so it's good to read that King Rat's works reliably.