View Full Version : Modifying slide release

02-04-2019, 04:51 PM
I don't like how sharp the corners of the slide release levers are on my Kahrs, particularly the smaller ones. If I shoot much I get a very minor cut on the side of my thumb. I am thinking of getting a couple replacement slide release levers and rounding them with a dremel. Wondering if anyone might have any tips or suggestions before I do this. I intend to keep the originals intact in case I mess up or want to put the guns back to original condition.

02-04-2019, 05:57 PM
I haven’t done it yet but I’ve seen it done on here often. Take your trusty Dremel and round it smooth. You’ll be glad you did.

I think Bawana did his that way.

02-04-2019, 06:06 PM
Yup, dremel or file, whatever. I really dehorned mine. Almost too much, made it challenging to operate. I ordered a replacement and haven't got around to dehorning it yet. I won't go quite as much this time. Actually it doesn't seem to bother me as is for some reason.

02-04-2019, 06:54 PM
All it takes is a fine file or sandpaper used to "break" the sharp edges, no more cuts :biggrin1::yo:

02-05-2019, 05:00 PM
Thanks. Sounds like there are no issues other than not going to far. Perhaps I will file the corners first and then decide, but I kid of like the idea of a bit more rounded lower rear edge. I figure I need to stay away from the top edge to maintain the usability. if anyone wants to put up pictures of what they think is "right" or too much, I would love a visual before I start. Probably will do the PM9 first and then go after the P380.

02-05-2019, 05:43 PM
Thanks. Sounds like there are no issues other than not going to far. Perhaps I will file the corners first and then decide, but I kid of like the idea of a bit more rounded lower rear edge. I figure I need to stay away from the top edge to maintain the usability. if anyone wants to put up pictures of what they think is "right" or too much, I would love a visual before I start. Probably will do the PM9 first and then go after the P380.

02-06-2019, 04:46 PM
Thanks for the link. I should have done a search myself. Looks like exactly what I want to do, although perhaps I will start out just taking the point of the edge and see how that does. I don't have the ability to bead blast, so I guess I will end up with shiny edges