View Full Version : P380 Ownership Review – 2nd Year

Ray C
01-03-2019, 04:06 PM
Since my last range report in March 2017, I was only able to get out to a range twice last year. My P380 sat for 16 months until shooting qualification for a CCW permit, and I’d like to mention that it performed well with only a couple of failure to feeds during one handed shooting. That was with zero cleaning and re-lubrication between range trips.

Now as an everyday carry, I took it out to the range four months afterwards to test out a box of Hornady FTX Critical Defense. Before shooting it, I shot four magazines of Federal American Eagle FMJ, which ran perfectly through my gun from day one. When I switched to the Hornady, I ended up with two failures to feed, and at least half of the box of 25 failed to return to battery. Switching back to the Federal FMJ rounds, it performed perfectly with no issues.

Also during these last two range trips, I was able to test out the MagGuts for one of my stock 7 round magazines. I had already converted my stock 6 round magazines. The 7 round appeared to work just as well, so I’ve decided to convert the rest.

For the next trip, I plan to try out stainless steel guide rod that I bought second hand with some magazines and a holster some time ago. I’m also considering purchase of the Lakeline Striker for increased reliability.

Overall, I’m enjoying the convenience of being able to pocket carry the P380. I find that it fits the best in jeans, and it also works well in khaki shorts. In my dress pants, it doesn’t feel as secure for pocket carry, possibly due to the lighter material. The same goes for gym shorts or similar type fabrics. I imagine that an IWB holster would work better for those articles of clothing.

01-10-2019, 08:07 AM
I would try going back to stock magazine springs and see if the issue of FTF continues. If it does, i would contact Kahr

01-10-2019, 08:41 AM
It's most likely an issue with the extractor...check this out:


01-10-2019, 09:22 AM
Thanks for including the magguts info. I’ve been pondering getting it for a couple of my carry guns. Most of the reviews you see are positive on magguts.

01-10-2019, 11:12 AM
While I do believe the radiusing of the extractor hook to be excellent modification and a must, I also believe the excessive tension of the extractor to be the biggest problem.


It's most likely an issue with the extractor...

01-10-2019, 11:58 AM
While I do believe the radiusing of the extractor hook to be excellent modification and a must, I also believe the excessive tension of the extractor to be the biggest problem.


Agreed 100%

01-10-2019, 02:06 PM
I installed a Lakeline striker in both my CW & CT380's along with MagGuts in all the mags for both pistols. I have also checked and reduced the extractor tension in all 3 of my current Kahrs, CW380, CT380 & CM9. All 3 were excessively high.

Also during these last two range trips, I was able to test out the MagGuts for one of my stock 7 round magazines. I had already converted my stock 6 round magazines. The 7 round appeared to work just as well, so I’ve decided to convert the rest.

For the next trip, I plan to try out stainless steel guide rod that I bought second hand with some magazines and a holster some time ago. I’m also considering purchase of the Lakeline Striker for increased reliability.

Ray C
01-22-2019, 02:18 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. After watching the linked video and reading the linked thread, it does look like the extractor tension on my P380 is likely the cause of my issues.

In the interim before I can get to the extractor, I tried a small box of Federal 99gr HST and Federal 90gr hollow point ammo. Both feed with no issues. The 99g HST also had a significantly bigger kick to it compared to Federal FMJ.

01-25-2019, 08:07 PM
FWIW, my P380 has been 100%...until today.

I started with a box of Blazer FMJ, and it was perfect for about 40 rounds.

Went to to Hornady XTP, and I got several FTF in a single box. Switched over to Underwood XTP +P, and it was again flawless.

I'm thinking my P380 just doesn't like the Hornady rounds, but I'll need another range day just to make sure.

But it doesn't surprise me that a gun this small with tolerances this tight is ammo-sensitive. And what works for one may not work for another. (Mine has loved the Critical Defense rounds.)

p.s. Edited to add that I also had to shave down the guide rod pocket in my frame when I got home from the range, as the polymer has apparently developed some obstructions (I had a tough time even getting the gun apart). I had to do this with my PM9 and one of my CW380s, so the process was a familiar one. Funny though, I've never had to do this with any of my polymer guns from other manufacturers.

04-05-2020, 09:22 AM
FWIW, my P380 has been 100%...until today.

I started with a box of Blazer FMJ, and it was perfect for about 40 rounds.

Went to to Hornady XTP, and I got several FTF in a single box. Switched over to Underwood XTP +P, and it was again flawless.

I'm thinking my P380 just doesn't like the Hornady rounds, but I'll need another range day just to make sure.

But it doesn't surprise me that a gun this small with tolerances this tight is ammo-sensitive. And what works for one may not work for another. (Mine has loved the Critical Defense rounds.)

p.s. Edited to add that I also had to shave down the guide rod pocket in my frame when I got home from the range, as the polymer has apparently developed some obstructions (I had a tough time even getting the gun apart). I had to do this with my PM9 and one of my CW380s, so the process was a familiar one. Funny though, I've never had to do this with any of my polymer guns from other manufacturers.
Can you please go in to more detail, on what you did with the guide rod?
My CW380 ran perfect, for the 200 round break in, with the exception of Fiocchi. When I got home, I field stripped it for cleaning, and when I checked extractor tension(Which I always do with every pistol) I couldn't believe it fed anything at all. I sent it to Kahr, and when I got it back, extractor clearance/tension was perfect. I took it to range, ran at least 100 rounds of various ammunition through it, and it was perfect, so I started carrying it. One day, I was at the range, and decided it was time to dump the ammo that was in the magazine (Hornaday, with XTP bullets) I had FTF for the first 4 shots, like the slide wasn't going back far enough. If I pulled the slide back, it would feed the next round. I tried 6 or 7 different types of ammunition, and the same thing. I took it apart to check for something binding it up, but couldn't find anything, so I sent it back to Kahr. They did something with re=fitting the slide stop, and replaced one magazine spring. It's better, but refuses to run anything with a flat nose, and is also finicky with Hornady ammo regardless if it has the XTP bullet, or the FTX bullet.
I generally run Mobile 1 as a lubricant, but it SEEMS to be a little more reliable with FP10
Anyone have any ideas?