View Full Version : New Hogue Grips Available

01-31-2019, 06:25 AM
I’ve got a Hogue grip for my AR and I love it. Hogue has made a business of making terrific grips for all kinds of guns, and their latest offering solves a problem for guns without interchangeable grips.

https://gastatic.com/digest/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/22550190_1570490806320838_593103257587337990_o-1024x679.jpg (https://gastatic.com/digest/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/22550190_1570490806320838_593103257587337990_o-e1548884298865.jpg)Hogue’s new Beavertail Grip Sleeve is a great option for pistols without interchangeable grip panels. Plus, it comes in colors. Photo from Hogue.

The new Beavertail Grip Sleeves (https://www.hogueinc.com/) slide over your pistol’s existing grip and cover it all the way up the beavertail for a positive purchase on the whole thing. It’s ideal for compact and sub-compact guns. It’s made of a long-lasting durable thermoplastic elastomer compound which they boast isn’t too tacky for carrying and won’t harden or crack with age. Its subtle softness provides a little comfort from recoil, too. Plus, it comes in 6 different colors.

https://gastatic.com/digest/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Hogue-1-2-1024x772.jpg (https://gastatic.com/digest/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Hogue-1-2.jpg)Although pictured for the Security 9, the Beavertail Grip Sleeve is available for many compact guns.

At just $9.95-$10.95, it’s a terrific option for guns with molded grips that can’t be changed. You can order Beavertail Grip Sleeves (https://www.hogueinc.com/) from Hogue or find it at your favorite retailer.

https://gastatic.com/digest/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/50626238_2165297663506813_7507995616757153792_o-1024x768.jpg (https://gastatic.com/digest/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/50626238_2165297663506813_7507995616757153792_o-e1548884579891.jpg)Hogue has many of the sub-compact guns covered, but they’ve also released the Beavertail Grip Sleeve for the Glock 17. Photo from Hogue.

The Beavertail Grip Sleeve is available for the following guns:

Glock: 26,27,42,43
Kahr: P9, P40, CW9, CW40
Ruger: LC9, LCP II, Security 9
Sig Sauer: P320 Full Size
Smith & Wesson: M&P Bodyguard 380, M&P Sheild 9mm, .40, and 45
Taurus: Spectrum, TCP


01-31-2019, 04:52 PM
They look nice. I prefer fingerless myself. Nice looking grip on the Glock. Pachmayr Tactical glove for the Kahr. Limbsaver for the HK.