View Full Version : CW380 will not break in.

01-31-2019, 11:34 AM
I have e mailed Kahr tech div and asked them for any assistance they can provide. Would like to hear from others in here. My CW380 I bought in July of 2017 will not "break in" for nothing. I have close to 1000 rds thru it and it is so tight I can barley retract the slide to lock it back into open position to release the slide lock for ammo insertion in the chamber. My CM9 was no problem at all. The 200 ...recommended break in did nothing...at 500 zip and now like I said almost 1000 rds...(failure free and very accurate rds I might add) it is still like brand new. Any suggestions???

01-31-2019, 12:09 PM
Failure free and accurate sounds broken in to me. The little buggers are tight though.

01-31-2019, 05:53 PM
As skiflydive says, your gun IS successfully broken in if it shoots, ejects and feeds properly. The CW380 is always going to be hard to rack, but that's the price this design demands for such a small pistol. I think you need to shoot the CW380 regularly enough that you are confident that you can do a reload without struggling (IF you carry a spare mag). Basically, your technique needs to break in, because the gun isn't going to get any easier to rack.

01-31-2019, 07:10 PM
Showed my P380 to a few ol'timers at the club when I first got it. They wanted one until they found that they couldn't rack it or lock the slide back.

02-01-2019, 06:31 AM
As skiflydive says, your gun IS successfully broken in if it shoots, ejects and feeds properly. The CW380 is always going to be hard to rack, but that's the price this design demands for such a small pistol. I think you need to shoot the CW380 regularly enough that you are confident that you can do a reload without struggling (IF you carry a spare mag). Basically, your technique needs to break in, because the gun isn't going to get any easier to rack.

True. You’ll get there. Im pretty old but through practice and adjusting grip it’s not difficult now. Still hard right after replacing the recoil springs.

As a work-around, try inserting an empty mag. If you can get the slide back, it will lock open by itself.

02-01-2019, 07:25 AM
Mine is tight also but here’s a possible suggestion. Order another recoil spring and shoot a couple of boxes of ammo with it so it loosens up. Then start clipping 1/4 coil at a time from the spring and trying it out. I’d be careful though because it may induce some fail to return to battery issues.

Just a thought...

02-01-2019, 10:31 AM
I know some people who use the Handi-Racker. I know it's not optimal because you won't carry it around with you at all times, but they charge their pistols before they carry.


02-01-2019, 03:34 PM
I own the green Handi-Racker, and bought it so my wife could easily rack the CT380 I bought for her. The Handi-Racker works very well.

However, I no longer need the Handi-Racker, as someone wanted that CT380 more than my wife did, and bought it from me.

So, Mike_usn_ret, if you want it, it’s yours. Feel free to PM me with a shipping address.


02-01-2019, 04:20 PM
I'm kind of tearing up here a bit, some mighty nice gestures going on around here lately. Part of what makes Kahrtalk a winner.

Mike, if you need a wingman to help fight off evil and threats to our American way of life, I'm your guy. Just avoid stairs, uphill grades, and other unfavorable obstacles and I'll be right there with ya.

Dang, hope you don't live in the frozen wasteland of the NE right now, can't handle the cold too good. We're suppose to get our first white stuff late Saturday and Sunday, might be a long weekend for bawanna unless I got to drive to Mike's place to fight neer do wells.

02-01-2019, 06:50 PM
I own the green Handi-Racker, and bought it so my wife could easily rack the CT380 I bought for her. The Handi-Racker works very well.

However, I no longer need the Handi-Racker, as someone wanted that CT380 more than my wife did, and bought it from me.

So, Mike_usn_ret, if you want it, it’s yours. Feel free to PM me with a shipping address.


TY for you very kind offer, but I tried one and my wife still did not like using it. I do not carry or fire the gun often and like I said it functions fine except for the manual racking is so difficult. Another thing to all the suggestions is ty, but you do not have any idea how difficult this gun is. I have shot and taken down other CW380s, .... part of the reason I bought one and never had this problem with anyone of them.....trust me, this gun is unique in difficulty.

02-01-2019, 07:31 PM
Sounds like a trip back to Kahr might be in order. I didn't know you'd played with others and had something to compare to.

It almost has to be springs but might be worth having them take a look at it.

02-02-2019, 10:08 AM
Well I have e mailed Kahr and ironically after posting in another thread how satisfied I was with Kahr dealing with my CM9 trigger reset issue, have yet to receive any response from Kahr CS.

Wed Jan 30, 2019

I have a CW380 I bought in July of 2017 and it will not “break in” for nothing. I bought it for my wife originally but when new she could not rack it so I said I would break it in and I bought her a . 32 revolver. Well to make a long story short…I have shot nearly 1000 rds thru the gun and I can still barely manually rack the thing. It performs great…accurate perfect size, but I can just barley pull the slide back and lock it to install a mag and release the slide lock to load a rd in the chamber. I am not a small or weak man…no problems with any other semi I own…and that includes my favorite…a CM9. Sure would like some suggestions on how to get this little gem broken it

02-02-2019, 11:06 AM
See if the owner of the CW380 that you shot and tore down will let you switch out the springs as a test. It could be that the spring it was delivered with was wrong.

02-02-2019, 11:14 AM
See if the owner of the CW380 that you shot and tore down will let you switch out the springs as a test. It could be that the spring it was delivered with was wrong.

Now that is a great idea!!...ty Not sure what other spring in any Kahr firearm would fit, but will try the switch

02-02-2019, 02:53 PM
Now that is a great idea!!...ty Not sure what other spring in any Kahr firearm would fit, but will try the switch

Possibly the spring for a CT380?

02-03-2019, 03:02 PM
Mike_usn_ret, I just switched out my P380 recoil springs. The springs have 900 rounds on them, which is when my P380 becomes much easier to rack, but also when it sometimes doesn’t chamber range ammo the last 1/16”, due the springs weakening. It would be interesting to learn if those springs will make it easier to rack the slide on yours, and if they do, if your gun will cycle perfectly every time. If you are interested, I’ll send them to you.


02-03-2019, 06:46 PM
Thanks Wlfman..... I did do the switch out on the springs today with a friends CW380. It is much better, not as easy as his, but at least I do not strip my gears racking it. Now for the kicker....switching the springs to my friends CW380 made his tougher but still was able to rack with nowhere near the effort it takes with those springs in my gun. Also the top of the barrel (square part with the 9mm on it) seems to be dragging on my gun. I always put a drop of oil on that area when I clean the gun...put some white grease on it today. Tomorrow is another day at the range with it using my friends springs. Sure glad my CM9 not a problem child. ARGGGGGGGGGGGG...lol

02-03-2019, 07:16 PM
Post a picture of that barrel hood. I wonder if it isn't peening, hanging up and making it hard to rack.

02-04-2019, 03:44 PM
15891 Did some polishing and slight filing to get a smoother surface. It did help a little. Bought some ammo and will go back to range tomorrow. At least now I can get the slide back and locked with out a circus strongman, boy scout troop and a couple dozen Navy Seals helping me.

02-04-2019, 04:13 PM
Filing? Was there a burr at the top of the barrel hood, I can see the top of the barrel hood in your picture, looks fine now, how much did you have to take off to make it smooth?

02-04-2019, 04:25 PM
The hood was not real bad but the barrel was scraping on it more than it should. The back arrow is the area that was really sharp and seemed to hang up. That is the area I actually filed. I compared it to my friends slide in the area. Like I said it is at least able to lock the slide back now a lot easier.

02-04-2019, 04:51 PM
Usually that area has a corresponding rough area on top of the barrel hood, so it must not have been too terrible bad. Certainly enough to cause you grief but you could very well have it cured. Shooting a few more rounds might loosen things up a bit more.

We'll keep our fingers crossed for ya.

02-04-2019, 08:34 PM
Anything that slides against something on my CW380 gets grease, not oil. I had a bit of very minor gauling on my barrel hood and polished it out and continue to grease. The gauling has not returned.

02-05-2019, 04:00 PM
Between trip to chemo for wife and followup for partial colon removal for myself, I got to only put 30 rds thru the CW380 today. Still tight, but functions 4.0 and is accurate.....that is what counts I guess. Loaded with PowRBall ammo, and put in a safe space.

02-08-2019, 07:33 PM
Actually got an E-Mail from Kahr today. Sent me a label for shipping back to them for an inspection. Said that many rds thru, they need to inspect to see what is the problem causing the near impossible racking. Real nice about it. I know many think I am just looking for problems...in reality I like the gun ....a lot . Just can not rely on it as a CCW if it jammed I could not clear it.

02-08-2019, 08:03 PM
That’s really good. Keep us posted when it comes back.

02-25-2019, 06:39 PM
Just received an e mail...shipped back to me today, will have it Wed afternoon. No details on what they did. Two week turnaround is pretty good I would say.

02-26-2019, 05:55 AM
When I sent mine back, they kept it a day and replaced the barrel and all springs. Runs like a top now.

02-27-2019, 03:49 PM
Got the CW380 back today. Work order said they replaced the extractor and a mag spring. Is the same with all 3 mags. How that relates to the slide being very hard to rack beats me. Slightly better to rack.?...nope. Oh well it shoots well and will not be a CCW to worry about clearing a jam, so that is that.

03-02-2019, 08:35 PM
New poster. Hi!

I purchased a new Black cerakote cw380 and when I first brought it home it was so tight that I almost was not able to rack the slide. It was not only tight, but kind-of felt sticky too.

After a few test racks, I decided to take it apart clean and lube all the parts and while I was in there, I also took some 200 grit sandpaper and smoothed out some of the friction surfaces. After I fired 100 rounds for my first break in session, the slide is much easier to rack but still takes a fair amount of effort. I find that pushing the lower while holding the slide is easier than holding the lower and pulling the slide.

Today, I emailed Kahr for my own issues, but I'll start a new thread for that.

03-04-2019, 03:15 PM
Got the CW380 back today. Work order said they replaced the extractor and a mag spring. Is the same with all 3 mags. How that relates to the slide being very hard to rack beats me. Slightly better to rack.?...nope. Oh well it shoots well and will not be a CCW to worry about clearing a jam, so that is that.

Strange. Just can't help thinking there's something wrong with the recoil springs, like at least one of them is for a bigger gun or something. Of course when they're brand new or just replaced, the springs are a bear. But they do get easier after just a couple of range trips. Its too bad because the whole point of these little guys is their convenience for every day carry.

03-04-2019, 06:26 PM
I thought they would replace the springs also. I am not a firearms repair expert, but replacing the extractor and a mag spring ( Actually read it wrong...said they replaced a mag) does't fly for me to see that as being any kind of repair action for this problem. It gets better though...looking at the mags...neither of the two mags are new, and the springs are not new also. I think I might just buy new recoil springs and start over.....you are right it is to good of a cc firearm to not have it dependable for such. Just so glad I bought my CM9 though.

03-08-2019, 07:18 PM
Took the CZ P-07 out to the range today...enjoy shooting it a lot. Also took the CW380 with me. I have had the slide locked open for the past few days. Shot a box of cheap Estate ammo and actually ( of course zero problems) seems to be better operating the slide. Never ceases to impress me how accurate that little gun is.

03-17-2019, 07:28 AM
That was a big help for mine too. I left it locked open in the safe for a few days and racked it while I watched tv at night. It's still a stiff slide but much more usable now. Mine has about 700 rounds through it and it's still stiffer than other guns but much better than new.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

03-17-2019, 12:15 PM
That was a big help for mine too. I left it locked open in the safe for a few days and racked it while I watched tv at night. It's still a stiff slide but much more usable now. Mine has about 700 rounds through it and it's still stiffer than other guns but much better than new.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

Was going to the range with mine today, but slight drizzle and not so warm weather is putting it off till tomorrow. Racking the slide when I am watching TV is helping...lol...by time it is broken in the springs will need replaced!!!

04-01-2019, 06:20 AM
New poster. Hi!

I purchased a new Black cerakote cw380 and when I first brought it home it was so tight that I almost was not able to rack the slide. It was not only tight, but kind-of felt sticky too.

After a few test racks, I decided to take it apart clean and lube all the parts and while I was in there, I also took some 200 grit sandpaper and smoothed out some of the friction surfaces. After I fired 100 rounds for my first break in session, the slide is much easier to rack but still takes a fair amount of effort. I find that pushing the lower while holding the slide is easier than holding the lower and pulling the slide.

Today, I emailed Kahr for my own issues, but I'll start a new thread for that.

Pushing the lower rather than pulling the slide is a technique suggested by an old-timer at the Seecamp forum for those having trouble racking their slides. If you hold your hand that's grasping the slide tightly to your chest while pushing forward on the lower it helps a great deal. I think most people can exert more pressure in this manner.

04-01-2019, 09:04 AM
Mine is tucked away in one of the hiding places in the home. Emergency go to gun if all else fails. I'll take it to the range once a month to just keep it happy, but not a rotation EDC gun.

04-02-2019, 06:28 AM
Mine is tucked away in one of the hiding places in the home. Emergency go to gun if all else fails. I'll take it to the range once a month to just keep it happy, but not a rotation EDC gun.

That's a good plan to have several guns strategically placed in your home...I'm never more than 20 feet or so away from one at my place. That's too bad about your .380, since IMO they're a fine carry gun. My CW380 has become my favorite EDC, beating out my Seecamp and RM380.

04-02-2019, 10:57 AM
That's a good plan to have several guns strategically placed in your home...I'm never more than 20 feet or so away from one at my place. That's too bad about your .380, since IMO they're a fine carry gun. My CW380 has become my favorite EDC, beating out my Seecamp and RM380.

I have bought several other handguns for EDC, but my CM9 still is my favorite. I like DA/SA firearms more, but even so, my CM9 wins over all of them for my MOST OFTEN carried gun.